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Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:38 pm
by beowuuf
Need to catch up on some sleep, and there's some copmplex thigns going on, so will definitely update tomorrow instead of now. Sorry!

Yeah, the Westian/Petal story took me by surprise, but is cool, and bonds all you guys together much better for the end. Glad to hear you are enjoying things so far, will try to make a good showing o nthe finale. And yeah, I think I'm committed to cushioning your absence OB, so hopefully you get to experience the ending properly.

Also, might give Raxiel a little more time to prepare for the new game, of course! Already had a funny cross-over in the mini-game I;m playing just now, though sad that the cross over won't continue in to the main game!

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:16 am
by Ameena
Hey look, now it's not just the GM screwing with my character's head, but everyone else as well ;). Aawww, poor little pacifistic critter don't want to beat up the bad guys :(. But don't worry, my next char won't really have any qualms about that sort of thing :twisted:.

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 2:13 pm
by beowuuf
Actually, I like what you guys are doing so won't trample all over it for now. Assume friendly NPCs are cogitating, and the Trolins are basically standoffish.

Sadly, if Ameena had kept it short the 'lord it over alive enemies' tactic might have worked, but she's kept talking about not killing so much that there'll definitely be a schism of some kind.

We shall see how it manifests!

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 9:52 pm
by Ameena
Lol well, Ameena's a murafu...that's how they are, both with the talking-a-lot and the not-killing-stuff :D. The "don't kill your enemies 'cause then you can laugh at them" thing was a sort of vague idea she mentioned in case it might have some kind of effect. Because she doesn't understand any of this (of deiberately going to instigate violence with someone, and generally being aggressive and provoking fights, etc), she just kinda rambled and mentioned anything that's come within her experience and which involved someone fighting someone else but then not killing them, for whatever reason. Much though I would like to go and kick plenty of arses (especially that elven wanker Dolo :twisted:), the Murafu certainly aren't like that so I've sort of ended up sticking myself with my character not wanting to have any kind of final showdown ;). Still, maybe if everyone else stamps around and makes enough noise, maybe can sneak in the back way and yoink the Soulstone that way. She did mention that, or at least she thought about it, but that would also mean that she does it alone in this big bad scary place, and the "A-word" is a Very Very Bad one for murafu, as you know ;).
I can tell you for nothing that no-one's gonna be able to persuade her to join in the arse-kicking. The only way a murafu will charge into combat is if they see one of their friends in danger - say, cornered by a predator. In which case they'll only do what's necessary to either drive off said predator, or distract it enough so the endangered murafu can get away. In the case of the group, they're planning to storm in and be the ones to start the fight, and go round trying to kill people or whatever. Since murafu aren't instigators of violence (they would never understand the concept of war, for example), Ameena won't help in that case, whatever danger her friends are in, because they started it. And she can't understand the idea that killing these guys will save countless lives in the outside world because to a murafu, killing isn't something you do (well, they'll eat small insects and other creepy-crawlies, but certainly won't harm anything else) because it causes harm to someone, and harming people is bad. It's like lying - murafu don't understand that either. Why would you say something that isn't true? In some ways, they're quite an alien species...maybe they're rather idealistic, but that's the way they are. So you won't persuade this one to help out in battle. If it was the group that was under attack, then maybe it would be different, but right now, they're not, and of course Ameena already knows what they're intending to do so even if some Blackskulls did turn up right now and start attacking everyone, Ameena would probably find herself hard-pressed to choose a side, and so would probably just panic and run away. Right now all she wants to do is get Helm back, get the Soulstone put together, and hopefully not mess up whatever messed up last time.

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:07 pm
by beowuuf
Well since we've been down this path before, and since there were obviously the aggressive Trolisn to balance too, and sicne it is the finale and big thigns are happeneing, then it's not a case of 'this is a sticking point' this was a case of 'I was leavign you guys to RP' before revealing the next bit.

If it's literanlly going to be a case of Ameena just saying no and reiterating her point to each new post, I'll move us on.

Anyway, ressurecting Helm then joining the soulstone are enough forward momentum for the game. Don't be surprised if there are more deaths indirectly because of Ameena's actions, though!

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 12:25 am
by Ameena
Oh sure, there might be - but she basically can't actively bring herself to deliberately cause pain or death to anyone. So for now the "We want to go and kick the crap out of the Blackskulls" plan is a Very Bad Thing, especially when the group can be doing the opposite in rezzing Helm, and since she doesn't really get what's going on with this whole Soulstone business, she probably just recalls that something good will happen when they finish fixing it, something to do with some uber person showing up who can save the day and make everything right again, and so on.
Hey, everyone could still have told her where to stick it and buggered off to kill stuff - they don't have to listen to this weird little sentient rat-creature whose people don't do much besides run around gnawing stuff, talking lots, and snuggling up to each other ;).

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 10:09 pm
by money
Falkor is more determined to support Ameena - but of course missed much of the initial discussion - hence why IC he has not commented! Interesting times are afoot :)

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 10:30 pm
by beowuuf
Aww, then I wish I had waited for the update then :(

And indeed thay are afoot! Or at least, that's my hope they will be!

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 4:22 pm
by Lord_BoNes
Sorry for the lack of posts... I've been away over Easter. We were only meant to go away for a couple of nights.... then it turned into just over a week :P
I had been lurking on occasion, but that was on a friend's mobile phone.... so it couldn't be maintained the entire time.

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 5:51 pm
by beowuuf
Ah, I thoguht it might be end of month badwidth. Did see you lurking a little. Ok, let me know if you need a round up. I won't update again until tomorrow to catch OB, unless there is something happening with the party interactions.

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:03 pm
by money
quick heads up from me, I'm in meetings tomorrow and Tuesday, so might not be untill Wednesday before next post.

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:55 pm
by beowuuf
So noted, I'll try not to kill Falkor before then!

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:26 pm
by beowuuf
Awww, I think this is the first time all six of you guys have posted in the main thread, all together between updates! Some of you twice! *tear*

Cool, I'll update for the reaction from the NPCs, and move us on a little. Sorry that means again letting Falkor miss commenting on something, still money you can retcon a reaction to Westian's comment later. At least for this update, there will be an excuse why he didn't reply!

I'll also post again later after the update to explain OOC some of the toys I wanna give you guys as you go along.

And finally, did anyone else laugh at Westian's reaction? :D And hes, snigger at Haynuus's reaction too :)

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:49 pm
by beowuuf
And smile at Raixel's one too, fine :D

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 12:52 am
by beowuuf
Ok, so what;s happened with Westian and co is that they've set up a group of Trolins - about fourty of them in four sub-groups - to attack the Blackskulls. You guys might never see them, though metagame wise it might be worthwhile knowing that just in case. There are two groups of fightig Trolins, one group of archer/scouts, and one group of misc (Shamen, healers, sneaks)

The guys you have are one group of sneaky/archer types (think assassin), and one group of all-rounder (really fighting scouts). And the Trolin king nad his lot.

The young air elementals, as has been hinted, can be a good communication method, and of course a little unreliable but even a way to get around obstacles and scout. You might spot alreayd that unless you can keep them under control, having them aorund might start to show where the groups are. At the least, the blackskulls would know there's something around, and as you go deeper it might then be communicated.

Obviously, everyone but Petal really has the ability to perhaps try to touch on their future memories. Aurek has always been locked down, Westian and Falkor have never really triesd to access them, while Haynuus and Ameena have been most open to them. And there is oviously consequences for trying to access the memories and work out where thing might be, or what issues there might be.

Plus, the biggest caveat always being you are creating the proper future now, and the previous iteration failed. So you've got to watch out for circumstances that didn't exists the first time, and for the pitfall that might bring you down. Haynuus seems to be skirting around ways around it most, btw.

Falkor has started to make proper contact with the ghost girl, and has a few other ethereal freidns to be able to call upon at the right time. Though the cloak isn't infinite in use, and there might be dangers with attracting ethereal attention.

Otherwise, you have accumulated some crap along the way that it might be worthwhile reminding yourself and me over. You might have skill point allocations or powers you never got to bring to bear. Time to dig all that stuff out!

Map tomorrow, if you guys haven't moved yourself to the start of the level I can move you down there, and as said I'll need at least a party order, but preferably some contingencies. Money said he possibly can't post for a day or two, but I want to make sure we get a decent way in to this before we lose OB for a while. So I hope everyone forgives my slow and quick fits!

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 11:39 am
by Ameena
Well, skill-wise, I've never used much except tons of Perception and the occasional Stealth, really. I think all my "main" skills (ie the ones I put the most points into) have been used at least once. I even used Intimidate once, and I've only everput one point into that (just to bring the skill mod up to zero as I have -1 Charisma mod, lol). I've not really managed to take advantage of my +4d6 Sneak Attack damage, but this is more because of the way the character's turned out than anything else - yeah undead can't be Sneak-Attacked in this version so I haven't been able to use it on the grak-graks but even when she had a chance for example in the Garax fight I can't remember whether she took it or not.
Weren't we gonna level up to eight before the end of the game so we were the same level as our chars were in the First Run? Well, I suppose there's still a little way to go before that. I hope Dolo gets his arse kicked. I'd love to be the one to do it (backstab, fuck yeah :twisted:), but unless poor Ameena has a complete mental breakdown of some kind and ends up totally losing it I can't see that happening ;).

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 6:42 pm
by oh_brother
Most of Westian’s skills are passive knowledge based ones, apart from his chatty-chatty ones that he uses quite a lot. Not too much in the way of equipment, just the ring of dexterity, snake staff and leather armour. As I said in the IC thread I don’t know about dividing up, it depends on if we really know where we are going or not. I think we should stay close until we get to the priest’s lair, in case he is surrounded by guards, or some blackskulls try to flank us when we enter. If the Trolin’s are around they can scout the immediate area and even if we cannot all fit together at least they would be protecting our backs. Or our fronts, depending on what way we are facing.

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 9:30 pm
by beowuuf
I assume Ian is in bank evil again? I'll hold off until we get at least one or two more people posting (so Ian later, or money/LB managing to get on)

Indeed, it's no issue if you don't use the skills you have, just aware this is maybe time to dust off some shinies or skills and go 'woah, I know kung-fu! And a lot about planes....' And I think Garax was indeed snuck attacked, and one or two other things. It has occasionally come in to play. Though yeah, being a ruogue that will only harm undead for the most part does limit your sneak attack opportunities. Mostly it's been a tactical presence for Ameena!

Anyway, here's the map everyone. Westian, LB nd money won't be familiar with this, Petal will know part and Ameena/Haynuus will know part. I think it should be confusing enough for you guys as players right this second to simulate how your characters will be.

Also, now might be a time to think about light levels - will you take light in to this place, low light, or no light?


Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 10:15 pm
by Ameena
I think that room north of the stairs is Garax's room, isn't it? Or Dolo's room which Garax happened to be waiting in when we got there first time around.
As for light, technically Ameena should be able to feel her way round entirely by whiskertouch and relying on hearing and smell (apart from the fact the just botched her Perception), considering normal rats can manage that just fine. Of course, whether such a thing will work in-game I don't know, what with my most recent roll of the die :P. Plus that won't much help anyone else unless they've got Darksight (I suppose the trolls might have that, but as far as I know none of the rest of the party have anything better than Infravision, Low-Light vision, whatever it's called). I'd personally suggest we take enough light for people to see by but not so much we're blazing our way down the corridor. If you're in a well-lit area (such as sitting around a campfire) and someone approaches from the darkness, you don't see them until they're really close.

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 10:41 pm
by ian_scho
Haynuus has darksight but is happy to carry a torch - and drop it in case of arse-kicking-time! Don't like the idea much of splitting up either.

The room north of the stairs may well be where Garax is. We barged in there and then out again (knocked unconscious). Dolo, dare I say his name, may well be trapped with a mummy to a prison cell on the far right side - Ameena squeaked the key somewhere too! The 2X3room next to the one on the far right was just a little wierde with a construct or something in there. Nothing interesting, as I recall we probably frisked the stuff away.

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 10:49 pm
by beowuuf
That's right, it's the north room from the staurs (that are hidden in an invisible wall, as the rest of you will discover. It was Dolo's room, in that he's obviously hijacked it. It appears to be a library or some such thing, and yes, Garax was wiaitng for Dolo inside it. Whether the priest is anywhere beside the room this time is another matter. And yeah, gameplay wise Ameena doens't have darksight. She can work out by smell if there's an enemy close to her, and as before she can toddle her way around, but that's not a fast trick. And yes, you can't lead anyone ele around either. As Helm almost dying once or twice might have pointed out! At least most of your enemies will be human and so need to rely on sight. I wonder if Garax has forgiven you for embarrassing him with that yet...

Edit: Oh, double posted with Ian! Must set alarm early to update tomorrow morning then, weird sleep means off to bed to lounge! Yeah, the 3 x 3 room was Deephold's prison. Whether it's now Dolo's prison...who can say. You cvan always sent someone to check :p

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 10:57 pm
by Ameena
Yeah, I figure it'll take a bit longer for Ameena to find her way in the dark than it would with light since she has to do it by feel more than by sight. But hey, she managed okay before, with Helm, and she's still got that string ;). At least she has the option to let her other senses guide her along, as opposed to the others who are much more reliant on sight.
As for whether or not Dolo's still in that room, personally I'm not sure I fancy checking - even if he is still in there (if he's not got anyone such as that mummy to bash the door down) I'm sure he's quite capable of getting into people's heads through the closed door, and personally I don't really fancy having an angry blue troll king deciding he's actually really quite bored of taking orders from a half-elf ;).

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:08 pm
by beowuuf
Think I'll do the same again and uodate tomorow morning, to let Ian and Raixel post (and LB and money contributwe to if they are around)

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 5:46 pm
by Lord_BoNes
I'm fine with keeping to Aurek's popular "I'm a moving armored statue that doesn't talk very much" approach :P
But, I do post if I feel he REALLY has to jump in.

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 6:59 pm
by beowuuf
As long as you are keeping up and don't feel left behind!

To all, for some reason the first line ofmy last update went walkabout:
beowuuf wrote:There was a sound of battle, but it seemed far off ,the direction uncertain. Definitely the dull clank of metal. However, no other sounds like ringing swords, nor the shouts of men. It was oddly unsettling.
It will make Sir Farel's comment make a little more sense seeing that!

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:20 pm
by ian_scho
I had assumed that the noise was the animated armour.

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 10:32 pm
by beowuuf
It probably is. Except it does sound like fighting too...

WIll give some more ime for Raixel/money to post, might actually update tomorrow morning...waking up at 5.40 atm no matter when I go to sleep, and it's knocking me a little. Perhaps I need to take advantage of it and do lots of stuff early morning instead :)

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:53 am
by beowuuf
Running out of time this morning, plus in the past money has sometimes come on just after I am leaving for work, so will update lunchtime!

Edit: Grrr, PM'd what I had to far to myself to work on, but lunchtime has now come and gone. Update tonight, sorry OB if I miss an opportunity for you to update again :(

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 3:25 am
by raixel
Why is there blackflames, treasure chests and blue stars all over topics now?q

Re: TIME'S CHAMPIONS: Finale OOC thread

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:40 am
by beowuuf