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Post by beowuuf »

"Good," says Ssssil nervously to the elf, looking to Hasssta and saddened that the older lizar can hear nothing different. Ssssil communicated, very brokenly and worried that he has understood what is going on, to the elf, tailing off at the end. He looks to the canine instead - obviously the brains of the group - to ensure what he's communicated has been understood.

Sssssil knows he'll miss the charm when it has gone, unavailable until the evening, but for now it feels like a burden. On the other hand, the coin soudns liek a thoughtful gift from Jassk, and Ssssil respectfully - and not out loud - disagrees with the cleric regarding its value. He has no doubt it will work when needed. A very useful thing in the wild, when sometimes water is a tricky prospect to collect. Clean water, at least.

Still, Ssssil bows his thanks and half-heartedly invokes the name of Makanassht to the cleric.

Seeing the bustle, and aware of the number of wagons ahead of theirs and the fact he is now being paid to help, the lizar goes lookign for Hasssta again to offer his aid. He does hope it is not to interract with the other travellers, for he does not really know what to discuss with them andwhat not to.

Thoguh I assume he will!
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Westian nods and smiles again. Sssil notices that these mammals smile a lot. Perhaps he should try doing it, although as the elf has fleshy pink lips, Sssil might look odd if he tried. "Tell him that is acceptable." Westian says, as he opens a pouch and pulls out 4 gold coins of an odd make with sun-like rays to give to Hassta. The caravan yard owner takes the coins, examining them for a second before judging the gold content sufficent with a practiced hand and eye.

Hassta goes off to supervise the forming of the new caravan, and eventually Sssil finds him seated behind a table, apparently giving interviews to prospective guards Sssil asks what he can do to help, and Hassta nods in return. "So, you decided to take the guarding job? Good. I dont really have any need of you until 3rd bell, unless you are good with grahhssk. If you want, you can help Drakkika select the grahhssk for this journey, looking them over for injury and stamina. Since this is going to be a long trip, we will be using the larger wagons with the mud-runner attachments, as the roads leading to the human and elvish lands arent kept up as well. We usually only use female grahhssk for these type of journeys, as they are larger and stronger than males, although quite a bit more agressive. If you arent comfortable with the grahhssk, you are welcome to wander the city to amke sure you have everything you need, or go on a brief hunting trip into the swamp for meat. Juts be back by 3rd bell." he says.

Recognizing a dismissal when he sees one, Sssil walks back to the main loading area. Large wagons rae being pulled into the center of the yard from nearby warehouses. Sssil notices that they are a different make than the wagons of Thaliss' caravan. They are long and wide like a raft, but not very tall. Next to their huge wheels, wide wooden runners have been folded up against the bottom of their bodies. In the swamp, Sssil has seen these wagon's tracks, and also seen a few caravans floating easily through mud bogs that would mire a normal wagon.

Drakkika is in the grahhssk pen, and has lassoed a large grahhssk and tied it to a holding-stake. The creature is honking and shrieking angrily, but Drakkika nimbly dodges the half-hearted kicks, swatting the beast on the tip of its snout when it bends its neck down to snap at him. The surprised grahhssk then holds still and allows the boy to check its feet and feel along its back and body for health and injury.

"This one wont do," the boy lizar remarks when he sees Sssil watching him. "No wonder shes so aggressive. She has mated recently, and is bearing an egg. We can't have her wanting to nest and lay on the journey." He unties the grahhssk, and with a swat on the side, sends her running back to the main herd. Sssil notices that the boy has a way with animals, seeming to instincively understand their emotions and reactions, and able to divine their health with just a touch.

The tracker hears footsteps behind him, and turns to see Westian and Growlgra walk up. "That boy has the power of ihlliona . He will most likely be a druid, someday." the elf remarks. Obviously whatever power he had was not something known in the lands of Zaangaard, as the stone could not provide a translation.

The canine creature let out an odd chuffing sound and spoke, "The elf Westian might show jealousy perhaps? This one thinks that the elf wishes it had this power as well?" Sssil tries not to start upon hearing the beings' voice. It was very deep and raspy for such a small creature, with just an edge of a growl. He then turns to Sssil. "So, this one and it are to be a travelling pack, yes? This one looks forward to travelling with it. The elf and this one are going hunting, and the lizar is welcome to come."
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Post by beowuuf »

Ssssi shows all his teeth, and then not sure if he's done it correctly, covers by then biting one of the coins. He has no idea why people do it. Perhaps to show how valuable the gold is, as if good enough to eat, or worth its weight in food. He shows his teeth once more, and then moves off to give the coins to the old lizar.

Sssssil had almost decided that herding was not for him before he saw the troubles Drakkika had. The boy seemed to have it more than in hand, and Ssssil realised he'd only get in the way. Plus Hasssta had mentioned hunting. He was being given permission to enjoy himself before going guarding!

"You very good," said Ssssil to Drakkika encouragingly. Ssssil then asked the boy where he could put the pack of his tribe. He did not wish the valuables to be lost or damaged just before joining the wagon, and surely everyone else was trusting their own valuables to the wagon by now.

With that sorted, Ssssil took out Hissssa, to see if his friend wished to hunt one last time. He gave some hisses and clikcs. Even though his friend could read his mind and understand him perfectly, Ssssil liked ot speak to his friend in the snake language. Or as much as he could pick up, if there was even such a thing. Hissssa was no mere pet, after all.

It was while doing this Ssssil realised the two had approached him again. He felt a little downhearted at having his hunting plans interrupted, and more than a little amused that the pair would speak as if he would be carried along by them. If he understood their phrasing correctly. Still, if he was sharing a caravan with them, it might do well to get to know them so he knew better how to guard against their odd ways and save them from theemsleves. Besides, Ssssil was certainly not prideful. They might have techniques and methods he could learn from. It was the only way he had taught himself the finer points of his trackign skills, once his father's lessons had run their course of usefulness.

Ssssil nodded, and gave an agreeable hiss. He then bared his teeth again and did that odd doubling over that seemed customary to outsiders. He reaslied that the magical stone would run out soon, making him less bkle to communciate with the two of them. Still, chatting in the swamp was the surest way to loss focus, and worse have a predator home in on you. Best there was an added rxcuse for less communication.

Woohoo! Hunting trip!
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Post by raixel »

Drakkika grins at the compliment and says 'You can put your things over by Hassta's table. No one from the caravan will touch em there. You'll see a big pile of goods, and a box with a bunch of tags and a charcoal stick. Write your name, and that it isnt supposed to be loaded, but carried by you. It will be returned to you when the caravan leave."

Sssil follows the directions and finds what Drakkika was referring to. Indeed, next to this pile of fine woven reedcloth, thread-of-pearl, dyed oitu chitin, and other Zaangaardian trade goods, his pack would be swallowed up. He finds the box and charcoal, and tags his pack.

Walking abck to the mammals, he can see that the elf is examining an unstrung bow of a make Sssil has never seen before, testing the shaft for damage. I know Weestian doesn't use a bow, but it wouldnt make sense for him to hunt otherwise. Perhaps he knows how to use one to hunt, but not well enough for combat. Growlgra does not have a bow, but is instead fixing an odd greenish stone spearhead to a short pole. The spearhead is very long and narrow, and looks razor sharp. The two see Sssil, and the elf smiles. Sssil returns the gesture, but for some reason the smile falls from the elf's face.

Hisssa gets excited when he hears the concept of a hunt and climbs up Sssil's body, to coil comfortably around his neck. Upon seeing the venomous snake, both mammals shy away. "It it safe? Does it bite? It wont poison me, will it?" Westian asks fearfully. When Hisssa strectches out his neck to scent the two, instead of holding out a hand the way most lizar would do, the mammals back even further away. A sense of confusion registers in Sssil's mind, and Hisssa retracts his head to rest comfortably on Sssil's shoulder.

The two mammals relax when the snake is further away. "This one is anxious to provide meat for the pack." the dog-man says.

The three walk towards the city gates. "Oh, great. I remember having to come through here." says Westian as he looks at the mass of people being checked over by the city guards. "We'll be lucky if we can get out of the city by 3rd bell."

He must not know about the privelage of nobles to use the Noble's Gate, a small door set to the side of the main gates that is only opened for those of the familys of the Ten Houses, or their servants carrying out House duties. Although Sssil finds most aspects of being a noble uncomfortable, this is one privelage he is glad his scale-patterns let him use, as it allows him to get to his beloved swamp faster. The three walk to the Noble's Gate, and approach the guard there.

This lizar is wearing the orange-dyed oitu chitin armor that announces him as a member of the city guard and not of a House. He stands next to the mechanism that will open the gate, which although smaller than the main gate by far, is still large enough to take a small wagon through.

"Greetings sa'ssshin. You are of the Third House? Very good." he remarks as he looks Sssil over. He goes to turn the crank to open the door, but then stops. "Wait. You are travelling with these mammals? I am sorry, sa'ssshin, but I cannot allow the sanctity of the Nobles Gate to be polluted by non-lizar. Your companions will have to wait in the main gate line to leave."

Westian and Growlgra turn to Sssil, as if looking for advice. "What should we do?" the elf whispers.

K, so feel free to do whatever to try and get through the gate! Or don't. Tis your call. BTW the concept of Sssil "smiling" made me LOL.
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Post by beowuuf »

If there are tons of tags and charcoal, Ssssil will take maybe two without much thought. You never know when they would be useful, especially communicating with two creatures who he can't communicate with perfectly.

Ssssil greets the two, noting the elf's face fall. Ssssil immediately does the same, realising that this must be a subtle quirk of the greeting. (You know in the first episode of Lost when Locke grins with the orange peel in his mouth, and then looks downcast? Is so, it's like that with teeth, and will be all the time now.)

Ssssil notes the odd arrangement of weapons, and ensures his own are adjusted well. He cares for them all the time, so has no need to check them just now. Usually it would not matter and he would have checked again, but he decided to not do so in front of the two. Afetr all, they might come up against something dangerous, and need to follow Ssssil's instructions without hesitation. Best of he appears assured. Ssssil is glad that Hissssa is happy for the excursion too, a cranky friend would have been distraction that might also have made the mammals less assured of his command in the swap. Obviously, such command was an illusion. One needed to act fast and on instinct and hope it all worked out. The mammals needed to act as Ssssil said in place of that instinct, and not pause.

To the elf's question on Hissssa, Ssssil gave Hissssa a meaningful look, to ensure that even if the mammals accidentally touched him the wrong way, or stood on him without looking where they were going, he would not bite. Obviously, they were not used to such creatures where they came from. Ssssil turned back and gave the elf a reassuring shrug of the shoulder and another show of teeth then instant downcast expression.

Sssssil nods and hisses in greeting to the guard, and is therefore caught short by the challenge. He looks to the two mammals and nods as if not sure of the problem. Seeing that the guard is clearly serious, Ssssil shrugs and indicates for the group - himself included - to go and queue up. It would have been good to hunt in the wilds, but to be honest perhaps the press of people to distract the mammals might be good. Ssssil could just stand back for a few hours, and as the elf said, perhaps the 3rd bell would ring by that time, saving Ssssil further stress from trying to work out their strange ways.

I like playign Ssssil already. A lesser more intelligent/charismatic character would be bluffing his way passed, raising a stink, or passively gressively going off hoping to shame the guard, in some weird tactial thinking. Ssssil's all 'oh, ok then' *sad face*

If the guard won't be shamed by it, then I guess Sssssil is goign to be forced to interact wit hall the people around *and* have no distraction from the other two speaking to him. For now, he hasn't really thought it through...
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Post by raixel »

Sssil sees that there is plenty of tags and charcoal sticks, and helps himself to a few. You have 5 tags, about 3 inches on a side, with a reinforced hole in one end and a string for tying, and two charcoal sticks. They are simple pressed charcoal writing utensils, with paper wrapped around one end

Hisssa catches Sssil's look, and a definite feeling of amusement at the fact that the mammals are afraid of him comes through Sssil's mind, followed by a picture of the elf and Sssil out in the swamp. The elf reaches into his pack, and Hisssa's head pops out, causing the elf to shriek and run around waving his arms. The snake hisses a noise that Sssil knows is agreement. He most likely wont bite

Not expecting trouble at the gate, Sssil is taken aback and turns to leave. He feels the guards' eyes on him as he turns and walks away. He gets a few steps and then the guard calls "Wait, sa'ssshin. You were the one who stopped that out-of-control wagon about a bell ago, yes? Well, why diidnt you say something?!" The guard seems slightly embarrassed at his earlier refusal. "Come, I can let them through, although please don't let anyone know. I could still get in trouble."

The guard starts to turn the crank, and the gate begins to slide sideways on rollers into a recess in the city wall. "To get back in, use the door-knocker on the other side." he tells Sssil as the gate opens. "Good hunting, sa'sshin!"

The guard nods in respect as the three quickly pass through. As the gate slides shut behind them, the stale air of the city is replaced by the fresh air of the swamp. Hisssa raises his head and flicks his tongue rapidly, apparently enjoying the scent of the late morning. Sssil looks around, as the weight of his life seems to fall away. He is standing on a cobblestone pathway. The main road is to his left about 30 yards, and this road connects to it about 20 yards ahead of him. The vegitation has been cut back about 100 yards around the walls to keep invaders from being able to sneak up on the city, and Sssil can clearly see the stream of people going to and from the main gates. To his right, the city wall continues into the distance.

"This one will ask the lizar where to go, and follow its lead" says Growlgra. He not only has the shortspear with the odd stone head, but is also testing the edge of two odd, very long and thin throwing knives made out of a solid piece of the same green stone. Westian strings his bow and tests the pull. "Yes, I agree with Growlgra. As you are the local, we will follow your lead here." says the elf as he readies a small quiver of hunting arrows.

Sssil knows that if he angles to the right away from the wall, he will eventually encounter a small stream. Many game trails wind through this area, and Sssil has heaard that swamp-deer have been sighted there recently. This might be the best place to start looking. Another place that he knows of is down the main road about a half mile. At the place where the 'mother and son' rocks sit on the edge of the path A landmark often used by travellers. Ssil knows that it is a large rock that has fractured, so it looks like a big rock embracing a smaller rock. , if he was to leave the main road there and walk into the swamp at that point, many small prey animals have been known to live in this marshy area.

So, go ahead and do your tracker stuff. Roll me a perception and survival when you decide where to go, please, as well as any other rolls you think twould be useful. You have come out on the west side of the city, so right is north. The main road heads west from here towards the mentioned landmark, To go the other way mentioned, you would be heading NW. Or you could take off in any direction you want. Feel free to generally describe the swamp as you walk around, too.
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Post by beowuuf »

Sorry, ran out of time yesterday, will try to edit an IC post here over lunch!
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Ssssil was surprised and happy that the guard changed his mind, and nodded an assertion that he would not be telling anyone anything. And wondering why he would. Still, the strange city thinking and odd rules were left behind the moment he stepped out of the city walls. Hissssa was happier, which made Ssssil happy anyway. It was good to stretch the legs without worrying about breaking a rule or speaking to the wrong person.

Ssssil gave a grin to the small mammal, and pointed to the direction of the stream. The lizar wanted to get away from civilasation as quickly as possibly, and so breaking away from the road early seemed a good way to do that. He was not particularly careful about how he went about entering the clearly, and was very distracted by checking on the others. Still, he was happier tracking the prey than in catching just now. Tracking was fun. The kill, sometimes that was trickier. Especailly with the two mamalls around. He had hoped they might be the ones to take point, for he wished to observe their techniques. It was hard to lead and yet look back to see what they were doing, and also if they were alright. He started to regret coming along, rather than perhaps sneaking a different way and hunting by himself.

He relied on Hissssa, hoping his friend was less distracted, and could watch out for anything promising. Ssssil was sure he could track anything this close to the city due to his familiarity with all the wildlife. Just sometimes he needed a helpful hint as to a promising disturbance to get started. Ssssil was also distraced as he tried to get his mind working on the problem of exactly how to hunt with these two. He had limited time - only until the 3rd bell - and two unknown mammals. Ssssil tried to imagine the crests and swells of the region, thinking upon where was the least challenging directions off of the stream to trail. He did not wish to lose his companions to soft bogs underfoot nor loose tree falling. Nor exhaust them with climbs and slopes. Preferably, he needed a trail that looped back to the city after a decent run, that had short cuts. And of course, he walso tried to think of the variet of creatures than inhabitted the immediate area. Did he recall any dangerous predators that might take a shine to one of the 'safer' areas. Were there any places where the snakes and spiders he took for granted as avoidable dangers might catch his companions unawares?

Ok, so off to the streamhe goes, and then he's kinda planning a gentle walk geologically and one with few dangers from straying in to dangerous creature's lairs and territories. Hence the knowldege geography/nature cross over. Obviosuly, he got a decent survival roll, but a critically poor perception. Luckily, Hissssa got a much better one.

Move silently (+3=5), perception (+5=6, nat 1), survival (tracking if tracks seen) +19 tracking above ground = 28 , Knowledge (geography then nature) +5=12, +7=19 (1d20=2, 1d20=1, 1d20=9, 1d20=7, 1d20=12)

Hissssa rolls (perception +8 and wisdom +1 'survival' check for tracking by scent) 18 and 13. (1d20=10, 1d20=12)
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Post by raixel »

Sssil takes off in the direction of the stream, not wishing to deal with the crowds of people on the way to the 'mother and son' rocks. They cross the cut back area swiftly, and enter the more dense wilderness. Here, cypress trees grow along with blackbark, cottonwoods, and a few scattered birches and oaks. Vines and long strands of moss hang down, causing a curtain like effect. The ground is relatively bare here due to the height of trees, and the humidity is many times that found in the city. Sssil and Hissa find it comfortable, although Sssil notices that the elf appears to be shedding small droplets of water that run down the sides of his smooth cheeks. The ground grows muddier the further they go in, although Sssil knows in this area, unlike the area by the mother and son rocks, he will not have to worry about the ground bcoming an actual bog. Small bushes sprout up from the ground, and in areas the ground is covered in a thick layer of cottonwood cotton. God, I miss that stuff. The smell of it reminds me of where I grew up...

The lizar notices Growlgra appears to be at home in the wilderness, moving easily and swiftly through the thick plant life. Perhaps his worries about taking the mammals into the wilds appear to be unfounded. Then a loud 'crack' sounds from behind him. He turns to see Westian sitting on his ass in the mud, a broken piece of deadfall the elf apparently slipped on laying in front of him.
The elf stands up and ineffectually tries to brush the thick mud from his legs, his cheeks red for some reason.

"I am sorry," he says sheepishly. "In my home, the ground is not so slippery."

Growlgra makes an odd chuffing sound. "At least the elf does not have to worry now that the animals here will detect its scent. For the elf now smells like mud and swamp water. In the land of the packs, there is not so many trees. But this one finds all wilds similar." the bika remarks.

The three continue on, and Westain appears to finally get his swamp-legs. Sssil notices that unlike his own wide feet, or the bika's clawed feet, the elf's feet are thin and narrow with no noticable claws. Indeed, both Sssil's and Growlgra's foot coverings are designed for maximum traction, Sssil's boots have flexible, slightly sticky soles and are built to dry out quickly should they get wet, and the dog man appears to be wearing a pair of simple leather foot-wraps to protect his feet from stones while allowing his blunt claws to provide traction. In contrast, the elf's foot coverings appear to be thick leather with rigid soles, perfect for walking on rocks or in a dry environment, not so good for swamp walking. Perhaps Sssil should suggest for the elf to buy a pair of swamp boots when they get back.

Sssil gets a definite sense of amusement from Hisssa at the elf's stumble, and a mental image of a flat plain with one tree in it, that the elf walks right into. The snake is alert and definately happy to be out of the city, his head swaying this way and that, tongue scenting the air. As they move further from the city, the trees become thicker and thee are not so many small hunting and animal trails leading everywhere.

Sssil knows in this area there is the ocassional large predator, although they are still close enough to the city that he isnt expecting to see one. Crocodiles and alligators usually dont stray from the more marshy areas, and the more exotic creatures such as sailsnakes and their cousins, the couatls, stirges, and other predators usually arent found this close to the city. Large vermin such as spiders and insects are fairly common here, however, as well as roving packs of swamp-jackals. There are also poisonous snakes in the low lying areas, sunning themselves on rocks. Growlgra appears to be comfortable in the wilderness but Westian seems unfamiliar with some of the dangers he could face. Hisssa sends a tendril of agreement, as well as a feeling of alertness. The trail comes out at the stream up ahead, then Sssil knows that if he follows the stream a little ways, it winds gently back towards the city. It is mostly flat, without the rough hills and deep bogs of other trails.

Growlgra suddenly touches Sssil gently on the arm, and points wordlessly ahead. Sssil doesnt notice anything, as he was too busy worrying about the elf making noise and scaring away the game or getting into some other trouble, but Hisssa sends him a picture of the stream they were heading for, along with two male swamp-deer butting their tri-pointed horns together for the right to mate with the herd's females. The two walk quickly ahead, Westian trailing behind and doing his best to keep quiet and mimic the movements of the hunters. Ahead, Sssil finds a blackbark tree that has had its bark scraped off about 4 feet off the ground. A fuzz clings to the scraped area, and as Sssil examines it, he realizes it is the velvet covering of a young male swamp deer's horns. Hisssa stretches out his neck and scents the velvet, sending Sssil a picture of the sun as it looked a few bells ago. At least they are getting closer. A few yards ahead, there is a break in the trees as they come to the small stream. The ground here is churned up with many deer tracks, and Sssil sees fresh spoor on the ground.

The tracker peers around him, but doesnt see anything. He walks out to the tracks, and hears a crashing in the brush to the south east. He quickly turns, and sees a flash of red as the tail of a swamp deer disappears into the swamp.
Growlgra says "Aha! That looks li-bgra nathgrn wuf!" Blinking in confusion Sssil realizes that the stone is no longer buzzing aginst his throat when someone speaks. Its power must be drained until it recharges. But Growlgra at least seems to understand hunting hand signals, so at least he can understand concepts.

In the area where the deer crashed through the brush, Sssil finds broken branches as well as a clear trail of tracks in the mud. Following it, he comes to a small clearing, and sees that the straggler has rejoined its herd. There are 7 deer grazing i n the clearing. Two of them are adult males, probably the ones Growlgra heard fighting, their tri-branching horns rising up over their heads. One is a juvenile male, his still slightly velvety horns not having grown out beyond a half foot or sprouted points, and the others are does, two of which are obviously pregnant.

Sssil knows it is better to only take adult or juvenile males, not does. Especially not ones bearing young. But, the males are on the far side of the clearing from whee he is. Perhaps he could get Growlgra or himself to flush the deer towards the other two, or have everyone sneak around the clearing. Growlgra is watching him, and appears ready to confer if Sssil wants to discuss options.
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Post by beowuuf »

Cool personal touch about the cottonwood. Not really experienced anything ofd that nature! At best there's heather from the hills aorund. Though it's more the sea air and especially the sound of waves for me, since Aberdeen is a harbour and also has a nice(I think) beach.

Ssssil draws amusement form the ef's antics, and Hisssa's commentary on them, for as long as they are not close to any game. And Sssssil is glad that at least his little friend is watching out as the lizar gets mroe and more distracted. Ssssil tries to lose himself to the swamp. It begins by first placing his footsteps deliberately in to the places that seem safe, and trusting his weight on them when nothing bites or sucks on them. It is like entering a trance, if Sssssil had every really appreciated what that term meant. Soon, Ssssil would be able to 'feel' the swamp, and instinctively understand the nature of it. There were quirks all around - where plants grew, where they did not grow, where water pooled and flowed and where it did not. Somewhere in his brain this information was gathered, and Ssssil had to simply let his brain not get in the way of his body and memory understanding. In time out in the wilds - baring predator attack or other diastractions - Ssssil could lose days stalking forwards and flowing with the landscape, letting it take him where it would, where his deepst subconscious desires pushed him.

He's stalked predators and game trails for weeks without realising that was what he was doing, until that satisfying moment when he would see the creatures, and not be surprised in the least.

Sadly, the process meant he did not really look at what he was doing, and so he apparently missed some obvious signs. It is a little bit embarrassing that the small mammal is the one to spot something in Ssssil's own swamp. Still, at least it proves the furry figure is a capable hunter. Good to know for the journey onwards. And at least the elf will relieve the monotony of the journey. Ssssil still chuckles to himself regarding the single tree in Hissssa's imagery. And then the hunt is on, as the first sign of swamp deer is finally found...

Ssssil feels oddly panicky and elated at the same time when the excuse to not speak as much presents itself. He suddenly worries over the elf getting hurt because a warning comes to slow. Still, the other mammal seems sensible enough. Still, now they are properly hunting, surely commuication is intuitive. The group is all focused on the same thing, their thoughts all run in the same direction, gestures and looks simply syncronising those thoughts together.

Seeign the prey before them, Ssssil rubs his chin, counting the scales all the way to his neck. What to do, what to do? Sssssil turns to look at the two mammals. He makes a repeated round motion, as if defining his belly being larger. He shakes his head emphatically. He then point in an arcing motion, then butts his two hands together. He then nods emphatically. He assumes the two will understand his meaning, and would not have assumed to hunt differently merely because they were far from home and the consequences of killing everythign in sight.

Ssssil is still not sure of how to get at the deer in the opposing side. He is, by himself, not usually very stealthy.However they have a time constriant now. He cannot simply chase the deer, and pick one creature to chase down to exhaustion. Those would have been pleasant days.

Ssssil motions to Gwolgra, and then makes a wide arcing hand gesture horizontally, motioning around the glade. He then makes a sharp gesture back towards the three of them, flicking a finger between himself and the efl. He hoped the small mamal would understand. If he could sneak around, and drive the deer towards Ssssil and the elf, perhaps they could spear one or two of the males that came towards them. Perhap[s the small mammal might even bring down one himself, and not just cause a distraction.

Ssssil lookd betwee nthe two mammals continuously, looking for signs of understanding in their eyes. He was not comfortable takign the initiative. He felt a little exposed. He preferred when he was part of a group, or could make up his own games as he saw fit. Having to plan, and having the pressure of it needing to work. No, that was not fun. Why did his father think that was any sort of life Ssssil would want to embrace as a leader of his house?

Let's see if they understand. And then, if they do, let's see how dangerous it really is having a herd of deer run straight for you... :)
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Post by raixel »

Ooo, heather. Thats where I grew up too. Its a high mountain desert with an undammed and natural (as in no docks or industry or altered by man at all) river. So its mostly desert(no cacti, though), but the areas by water are marshes. In spring (the only time it rains) the hills surrounding the city which are normally brown turn green and purple for 2 weeks from the giant carpet of heather.

I wanna see pretty sea beaches, like in your hometown. I never have. The sea beaches here suck(the lake beaches are way nicer) and are all rocky and puget sounds pretty dirty (NOTHING compared to how polluted other parts of the US are tho) and freezing. So its not fun to hang out on a rock beach with cold water and nastyness washed up on shore. But if you ever come here again, i'll show you my hometown and the cottonwood trees. In return, if I ever make it to England, you have to show me the pretty beach in your hometown. :)

You know whats annoying as hell? there are no 'deer' stats in any of the main monster manuals. I looked online and they are located in the FR book 'silver marches' (which fortunately I hvae). I mean WTF, they have 'baboon' and 'rhino' in the MM, but not 'deer'. Which one are you more likely to run into in a typical campaign, hmm? I know, lets shove it in an obscure campaign-world-specific book!

As Sssil makes his hand motions, Growlgra watches him closely, his black nose twitching. When Sssil moves his hands by his stomach, Grolwgra shakes his head as well, then puts his hands on the top of his head in front of his triangular ears with the index fingers extended, and then nods. He seems to understand the concept of not harming an animal bearing young or a female. Sssil reflects that the dog-man probably comes from a hunting culture as well, due to his savvyness in the wild. In contrast, Westian is looking blankly from the lizar to the bika, obviously not understanding what the hand-signals mean.

"Letharra ne mintal nah e?" Westian whispers to Growlgra.

Before Growlgra can shush him, the three females closest to the party raise their heads and stare in the direction of the group. Growlgra motions to freeze, and after a few tense seconds. the deer put their heads back down and continue grazing. Growlgra frowns and wraps his hand around his muzzle, as if to hold it closed, while glaring at Westian.

Sssil notices the elf's cheeks have that same red color they did when he fell. The look on his face reminds Sssil of the time his younger lkkhssssister got caught cutting up one of his mother's imported arachnae silk ballgowns to make a dress for a doll. At least the elf realizes he isnt supposed to talk, as he hasnt tried to aplologize out loud.

At the rest of the hand signals, Growlgra nods again, and motions to Sssil's weapons. Westian seems to understand this signal, as he stealthily nocks an arrow to his bow and prepares to pull. The bika glares at Westian again, and points to a pregnant doe, then shakes his head. Comprehension dawns in the elf's eyes, and he nods. Although how much of what he understood is unknown, at least he seem sto understand not to kill the ones with young.

Growlgra looks over his own weapons again, but before he can leave, Hisssa raises his head and looks Ssssil in the eye. Sssil gets a mental image of his snake-friend on the other side of the clearing striking at a deer, who all run towards the three hunters. The next image is of Sssil with a deer-shaped lump in his hugely expanded belly similar to the one Hisssa gets when he eats.

Sssil can feel his friend's instincts are up, and he wants to have a part in the hunt. Hisssa could strike at the deer, this would leave all three hunters in the ambush and make it more likely a deer or two is brought down. However, the deer might try to kick or stomp on Hisssa in fear, although the snake is too small and low to the ground for the wicked tri-pointed horns to come into play. Sssil thinks about this for a second. From what he knows, swamp deer will usually flee from a poisonous snake, unless they are cornered. But the possibility still exists, although the deer are small enoughthat they most likely couldnt kill Hisssa, that they could injure him.

Seeing Sssil obviously thinking something iover, the bika motions to him, then raises his eyebrows in a questioning look.

Ok, so I used your earlier knowledge roll of 19 for the info on the deer and snakes to avoid having to stop just to have you roll. I hope OB doesnt mind that Westian is blundering around in here ;).

Just for info (as part of your good knowledge roll): Swamp-deer physiology ect: A swamp deer is much smaller than a white-tailed deer, closer in size to a very small blacktail. Males average 100lbs, females 80lbs. They have much longer legs than other deer species, suitable for wading through marshy and swampy areas. Bucks are about 3ft at the shoulder and 5 feet long. Their horns are tri-branching, and look kind of like a curving trident. Unlike other deer, bucks do not shed and regrow their horns, and the horns grow througout a derr's life. The longest horns on record were 3 1/2feet long each from an ancient buck killed by the famed lizar tracker Hisssdlok. Ocasionally a buck is found with more than 3 points. These bucks are held sacred by the priests of certain swamp-lizar villages. Mature deer have a short but thick solid dark greyicoat and a bright auburn tail and underbelly, while fauns have a brown spots that fade as they age and a dull brown underbelly. This bright red tail has also led them to be called 'thhss-likkh' (red-flag) by the swamp lizar. They have excellent hearing and sight, alhough their sense of smell isnt good. Shy creatures, they would rather flee from danger than fight, although if cornered, a buck will not hesitate to try to gore with his sharp horns.
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Ssssil feels an odd comfort and camaradere with Growlgra, as the pleasure of the hunt and the similarities of thought remove all other boundaries. As Ssssil had thought, the elf was obviously just a translator or some other functionary, and that Growlgra was the real brain behind the operation.

Ssssil feels bad that he does not have anything to set against a charging deer. Usually he brings down running prey, or waits in secret and lets them come to him in a walk. Ssssil takes his short word out slowly, and then unhooks his axe. He weighs the axe in his hand, realising he can throw it at whatever charges him, and then strike the wounded/distracted deep firmly with his sword. It is a simple plan, which usually works out for the best all around.

Ssssil's preparations are distracted from by his friend. At firts he does not wish to allow Hissssa to risk himself, but then he realises that is selfish. His friend is a hutner in the wild, a more natural one than the lizar who have taken on the trappings of civilisation and have to re-teach themselves to use the instincts they were given by the High Lords. Ssssil nods, though gives a quiet his that is equivalent to a warning, hoping his friend will be careful and not too eager to actually try and take a deer down itself.

Ssssil walk to Growlgra, seeing the mammal is already prepared. Ssssil moves around his weapons awkwardly tohe can show Hisssa clinging to his arm. He rehooks his axe fort a moment, so he can point once more over the heads of the deer. He then lifts Hisssssa, and then mimes a biting snake mouth hissing, and even biting. Ssssil then gestures for all the group, then the spot they are in, and then a gesture towards them indicating the deer's travel.

So yeah, Sssssil will let Hissssa try to creep forwards and go from the other side then, if Growlgra is happy with that. You need to to roll stealth? This kinda shows the benefit of combined skills here actually. Hisssssa has no move silently, yet a decent hide. So obviously I would argue that in the snake makes no noise compaerd to the background noise, and it's more just him hiding. With the combined skill (Hissssa would really have +4 stelath, +4 for small size to not be seen) then even if he blows stealth and is detected, the +4 to not be seen might mean they realise something is moving, but don't know where it is.

Anyway, so Ssssil will be waiting nervously. If it looks like Hissssa is in danger, Sssssil will just blow the hunt to rush towards his friend, throwing his hand axe. Obviously, can't do both with a readied action, it's more likely Sssil would actually rush to the rescue, because he's also trying ot be ready for it going right, instead of focusing on it going wrong and ready to chuck the axe.

Need rolls from me?
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Post by raixel »

Yeah, I need rolls. Sorry I forgot to put that in the last post cuz I got saidetracked with transcribing the stuff about the deer. And I would rule that in Hisssa's natural environment, he gets a synch bonus of +4 to move silent anyway (+2 for hide, +2 for preferred environment, on top of his +4 size) I normally add this on an ad-hoc basis vs NPCs with ints lower than 3 when it doesnt make sense that a creature moving in its natural environment would be seen as anything more than a 'piece of the background'(ie not a natural predator of the being making the roll/not close enough to cause alarm)' and/or it doesnt make sense mechanic-wise that the sneaker would be spotted and cause a reaction. A deer would be looking out for large predators, not a small snake. The roll represents more of a 'the deer glance at him and dismiss him as a threat' than 'he moves quietly'

Growlgra nods again, and moves to crouch down behind a small bush on the side of the game trail. From what Sssil can see, he appears to be readying an odd wooden contraption on his forearm that sticks out a foot beyond his hand and sliding his short spear in a groove on the top of it. Sssil has never seen a device like this before. He would have expected the dog-man to set the spear the way lizar do, but it appears Growlgra is going to use the device to fling the spear. In addition, the dog-man looks at his long knives tied to a bandoleer and shakes his head, instead reaching into a belt pouch for a twine object with four large stones tied to the ends of it. Sssil recognizes this as a bola, although the lizar version is built a little differently and is smaller, used mostly for small game. The version Growlgra has looks like it could break a humanoid's legs.

Westian appearently has given up trying to understand what the signals mean, but when he sees Growlgras get ready he chooses a tree on the opposite side of the trail, holding an arrow nocked to his bow. He nods to show he is ready.

Sssil makes his own preperations, and Hisssa moves off stealthily through the mud. Within a second, he disappears into the undergrowth, not even a flicker of movemen to betray him to Sssil's sharp eyes. It only takes a few moments for Hisssa to go around the clearing, as he is able to move through tiny gaps in the foliage much, uch too small for a humanoid. An image appears in Sssil's mind, showing the view as Hisssa sees it. Vines and bushes appear as giant trunks and trees in the snake's eyes, and a forest of towering deer legs is in front of him. From this perspective, the trees themselves appears as huge as the walls of buildings, their bark jutting out and as easily climbed as a rock-covered mountain slope. Sssil gets a feeling of anticipation from the snake, and then the view vanishes.

A commotion rings out on the opposite side of the clearing, with one of the adult bucks rearing up and making the peculiar high pitched chirp swamp deer make in warning, before turning to flee, as Hisssa is blocking the other easy way out of the clearing. The other deer react in a split second, spinning around in place and taking off through the path back to the stream. The 4 does are in the lead, followed by the juvenile buck, and then the two males. Sssil feels his heart racing as he falls into the welcome adrenaline rush of the hunt.

Ok, so it worked. Currently the deer are just turning to run, the does are roughly 15 feet away, the juvenile buck 20 and the adult bucks 25. You all get a partial as your surprise round(if you want to delay the partial to allow the deer to get closer, just say so and tell me roughly when you will pop out ie how many feet the deer are away from you guys' location at that time. Note that doing this will make it more likely the deer get away in the following round if everyone misses), followed by init rolling, then a full round. According to Sssil's knowledge, the deer will most likely continue trying to run away, so he estimates he has roughly 6 seconds after his first (partial action) shot to bring one down, as they are very fast whe startled and can easily outrun most animals. So, I need your partial, an init roll, and then your 1st round action(s).
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Sssssil realises that both his companions are going to be firing projectiles, instead of waiting for the last moment to strike. Although Ssssil has a hand axe, he is not sure that he can throw with anything like good accuracy. Realising the other may be able to take down the front buck and slow the adult, Ssssil instead tenses his legs ready to sprint at the adult buck the moment a path is clear - after all, at worst he can delay the creature for his companions to line up another shot, and at best he could strike the creature down.

His vision tunnels to the creature, determined not to let it get away.

Basically if there is any chance the adult buck will have a clear line for charging, Ssssil will do a surprise round charge for 30 feet, hoping to also block the creature for his friends to then attack again if possible. If there is simply too much confusion to charge, then instead Ssssil will simply prepare a thrown attack, waiting for the juvinile buck instead buck to start turning away before letting fly (since he's less confident with his hand axe than with body checking)

Obviously, I mean he'll ready one of those two actions dependig on how it all looks, not that he's trying ot ready two different actions :) Sorry, I rolled twice for attack in case of a crititcal, and then forgot to cancel rolling two dice cause I realised I could just confirm the crit later if needed. So you can use that terrible second roll as his init. Damage roll will be the same either way, of course!

If the initial surprise round fails, Ssssil will just start running behind them, hoping that difficult terrain slows the swamp deer long enough he could charge the rear one and attack.
Charge attack (or throwing attack if no clear LOS, ) (1d20+10=26, 1d20+10=13)
Charge attack (or throwing attack if no clear LOS) damage (1d6=4)
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Post by raixel »

God, I wish for the life of me that this thing would display ANSI-style maps correctly. The one time I tried in in Petal's game to do a really really simple one, it wouldnt take the correct tabbing/spacing. I used to pbp on the BBSes back in the day. As in WWIV. That was fun. ALL the maps were ANSI, as even a heavily compressed 90k JPEG was like a 5-15 min d/l with no ability to actually be shown on the bbs. Some DMs were really good at em, and would also draw cool scenes for like crit shots that showed the char nailing the monster, or pics of chars and bosses. All done in ANSI/ASCII. Ahh, good old days. *feels old*

So at least I could put a bunch of dots down for 5 ft squares and like a D for 'doe' and 'B' for buck, or something. I could make the paint-style maps you do, but I have no where to host them easily (w/o having to give you the map and wait for you to post it, which would be a way pain on both ends.)

Question. You are striking with your hand axe during the charge? And theres 3 rolls there, the first is your charge attack, the second your crit confirm(why did you roll a confirm on a 14? Oh, I see, you just rolled double in case.), and is the one you want used as init, if it didnt crit? Just makin sure I understand.

The deer turn to run, and Sssil charges out, passing by the lead doe close enough that he could reach out and touch her as she races by. As he runs, he hears the thrumming of Growlgra's bola as the bika whips it through the air to open it. The buck he is charging for snorts and chirps again, but has no time to react before Sssil brings the axe directly down on the deer's neck. Unfortunately, due to the angle, the blow cuts deep, but not as deep as it could have. The startled deer rears up, snorting. Growlgra's bola sails by, and strikes the other adult buck in the legs, breaking its right front leg severely and bringing it crashing to the ground. As the injured deer attemps to struggle back to its feet, Westian's arrow streaks by, and plows into the dirt to the left of Sssil and the deer he charged, tossing up a small spray of dirt.

The rearing buck lands, and twists back and forth, shedding blood droplets from the deep gash on its neck. Sssil sees Hisssa at this buck's heels, hissing and striking at the sensitive area above its hooves. Blood is also running from at least one puncture marks in this area, as it appears Hisssa has actually managed to score a hit on the buck. There is a scraping noise as the other buck is trying to put its broken and entangled leg back under it and climb to its feet.

Ok, so your charge managed to stop the buck due to your high roll. The other buck is currently prone with a broken leg, due to Growlgra's extremely high roll. However, it is struggling back to its feet, although its going to take mass move penalties. And Westian rolled really dismally and missed. You are lucky he missed so bad that the shot went wide and not into your back ;). I hope OB doesnt mind that Westian isnt the most woods-savvy dude.

!st round init-
Hisssa- = 24
Buck 1 (Sssil's) = 13
Does = 9
Buck 2(Entangled) = 8
Juvenile = 7
Westian = 4
Sssil = 2
Growlgra = NAT1!

Gah, and only buck1 and Hisssa roll anywhere above a 10. I had to roll Hisssa by hand cuz my net has been real unstable (again) lately. Stupid cheap-ass service. I rolled a 16. It seems to me that iC isnt as random as an actual dice roll, i mean I rolled the does, buck 2, and juvenile one after the other and they are all one lower than the previous. Maybe I'll start rolling everything by hand.

1st round-

Hisssa strikes at the buck, as the scared animal twists around to run away from the charging lizar. The blow misses, but the loudly hissing snake causes the buck to twist back around to face Sssil. It snorts again and paws the ground before lowering its head and thrusting its wickedly pointed horns at Sssil's midsection. The trident-like horns skitter along his armored chest and one gouges deeply in a chink at his armpit. You take 5 points of damage. It then kicks out behind it with its small hooves, trying to aim for Hisssa's head. However, the blow goes high as the snake nimbly dodges.

The does rush down the narrow path towards the stream, their hooves kicking up clumps of mud. Within seconds they are hidden in the undergrowth, only the crashing of their hurried movement to betray their location.

The buck with the broken leg struggles to its feet and hobbles 15 feet through the clearing towards the trail toward the stream where Westian and Growlgra are hiding, its movement obviously extremely hampered by the broken leg and dragging bola. Unsure of what to do, the juvenile turns and rushes toward Hisssa, snorting and lowering it's head as if to charge. As Sssil watches in horror, expecting to see his friend speared on thetiny but still sharp horns, the juvenile instead leaps over the small snake and pounds off down the trail on the opposite side of the clearing.

Westian nocks another arrow and lets fly at the buck with the broken leg, apparently finally realizing he is nowhere proficient enough with a bow to shoot at the buck Sssi is in front of. But again, the shot misses, sailing over the deer's head to break upon a blackbark tree.

Ok, so the buck you are fighting is cornered (basically) and has chosen to fight. It is 25 feet from the trail to the stream(west of you), and 10 feet from the trail on the other side(east of you). You are facing east and it is facing west. Hisssa is directly on the other side of it 5 feet in front of the mouth of the other trail(basically blocking it), facing west. The bola'd buck is 5 feet south and 15 feet towards the stream trail from you, facing west. Growlgra and Westian are at the mouth of the stream trail facing east, on either side of the trail. I hope you can get this, if not let me know and ill try and email you a simple map or some such.

The does and juvenile have fled in opposite directions. You could probably track either one if you wanted to after this, but they might me long gone by then, and which ever one you didnt track would definately be long gone. So I need your actions, then Growlgra will go. If you want, list a few rounds worth of actions just in case they dont go down this round.
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Post by beowuuf »

I'm just ised to pulling out paintshop pro maps, though they usually take some time, and of course the more you move away fro ma basic map, the worse it looks :D I kinda like my golem hall golems, I guess!

And yeah, go with the hand axe (the reasoning you gave in the post soudns good, of him going for the lopping off of the head). And yah, I rolled to confirm the crit before knowing, then realised that there's no point as I wasn't exactly rushed for time, and could roll a second die if I needed! So yeah, use second roll for init is fine. Lol, at least I didn't pull a Growlgra!

And lol, the IC comment reminds me of the joke/comment about creating a random number generator that only generates one number. Because, after all, how do you know it isn't random :) Can't say I've noticed any pattern myself, but don't mind where the numbers come from personally :D

Ssssil doesn't - for the moment - notice the wound from the horn. He's annoyed at hissing cleavign the buck's head from its shoulders, and realises that Hissssa is putting himself in danger. The near miss with the juvenille makes Ssssil determined to keep his friend safe, and so he tries to push the creature backwards in to a tree off of the trail, so that it cannot kick backwards. Of course, trying to get passed a set of sharp horns is quite dificult.

Damn, rolled a 6 in total for the bull rush attempt :( Even if Ssssil avoids the AoO (though that at least grants Hissssa the chance to do something that would normally generate one) it would take a second bad roll for Ssssil to come out on top there! The idea is to bull rush the buck diagonally across from Hissssa. Yeah, I know that breaks the flank, but Sssil is more thinking to protect his friend and push the buck in to a tree, which would have knocked it prone too.

Oh well, it it succeeds Ssssil would get to a flank next turn off the path with a five foot step and attempt dual weapon attack as well as the fullround attack (loss of accuracy for the hope of maybe hitting more, since his damage output isn't huge anyway). If it doens't succeed, I assume he'll need a move action to get back up after being flattened, and then he'll take a normal swing with the axe! In general, he'll probably just start two weapon swinging at the creature will little finesse for a few rounds. Obviously that can chance if circumstances change.

Round 1: Bull rush (1d20=6)
Round 2: Axe attack +4, axe attack -1, short sword attack +4 (1d20=17, 1d20=10, 1d20=2) Or thank god the first attack hits, even if he has to stand up first!
Axe damage (round 2) (1d6=5)

Will switch to short sword as main attack if the fight keeps going:
Round 3?: Axe attack +4, axe attack -1, short sword attack +4 (1d20=8, 1d20=8, 1d20=14)

Damage: Short sword (round 3) (1d6=2)

Round 4?: url=]Short sword +4, short sword -1, axe attack +4 (1d20=2, 1d20=2, 1d20=3)[/url]

Round 5?: Short sword +4, short sword -1, axe attack +4 (1d20=1, 1d20=13, 1d20=2) [/b]
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Post by raixel »

Cool, thanks for all the rolls. That makes this way easier for me to do. I think though taht I'm GONNA have to sign up for one of those shitty free file-sharing services to host maps, as theres no way I can do this with 5 people. I suppose I could ask everyone to get graph paper and put a-z down one side and 1-26 across the top, then go 'monster 1 is at a3, westian is at c6' ect, so people could fill it out themselves. But that would be a pain. So file sharing service ahoy. Know any good ones?

Sssil steels himself and attempts to shoulder into the small deer, to shove it backwards away from Hisssa. However, charging into a creature that routinely headbutts others of its kind probably isnt the wisest idea. The deer reacts instinctively, and thrusts its horns forward. Sssil can feel the horns scrape along his armor again, then one catches along a gap and stabs him in the ribs. You take 6 points of damage. The deer shoves at him, knocking him back to where he just was. You don't fall prone as your square was unoccupied.

Sssil can hear Growlgra growling somethng in his own language. Even though he doesnt understand the words, the gist of cursing crosses language barriers. The dog man finally untangles the strap on his spear-thrower and flings the spear at the deer with the broken leg. The spear whizzes through the air with amazing power, catching the deer solidly in its chest. The injured creature bellows in pain and stumbles, but doesn't go down.


Hisssa knows Sssil is afraid for him, but his instincts are up. He ignores his friend to snap again at the deer's heels. Sssil can see where the area that the previous bite-mark is has begun to swell up and turn purple. Hisssa must have managed to inject some of his poison, and indeed, that leg seems to pain the deer. The viper strikes again, and gets another solid hit above the first. The snake hangs on for just a second, obviously trying to inject more poison into the area, before releasing the deer and going back to antagonizing it.

Again the buck thrusts out with its wicked horns. Sssil is ready for it this time, and brings his axe up to block it. The horns clang off the axe, and the buck pulls back before rearing up and kicking out with its sharp little hooves at Sssil's face. However, the attack is clumsy and the hooves ineffectually land on Sssil's shoulder guards before scraping down the armor.

The other buck finally seems to realize where the spear and arrows are coming from, and heads south, trying to find a path through the heavily tangled trees. However the dragging bola is keeping it from getting through.

Westian steps out from the trail mouth and moves 15 feet from the bola'd buck before shooting another arrow at it. This time, the arrow strikes true, solidly impaling the buck in the throat. The stricken buck stumbles for a few seconds trying to keep its feet, before collapsing on the ground, blood streaming from its chest and mouth.

The last attack from the deer left its neck exposed, and Sssil again brings the axe chopping down, as if he is trying to hew a log. The blow strikes deep in the buck's neck, and its legs go out as Sssil feels the blow scrape through its spinal column. The deer collapses to the ground, and Sssil withdraws his xae from the wound with a crackle of broken bone.

Sssil looks across the clearing to see Growlgra drawing one of his his green-stone knives across the struggling buck's throat, ending its suffering. Westian is looking on, and Sssil notices that where his face was red before, now it is stark white. The dog man is apparently touching the blood that came out of the buck's throat, but for what reason, Sssil can't tell.

After finishing his grisly task Growlgra approaches Sssil and does the same for this buck, although it has already expired. He then dips his finger in the blood from the wound and paints a line down the top of his muzzle before raising his arms to the sky and calling something out in his gutteral speech. That done, he grins at Sssil His grin looks a lot like a lizar's and nods. He mimes taking his knife and drawing a line down the buck's belly, as if to dress it, then points to the one across the clearing, then to himself. He pulls a small coil of rope and one of his green-stone knives and offers them to Sssil, while pointing to the knife and saying something that sounds like "Bagrwan.".

Yay! Food! Ok, I need a survival and a knowledge nature roll here.
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Post by beowuuf »

I grabbed my own webspace a while ago, so not really in the loop for good filesharing. I've seen people use tumblr, photobucket and imgur to post direct links to images. You can always send me the files and I can host them, though that would always introduce a delay between you e-mailing and me hosting and posting the link. I think those image share sites are ok though.

And yeah, spot the person responding to this tired yesterday. Was thinking of the buck hitting a tree and going prone, so started thinking of Ssssil falling back prone in return. Weird.

The chaos and terror of the battle comes to an end, Ssssil thankful to land the blow on the buck. He winces at the wound he receives, but for now ignores tit to go over to Hissssa. He apologises to his friend for almost spoiling the snake's fun, but of course Ssssil is protective of his friends, finding he has so few he connects to. He admires the welts on the buck's legs, and after hooking his axe away, offeres Hissssa his arm to crawl back on to.

Growlgra seems to be acting strangely, however Ssssil has seen odd rituals by both animals and hunters in his time i nthe swap, and is simply glad that the small mammal is such a good hunter itself. He shows his teeth in return to the small mammal, and then does so again to the oddly pale taller mammal. Hmm, perhaps Ssssil is doing it incorrectly, since the taller mammal does not react well to that.

Ssssil looks back to the small mammal instead, trying to understand the pantomime. And realising with a warm feeling that, despite the plan almost going horribly wrong, thy have emerged victorious. Quite a pleasant feeling.

Still, is Ssssil had been on his own, he would have loved to have tried to follow the juvinile deer that had escaped. The tracks would presumeably so easy to follow, due to its panicked state.

Umm, IC is being weird. Rolled alternative dice, and rolled a 13 (6) and a base 28 (13) with them.

Edit: 7's on the brain!
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I go deer hunting a lot. I'll spare you the gory details of field dressing ;)

Growlgra shrugs when Sssil doesnt respond, and lays one of his knives next to the buck, before going over to start to clean his own kill. Westian looks on, flinching back when Sssil shows his teeth to the elf. Sssil looks at the sky and realizes it is around No Shadow noon.

Hisssa crawls up Sssil's arm and scents the lizar's muzzle. Sssil notes his friend's head smells like deer blood. Not an unplesant smell to a hunter, though. Looking the buck he killed over, Sssil realizes the best way to get this job done would be to use a coil of rope to hand the buck up by its back legs after he removes the offal, so he can cut it into small enough chunks to carry easily, and keep the blood from spoiling the meat. He notices that the bite mark on the back leg has swollen quite large, and purplish blue steaks, visible under the thin fur in this area, are mottling the leg clear up to the haunch. It would probably be better to seperate the poisoned area from the rest of the haunch and bury it with the offal, as Hisssa's venom is not destroyed by cooking or heat. The distasteful task of removing the offal proceeds easily, and soon the buck is hoisted up using Sssil's rope and left to drain for a bit while Sssil removes the offal from the immediate area to keep predators away from the kills. Once this is done, he easily quarters the deer into 4 large chunks. Looking over at Growlgra, he can see the dog-man is farther along in the task of dressing. As Sssil watches, he sees that the knife Growlgra is using is sharper than steel and cuts through the buck like nothing.

Finally the gory task is done. Sssil looks around and realizes Hisssa has left his arm at some point and is nowhere to be seen! He cannot sense any sort of fear or alarm from the snake, but neither is Hisssa responding to his calls. Walking a slow circuit of the clearing, he hears a rustling in the offal pile. Suddenly, Hisssa's head pops out, attempting to startle Sssil. The tracker gets a sense of amusement from the snake, as well as a sense of warmth. Westian approaches and takes one look at the mound of innards and Hisssa coiled happily within, soaking up the warmth, before turning an even paler shade and excusing himself behind a tree. Sssil knows that the broadleaf watertree Westian is hiding behind has huge and pliable leaves, useful for wrapping the game into little packs. Growlgra has pulled out some kind of large thin hide, and is wrapping the game in that before scuring it with rope.

K, im out of time. You got roughly 60 lbs of meat(in 8 chunks) from each deer, with the bone in. It took about an hour to dress the deer, so you have about 2 hours to get back.
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Lol, thanks for sparing me! Intellectually it is interesting, but still...*eeeew*!

Ssssil hisses appreciatively at the clowning around of his friend, and surveys the scene. It seems to have been a good morning's work, and they will have managed to get good supplies for the caravan. Ssssil contemplates for a moment rescuing that poisoned hunk of leg. Would a hungry predator spot and be put off by the poison, or could he fool a threatening foe to eat it first?

Just a thought. A nice evil distraction, if Ssssil knows of any predatory whose scent or common sense wouldn't allow them to avoid the poisoned meat right away.

Ssssil goes to give back the knife to the small mammal once the job is finished, although with reluctance, it did seem a terribly good knife. He then digs out the smoky bottle he got from the merchant earlier, and tries to pantomime allowing it to smoke the meat. Sssssil thinks it might be able to do all of it. Ssssil looks again at the sky, wondering if there will be enough time to find the merchant and get him to refresh the flask if the lizar exhausts it on all the deer meat here.

So will Ssssil only be able to do most of only his own deer? If that's the case, he will probably offer to smoke Growlgra's deer instead, so that Growlgra and Westian can have better preserved provisions for their further travels later.
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Growlgra takes the knife back and nods at Sssil. When Sssil mimes smoking the meat, the bika frwns and points to the sun, then in the direction of the city. He turns to Westian and mutters smething in a language taht is not the same as what he shouted at the sky, but neither is it Zaangaardian. Westian turns to Sssil and says in his barely-understandable Zaangaardian.

"Frrrriend of myne Growlgra zzhayzzz zzhatk two zzhmok zzee meet, not enuf thyme hazzz uzz. Two zzzhaa zzzyty, uwe muzzzhht go." The elf's speech is tortured, and sounds to Sssil's ears like a grahhssk learning to speak. "zzzhhe wun kalls Hazzztuh, tell heem uwe arr bak, zhhhen zzhmok zhhee meet, Growlgra zzhayzz."

You dont have to roll if you can translate it IRL.

Growlgra snickers at Westian, as it is obvious even to him that Westian's accent is terrible. Then the bika busies himself with cleaning his spear-head and bolas. Sssil goes to dispose of the offal and examines the poisoned leg. He realizes that it might be a good bait. Most animals with a good sense of smell wouldnt fall for it, but there are other predators that do not rely on smell to hunt.

He examines his smoker and looks at the sky. There wouldn't be enough time to even begin to smoke the meat normally, however this magic smoker should be able to smoke the all meat from one buck and still leave plenty of time to get back and have it refilled, as long as he hurries. He figures taht he could smoke this amount of meat by burning all of the magic blackbark and herbs in the censer at once, and taht it would take about 45 minutes. The branches of the broadleaf will make a great smoking rack, and the leaves from the same tree will make a nice funnel for the smoke. Sssil realizes if he can set up a good smoking device to concentrate the magic smoke on the meat, he might be able to cut the smoking time to about 20 minutes.

K, I need a use rope and a survival to set up the smoking rack Growlgra will aid you, so you can give yourself a +2. Also RP setting it up. You can get the smoking time down even farther if you come up with something cool! Extra points awarded for creativity (and no, i am not gonna judge it on real-world workability). In the area in case yu want t use more than just whats in your pack are vines, moss, rocks of various sizes, cottonwoods and cottonwood cotton (think like goose-down consistency), grasses, broadleaf trees(huge pliable leaves and branches like birch but sturdier), deer offal and bones (im assumingyou took the horns), roofbark trees (easily peeled greyish bark that can be pulled off in sheets), various small bushes, mud and dirt. If you are looking for something not on this list, roll a wilderness lore and let me know what it is and ill tell you.
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Ssssil understands the others think the smoking process will take longer than he thinks. However, Ssssil is sure the bottle is magical, and he'll have enough time (Lol, I just deleted the entire previous post where Ssssil didn't think he had enough time, once I read the next paragraph :)

Ssssil looks back to the taller mammal, feeling very nervous about trying to communicate his thoughts. "Use. Smoke. Fast. Magic." Ssssil shows the bottle, and pantomimes wafting some coming out very quickly like a typhoon, then points to the sun, and shifts his finger barely any distance across the track of it. Ssssil then pantomimes wheels and moving along, and then gestures to the three of them, and then gestures to the direction of the city. He then points ot where the sun will be in an hour, and where the sun will be at 3rd bell. And then he then finishes with showing his teeth again.

Gah, invisible castle is down, so rolled own dice here. Use rope (no training) 12 (11), survival (on land) 33 (14)

Sssssil decides that the smaller he can get the parts, the more the smoke can surround them. Also, the smaller they are, perhaps the more he can fit on smaller branches, so that he can have a lot of meat packed in to a smaller funnel. He tries to speak and talk to Graowlgra and Westian, trying to show his basic idea. He realises he can peel some bark in to rolled sheets to create an enclosed space, with the vines to tie it together aroudn the base of the branches of the tree and trunck of the tree. Perhaps some rocks placed at the bottom so he can access the brazier, and maybe cut a hole out of a final sheet for the top .

Lol, sorry, wilderness is not my thing. And my creative eneries to come up with something complex aren't that high this morning! Boring sticky thing hanging on trees it is! :(
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I know. I love throwing little RP weirdness at people. Word of advice. You will never get hurt by not being able to come up with something cool, only helped as long as you tried. And I never judge off of real-world knowledge. So like say I asked you to build a raft (something I have never done and know nothing about), if it sounds feasable and you obviously put some thought into it, it will most likely work. The same goes for wilderness stuff (which I do know a lot about). If it sounds feasable, go for it.

Growlgra nods at Sssil, but Westian looked confused. The elf turns to Growlgra and says something in that gabbling speech, then shows his teeth the way Sssil had been the Locke from Lost thing to Growlgra. Growlgra shrugs and says something back, shaking his head.

Westian looks at Sssil again and says "Yew beeez mmaed ate me?"

Growlgra catches on very fast when he sees what Sssil is doing, and helps him build the smoking device. The dog man seems very adept at understanding body language snd Sssil is finding it easier to communicate with him. You can now communicate with Growlgra a bit easier, as you both are hunters and have spent enough time together to communicate basic concepts with very little misunderstanding on both sides. So basic ideas like 'go' 'come' 'that way' 'that one' 'give' 'put' 'take' 'do (and then a miming of the motion)' ect. Complex ideas are still hard to communicate, however. To respresent this is game terms we can bold up to 5 words after the gesture, if thats cool with you. Try to keep them basic. With Growlgra's help, they build the smoker and get the meat ready. One odd thing the lizar notices is that Growlgra will grab whatever tools are handy and that he needs without asking, even if its something that belongs to Sssil or he was just using. In less than 15 minutes, Sssil steps back and looks at his handiwork. While it woulndt stand up to much use, it should comfortably smoke one of the bucks. Sssil puts the censer in place and touches it while saying "Skkaki". Just like it did in the market, thick clouds of hickory scented smoke pour out of the top. Growlgra looks on in amazement as the meat begins to wrinkle and darken right in front of his eyes.

The bika excitedly points to he censor, then to himself. I want! Within 20 minutes the meat is as dry as if it had hung on a drying rack for many many hours. Growlgra takes a piece of it and chews on it experimentally, then grins and nods at Sssil. The two dismantle the smoking rack and check the clearing. Although Westian doesnt have much swamp experience, he did get the kill site clean and the wrapped raw venison and hides ready to be hauled out. The smoked meat has shrunk considerably as the water left it, and now only weighs about 25 lbs.

Looking at the sky, Sssil thinks they can get back to the city from this point hopefully around second bell. That should leave enough time to find the hedge mage's shop and have him refill the censer before leaving. And perhaps a hde merchant would be interested in the hides and horns of the bucks. Unless you want to keep them, but the hides are fresh and need to be tanned or they will rot The horns aren't super large for a swamp buck, but neither are they tiny. Each one is about a foot and a half long, with three wicked points. Can be used as a weapon, 1d8-1, x2, breaks on a nat1, size S/P . Growlgra hefts one experimentally and then throws it. Unfortunately, even though it looks like a trident, the slight curve makes it completely unsuitable as a throwing weapon. The horn flips end over end before coming to rest 10 feet from the bika, Growlgra shrugs and grins at Sssil, before pickin it up again and motioning to Sssil to lead the way. Hisssa slithers up Sssil's leg and coils around his neck. The snake is covered in deer blood and bits of dried offal, and seems inordinately proud of himself and in a good mood. He rubs his head right up against Sssil's nostril slits, and the tracker gets a giant whiff of offal and dried blood.

If theres anything ese you want to do here or o the way back, ie look for herbs, gather nuts and useful plants, just let me know. And Hisssa is definately developing a personality, here :D.

After steady but uneventful walking the three arrive at the cut back area surrounding the city. Sssil can hear the Temple of Makanassht's bell tolling out the time. 2nd bell. Far to his right is the main road, with its throngs of people moving in and out of the city, and closer by is the forking road which leads to the Nobles Gate. The previous guard might still be on duty, but if he isn't, there could be trouble with taking the mammals through that gate.
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Lol, it was cool, just brain not equipped to handle it on any level yesterday morning :D Interesting to have someone who obviously knows a thing or two about this stuff talking about the process, actually!

Ssssil wrinkles his eyebrows at Growlgra's easy nature with tools and items. Ssssil's weapons have taken a long time to come to his possession, findign the right weight and balance for him to be comfortable with. And allhis small trophies and findings are personal too. Ssssil makes sure Hissssa does not get too close to the small mammal, incase he gets used as rope absentmindedly!

Ssssil pretends not to understand what the small mammal is saying regarding the censor, even though he finds it easier to communicate with a fellow hunger. He simply smiles as if saying it is good, and ensures he is close to it to take it apart once it has done his job, even if it means burning his feingers on any final embers at the end.

Of course, when Hissssa makes Ssssil smell offal, he almost wonders if he should let Grolwgra use the snake as rope, but it is a teasing thought not meant seriously. He moves to pick up the horns, deciding that they look nice, and they might come in useful. If nothing else, they will be the last proper trophy of the expedition, sicne the hides will be sold off, and the meant will look as if purchased from the market.

Ssssil makes sure on the walk back that he looks out for both plants and berries that would go well with the food (an old habit) and more importantly he looks for any clean plants that can deal with his wounds. He is sure the caravan will be able to provide, but it seems odd to be such a burden early on from his own hunting expedition. Best if he can show his self-reliance to the old lizar and hunter that's given him this chance at a better joruney onwards.

Rolled 36 for the survival overland check for foraging, Survival check for foraging (berries and plants to go with meat), plus any healing herbs to bind their wounds. (1d20=19)

Ok, is this gate a different gate fro mthe one the caravan will come out of? If not, of course the Westian and Growlgra could wait for the wagon (thoguh that leaves Ssssil burdened by lots of hides!). If it is not, then Sssssil will still make his way forwards, and play it by ear. Might try to indicate that tthe 'mammals' are helping him with his kill, and taking the hides he is going ot provide to the market.[/b]
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The caravan will go through the main gate, during which time the guards stop all foot traffic. The noble's gate is not big enough for a fully loaded caravn to go through. Its only big enough for a small wagon.

Hisssa responds to Sssil's teasing about using him as a rope by sending him a picture of a snake like rope set across a path which then trips Sssil as he walks by. Fortunately as the group walks through the swamp, Hissa finds a large puddle of rainwater and goes for swim. The snake emerges clean and glistening, as although he is quite a joker, he does understand the potential danger of moving through the swamp with a strong kill odor. Best not to attract any more predatory attention to the group then the fresh meat and hides could already.

Sssil finds a bush with quite a few small green berries that swamp-lizar call 'ssatthhik'. They are great in stews adding a woodsy taste and acting as a thickener. He also finds a small mint-like plant growing along the path, and a bunch of mature "sssaj" pods, a bush with small white pods filled with tiny dried seeds that taste like pepper. Each pod is worth a silver piece, as the plant is highly sought after. In total, he finds enough mint and sssathhik and mint to season 3 pots of stew, and 4 sssaj pods. One pod is senough to season one full pot of stew, or it can be broken open and sprinkled over an individual portion, then resealed with a resin that the plant produces from a cut pod. He also finds bloodstop moss, a thick fluffy bluish yellow moss that when placed on a wound acts as in antibotic and stops bleeding. Moss gives +5 HP when used in conjuntion with a sucessful survival or heal, and alos stops the bleeding from weapons which cause bleeding effects. It can only be used once per day for any effect There is enough bloodmoss for 3 uses.

At the gate, Sssil realizes there's no harm in trying to enter through the noble's gate first. He approaches and grabs the heavy metal knock-bar and lifts it, letting it fall back with a loud boom against the steel-reinforced door. A small grilled slot opens up at eye level, and Sssil can see a pair of golden lizar eyes peering out at the party.

"Yes?" the guard says. Sssil realizes it is the same guard from before. The guard recognizes him and says "Ahh, sa'ssshin, good. I see your hunting was sucessful. Let me open the door, and you cna have your mammal slaves carry your kills where they need to go."

The slot shuts, and then there is a loud squeaking the gate slides open on its roller. The guard nods respectfully at Sssil as he passes, but sdoesnt even glance at Westian and Growlgra, only calling "Hurry up, slaves! you dont want to keep your betters waiting." as they pass. Nearby another guard stands, his large sslrak plume standing up from the to of his helm proclaiming him as the gate captain. He glances at Sssil as he passes. Hopefully Growlgra and Westian will act suitably cowed so as not to draw his attention to the fact that they are not actually slaves.

The capatin steps forward and eyes the two mammals, his nostril slits closing in distaste at their smell. He turn to Sssil and touches his helm in a salute. "Greetings sa'ssshin. And how was your hunting today?" he says. "While in the swamp, you didnt happen to see any of the da'lasssk a disparaging term for a swamp lizar. Literally means 'less than beast' , did you? We have reports of an escaped prisoner hiding in the swamp. We are afraid he miaght have been taken in by a da'lassk tribe."
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Ssssil feels a little indignant on belalf of Growlgra (sorry Westian!) however has no wish to antagonise any guards, let alone one that has let him use the gate opposing a rule. After all, he is on his important quest, and does not wish anything to be left as a black mark against it. Instead he simply nods and hisses some thanks, then gestures for the other two companions to come inside, and just thinks of the guard slipping on a slick skin, or 'accidentally' being tripped by Hissssa, knowing that his friend will hear his thoughts and hopefully share his amusement.

The thoughts only intensify whe nthe guard actually calls out to the two others, and he turns to give an apologetic look to them. Unfortunately, since no one has apologised to him yet in any way he can remember, he has no idea how to communicate that. He settles for the inverse of a smile - looking very downcast, and then grinning wildly - thinking this is perhaps a logical reversal.

Of course, the attention of he captain at this time makes Ssssil very nervous, and he takes a moment to work out what has been asked of him. He feels relieved whe nthe Captain asks over the hunt, for it means both the captain's attention is not on the other two, and more importantly Ssssil gets to speak of something he actually laieks and feels comfortable with.

"Good!" says Ssssil with a lizar like grin and hiss, "bucks by the stream." Ssssil points to one of his wounds. "Cornered one, fought it by hand." Ssssil's brows then knot when asked after a prisoner. "No," he says concerned. "See no one on the trail." Sssssil goes on to detail the exact route they took, and the time taken, so the Captain can rule out everywhere the group have been in the last few hours. "I am very good tracker," he says with no hint of arrogance, "my friend can smell the air for anything." Ssssil holds up Hissssa to show the Captain. "Nothing get by us, escape our notice. I am sure."
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Hisssa flicks his tongue out in amusement at the thought of the guard slidng around. It seems to Sssil that the guard's rudeness toward his companions is directly related to the captain being there.

The captain looks the deer meat over and nods. "That is good, I see that the Hunt Lord Makanassht has favored you today." At Sssil's incredibly detailed description he nods again. "No matter. I was assuming he moved away from the city, although with kassk like that you never know. The captain nods to a large black and white poster pasted on the city wall. It showes a young lizar of about 19 cycles. He is thin and has a large scar across his nose. Above the lizar it syas "Hasskilirac - WANTED FOR CHAOS WORSHIP, MURDER, and HIGH TREASON" and below his picture it says "If seen, notify authorities immediately. Considered dangerous, do not attempt to apprehend. Last seen in the swamp. May be heading towards chaos-sympathizing swamp-dwellers. Reward for information leading to capture!" Down the wall, Sssil sees young guards-in-training putting up more of the posters every few feet. The criminal must have just recently escaped.

Sssil recognizes the criminal as a member of one of the Ten Houses, but which one exactly he can't recall off the top of his head. Perhaps the seventh? Roll an int if you want to try to remember any more information

"Yes, I can see that you are definately a skilled tracker. Well, if you do come across any sign of him, please alert the guard. THere is a substantial price on his head if you bring back information leading to his capture. I also see you are a young noble. It would bring great glory to your House as well." the captain tells Sssil." With a final disinterested glance at the mammals, the captain waves the three towards the main gate square. There is about an hour before Hassta's caravan is leaving. Sssil realizes he could check whats going on there, or go and find the mage's shop to get his censer refilled. He could also sell off the hides and horns of the bucks and make sure he had everything for his journey.

As the three walk towards the main square, Westian looks around and asks "Vhut did zzhatt garrrd whant? He lukd at Growlgra and I zhranglee."

Ok, so if you want to RP going to Hassta's or the market (or both) we could do that. Or we can just assume you get the censer refilled and sell off the hides and horns (and sssaj pods, if you want), and I'll move you guys along to when there caravn is leaving. If you want to speed things up, let me know a general price you want for the hides and how many sssaj pods you want tto sell.
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Yeah, probably step lightly over the market stuff just to get back to the caravan, though if you have any fun IC stuff with whoever would have bought the hides, or any stuff Growlgra or Westian would have interjected, I'm happy to go with that. Certainly I don't mind an OOC discussion on how much Ssssil will haggle for this stuff :)

"Of course," says Ssssil to the Captain. "f I was not on Hsssir test, and due on caravan, would offer services if you needed them. If I see him on return, I will do my duty." Ssssil had no real ideas regarding Chaos, except that he was bad and bad thigns had happened that were attributed to him. A wizard or a High Lord, surely he would have been a known legend instead of something so recent. He almost regretted and resented being on his Hsssir test. Surely such a trail and captured was more worthy of honour than carrying goods. Ssssil sighed. He recognised fantasies. He could trail well, but if the guards were scared of this prisoner, then Ssssil was probably not the lizar to bring the da'lasssk to justice. Ssssil bids the Captain farewell, although after a hesitation does take a moment to respectfully ask for one of the posters from a guard, just so he will have it in the unlickely event that fate brings the two lizar together. (Intelligence roll on prisoner (and I remembered the modifier) (1d20-1=14))

"Prisoner," explains Sssssil to the two, thinking he has started to pick out Westian's accent. Ssssil mimes walking forwards, hands bound before him and walk strange because of restricted legs. "Escaped," he then explains, breaking the imaginary bonds on his limbs, and then making a forward motion with his hand. He nods his head, hoping they understood, then settled back in to a companionable silence. It was odd, after onyl a few hours hunting with these two, he felt quite comfortable with them. The tall one seemed harmless and earnest, and his fellow hunter - odd quirks aside - was the sort of creature Ssssil loved to discover in the swaps and form alliances of self interest with. And unlike the swamp, Ssssil actually felt he could trust the small furry...whatever type of mammal he was. Ssssil would be glad to leave, so the unwarranted dismissal of the small one could be left behind.

Still, fiurst it was back to the bustle of the market. Amazingly, Ssssil felt even more uncertain than before. Now, he had two people to....well, not impress as such. But still, not look a fool in front of. And also, he had to watch out for them, and ensure no one took offence nor advantage of them. Ssssil moved to the friendly seller of the censer first, to ask for a refill, and to how his two companions would be enamoured of the other thigns there. Sssssil was determined to go sell the skins alone, with the gold to be split later. Ssssil was also determined to keep a hold of the plants and berries he had found, unless he could trade them for something even more flavourful to go with the deer. He suspected that it was better to get used to the fare of the swamp now, and keep to the natural bounty of the swamp for flavourings.
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The captain nods at Sssil's request and waves over one of the young rookies. The rookie appears to be about Sssil's age, and is dressed in obviously secondhand ill-fitting chitin armor. His helm is too big and all Sssil can see is his snout poking out. The young guard reaches into a grahhssk hide satchel stuffed with posters and hands one to Sssil before going back to the wall to continue his duties.

"Now, if there is nothing further, I must return to my duties. And good luck on your hsssir test, sa'ssshin." the captain says before strolling back to his post.

As the three walk to market, Sssil studies the picture. It is of low-quality, probably mass produced by magic. Sssil wishes he could see the colors of the lizar's scales and make out his scale patterns a little clearer. He stares at the face in the poster, trying to jog his memory. Hassskilirac... Hasskilirac... Sssil vaguely remembers a lizar named Hasskil from noble gatherings when he was a kakkiss and all the kakkiss'a were sent outside to play in the gardens while their parents talked. It might be the same lizar, although if this was the same person, he definately didnt have that scar as a kakkiss. From what Sssil remembers, Hasskil was the second scion of the Sixth House, and a bully. A dimly remembered conversation comes to mind where Hasskil bragged about stumbling across a secret room in the Sixth House where his father 'did stuff', and the other kakkiss'a better watch out, or Hasskil might 'do stuff' to them too. However, try as he might, he cant remember any more about that particular lizar, or even if his scale patterns matched the poster. Might just be a coincidence of similar names.

Growlgra motions to Sssil, miming tying his hands back up and then points to his coin-pouch. Money for capture? Then he mimes looking around as if hunting, grabbing someone, and then holds out his hands and grins. Hunt him, catch, get payed! The three reach the market, and both growlgra and Westian slow down and stare around them at the assortment of odd goods and (to them) strange beings. One of the snake people with a head like a viper thrusts her long neck out at Westian to get his attention so she cam hawk her wares, and the elf instinctively hops back as he sees the flashing gold eyes and long fangs.

The snake woman turns away as if miffed, muttering in Zangaardian "A mammal wouldnt appreciate my quality anyway!"

Growlgra, although obviously taking in all the sights of the strange place, appears to be handling himself better. When a large mantis-man from Kelt steps right in front of him to try and sell him some large fried dragonflies on skewers, the dog man politely holds up his hand and shakes his head before agily stepping out of the way. Although Growlgra was as alert as any market goer should be, he controlled his reactions to having a predatory looking insectoid nearly twice his size accost him quite well. Perhaps the canine was more well travelled than his elven friend.

The companions make their way to Thhralik's Oddities without any mishaps, although Sssil did notice Westian stayed quite close to his elbow he entire way.

"Ahh, greetings again, sa'sshin! What can Thhralik help you with today?" the mage says. He looks around at the two mammals, and the venison and horns carried by GRowlgra. "I see you have been sucessful in your hunt. This is good. And I hope the censer worked well? Have you come to pu8chase more blackbark, yes?"

The mage waits for Sssil to answer before continuing. "Oh, and sa'sshin. If you are interested, I can use my censer to smoke the rest of that meat for you, for a small fee of course. Refilling is 6 silver. I also can tan hides with another kit I ma working on, still in its experimental stages But, if you have no use for them, I would be happy to buy them from you. Now, shall we try and make a deal?"

Sssil knows the hides in their fresh state arent as much as if they were tanned . He estimates he can get at least 1 silver a piece for the hides, 2 if thanned. The horns are of average quality, although the mage doesnt seem interested in them. With a diplomacy, Ssil might be able to get a better deal on the censer refill or try and trade the hides/horns for a refill and smoking. Or osmething.
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Post by beowuuf »

Ssssil bids the Captain farewell to rejoin his companions. At Growlgra's antics, Ssssil shakes his head regretfully, jangling his own purse, and then taking up a stoic guarding position holding an imaginary sword, and walking in defined, proud steps. He then gestured to the position of the sun, and made an arc down to the ground. He did this several times, and then shrugged and nodded. Paid to guard. Maybe later? Of course, the real reason for Ssssil#s great restraint, instead of trying to work out if he could be allowed to go looking for signs every time the caravan would stop, was his test. He did not want to do anythign to jepoardise it. After that was passed, such a hunt seemed perfect. Perhaps even Hasssta would like to join in? Perhaps Growlgra could come back too, after the small one had done his tasks.

As the group get close to the market, Ssssil keeps a nervous eye on everyone. Still, it seems to go alright, and Ssssil concentrates on getting back to Thhralik. "Hello again," he said when the merchant greeted him warmly. "Yes, the hunt went well!" Ssssil looks to his two friends. "The tall mammal speaks our tonuge with a very thick accent. Do you speak..whatever...language he speaks?" Ssssl seems embarrassed, but realises that if the two can talk they could buy what they need. Ssssil also points ot Growlgra. "Small hutner my friend, impressed by smoker. You have another? He would like to buy one. And yes, I would like to buy a refill. And yes, smoke meat too!" Ssssil was aware he was starting to dig in to his money, but Thhralik's help could see them get a good reputation with Hassssta and the caravan, and also make their hides worth more.

Ssssil realises the hides are not just his, and turns to both Westian and Growlgra. "He says he can tan hides for us. Fast. Magic!" He looks to Westian encouragingly, wondering if his large mammal companion caught the words. He then turns to Growlgra, pointing to the hides, then pretending they were stiff. He points to the smoker and then to the man. Makes hides stiff. Same magic!

Sssssil is a little to trusting an undemanding to haggle, assumign the merchant knows best, However, if the merchant can speak to Westian, or Westian can try to be understood, perhaps the half-elf will have better luck and show off his skills :D

Sssssil will hold on to anything he's grabbed, so it would just be buying the hide tanning (fingers crossed it will work), and selling any of the horns the others kept. And yeah, censer refill, and Ssssil will buy Growlgra another censer if he can. Plus the meat smoking offer for the remaining bodies. I wonder how muchthis will all cost, and if the hides will survive the experimental process!
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