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Re: [RTC] Dungeon Master HD

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:57 pm
by Gambit37
@Crash: I'm sorry to say that the monsters look like they've been wrapped in plastic. Filters alone will *never* add clarity or detail to old graphics in a favourable way. The only way you can really do this is to re-draw by hand in high definition.

Re: [RTC] Dungeon Master HD

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:08 pm
by Crash.
That was intentional. The blue Trolin creatures were specifically designed that way to make them look wet and gelatinous (using a plastic wrap filter), as this is what I thought the original ones were designed to look like. Most of the creature graphics came from other sources which were presumably hand drawn by others, while I only worked on those not available elsewhere. The pictured Shrieker and Mummy are not my work. I am not artistically capable of re-drawing all of the art assets, but am trying to collect a complete set from all of the various sources, and compositing or creating any that do not exist. This is the best I can do.

Re: [RTC] Dungeon Master HD

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:11 pm
by Gambit37
Right, OK. I think I've been spoiled by Legend of Grimrock. All the old DM games now look wrong and too simple :-(

Re: [RTC] Dungeon Master HD

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:24 pm
by Crash.
I'm hoping someone can create 3D models for all of the DM and CSB creatures for use in LoG, but there are still a number of dungeons here that I haven't played, so I'll be happy to do so in DM HD.

Re: [RTC] Dungeon Master HD

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:01 pm
by beowuuf
It possibly doesn't help you know the old art assets intimimately Gambit - you can see the difference. As opposed to someone new, where the 'updated' graphics might still pass muster as not being so in-your-face pixelated, whereas the true original graphics may just look terrible for being so blocky to new eyes.

I think the monsters look fine :)

Re: [RTC] Dungeon Master HD

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:00 am
@ l_ghthouse: thank you so much for the HD version! In my current playthrough (5th after a looong hiatus) i just arrived at the level..err..under the rat-pantry.
Tonight restarted with your modded version and ..i'm blown away. Its the same old DM but...different, better. Way to go!
Remark: your version is different from the 'original' RTC. So far, no spell book. Wont cry you a river because of that haha. The monster spawn multiplicator (RTC feature) seems to work: on the lvl 1 (2, the welcome one) found two mummies in the lil room instead of (the usual?) one.
Anything new I should know? War cry still gives priest levels?
Btw, my calculator says 640x480 is FOUR times bigger than 320x240 ;)
Just kidding.

@Crash: very nice version, mobs are ok to me, just the walls are a bit...odd.. like they were made from loaves of bread. I would prefer a tint less yellowish and more greyish (more similar to Skullkeep I guess). Its just me tho.

And yeah, I know how Legend of Grimrock looks like, and I love it veery much. But LOG is not DM, you version is, tho.

Re: [RTC] Dungeon Master HD

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:32 am
by Gambit37
BULIGO wrote:the walls are a bit...odd.. like they were made from loaves of bread. I would prefer a tint less yellowish and more greyish (more similar to Skullkeep I guess).
The walls in those screenshots ARE the Skullkeep walls, with no modifications.

Re: [RTC] Dungeon Master HD

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:18 pm
Hehe, okay then :)
For some reason, I like those dungeons walls to resemble some sort of hewn square-ish stone blocks/slabs, no matter how coarse. As a boy I learned how to build 'dry walls' from my grampa (the stone dry walls separating sheep herds of different owners, in our local dialect called 'Gromacha'). One of the first lessons was about the rotund bouders being unfit for building walls. So, I prefer the slabs, any kind of square-looking stone blocks :). Guess I' lol.

Re: [RTC] Dungeon Master HD

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:56 pm
by palyarmerc
I really liked this mod, agreed, some things look a bit too 'plastic'

Would be nice if more RTC dungeons included the .txt for modification (I understand not wanting to share those though)
I managed to modify Dungeons Matter to HD - all I had to do was add the contents of the replace.txt thus....

I renamed the DungeonsMatter.txt to DungeonsMatterHD.txt
inside this file I renamed the game name with HD extension then,
inside this file, after the [Text - Strings] block of code, I added a new header
[New - Bitmaps]
and then pasted the replace.txt contents

finally, for the initial compile, I edited the config.txt so that it read COMPILE Modules\DungeonsMatterHD.txt

...and it worked a treat (providing there were no custom monsters or such, hope I aint broke it, but I'll find out soon enough)

Re: [RTC] Dungeon Master HD

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 4:30 am
by Sambini
I realize this an old post but I just wanted to say I think this idea is fantastic! I am so used to modern games and modern graphics that sometimes the classic Dungeon Master graphics are enough to drive me nuts! I imagine this took a lot of time but it looks awesome. When I do another run through soon I'm going to try to use this :)

Great work!