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Re: Music and Sounds

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:15 pm
by raixel
Soph, I would suggest you drop something to that effect actually in the DSB files in your next upgrade, just to let people know flat out.

While I have no intent on ever distibuting a dungeon with a changed base (It makes no sense, as you said), I have played with the base code. But not to change it for use in a dungeon. Mostly just to look at it, as a learning tool. Is that ok?

*hopes she isnt gonna get Sophia Goons knockin on her door to break her kneecaps*

Re: Music and Sounds

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:53 pm
by Sophia
Good idea. The files already tell people it's probably not a good idea to change them, but since people are going to do that anyway, I think it's a good to also let them know that I will not be pleased if they distribute the changed versions. It just plain wasn't an issue until now.

Not that I mind. The upgrade and debugging problems will affect you with your own files also, of course, and if your copy DSB has crashes or other bugs I'll probably just blame you instead of looking into the issue. ;)
But I certainly don't mind! I am pretty against anyone trying to tell me (or you!) what to do with your own files on your own computer; DRM and such annoy me.

Re: Music and Sounds

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:44 am
by raixel
OK, thanks. And no, I dont actually use or play the copy I was messing with. In fact the folder its in says DSBDONT USE(in all caps). Like I said, its a learning tool, because I dont know much about Lua. I use a fresh copy to actually play the dungeon or experiment with creating my own. :)

Re: Music and Sounds

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:26 pm
by LordGarth
I like my spooky "GET OUT" sound effect. MUAHAHAHHAHAHAAH
I have alot of Zombie and Ghoul moaning and eating sound effects too.
