Forum for the finished DM D&D game 'Time's Champions' run by beowuuf

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Post by Ameena »

As everyone else charges off to distract Garax and the others, Ameena decides what would be best for her to do, the strange everyone-in-the-same-mind effect meaning she hopes she can vaguely communicate her intentions to those around her.
Then she takes off, darting as quickly as she dares around the room, keeping an obstacle between herself and the central area as often as she can so that she can avoid being seen. She circles around to the left from where the group entered the room, so taht she's on the same side of the chamber as the Soulstone plinth. Not that that's her target. Not just yet.
Instead, she heads for Theron. She tries to keep behind some form of cover as much as she can, and to tread as quietly as she can, but also tries to move as fast as she thinks she can safely manage without risking anyone seeing her. She just hopes that Gholst, whatever and wherever he is, is distracted by the various goings-on in the other area of the room.
As she makes for the robed human, she quickly tries to think of what she should say, as well as remembering to slow her speech as all murafu need to do when addressing such other species.
She runs right up to Theron and stand upright so she can look up at him better.
"Hello, I'm Ameena. I know you probably think I'm a rat but I'm a murafu - we're like rats but umm, we're bigger and we think more." she says quickly, getting that out of the way. "This is really really important and the world will be destroyed if things go wrong because it already happened once, except I don't think it did because the world still seems to be here. It was something to do with time changing. Anyway, Karnadee told us that you didn't do anything wrong, but you think you did so she's stuck here - her spirit is floating around and she's not very happy. She's very sad and she wants you to let her go so she can go and be dead properly, and whatever bad thing happened she said it wasn't your fault. And if you don't let her go then Gholst will end up killing you and then the world will be destroyed so you need to let Karnadee go so you can get rid of Gholst so he can't hurt her because she isn't here any more. I don't know exactly what you need to do, but I know you need to do it. Um. Very very soon. Or, now."
Ameena says all this as quickly as she dares, and in a low voice in the hopes of not drawing any attention from anyone else who might be lurking nearby. She looks hopefully up at Theron, wondering how he'll respond.

OOC - Well, actually, now I've written all that I hope I can actually get that far around the room to reach Theron...well anyway, here is a Stealth check...18 (3+15) and once again I am so glad for my epic bonus to that skill :P. And in case a Diplomacy is needed to get Theron to listen to me or something, Diplomacy = 16 (7+9). yay for my meh rolls tonight :P.
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by ian_scho »

OOC - Great effort, Ameena. You've convinced me!
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Post by beowuuf »

Haynuus was just recovering from one mental intrusion of their strange mind link when Westian gave another. Haynuus did not charge in to battle as Westian had exactly suggested, but with his supernatural OH blade he moved forwards ready if the moment was right. Haynuus tried to look for any danger from above, however the slow movements to the right made it difficult. Dolo was looking directly at Haynuus now, however the elf was not reactign as if he recognised the half-orc at all. The screaming continued. The two mummies, however, became visible and started moving to where the party were.

Sorry, too low a perception roll to see anything. Decide if you will engage the mummies, pull back to get some flanking advantage with Aurek, or if you will do something else.

The reason Haynuus was the focus was that Aurek had already started moving in the shadows. There were a few pillars to act as cover, ones the mummies themselves had previously been hidden behind. The paladin was right - they had to act sooner, and he was poised to strike.

LB, roll me some stealth to see exactly how well hidden you manage to be. Also let me know tactics here - strike out immediately, clerical turning, or ready a strike based on what Haynuus's actions might generate.

To both of you: I assume neither of you are making a move towards Dolo yet?

Deephold also caught the edges of what Westian was suggesting for Aurek and Haynuus. Seeing Westian gather the Trolins, deephold was torn - but decided that helping the warriors with the priest was better than watching Westian's back. Deephold uttered a prayer to Larethian to watch the cleric's back, however. Then he moved to be beside Haynuus, briefly working out why the half-orc waslooking upwards.

Westian's own internal struggles seemed to be hidden, his external bravado and words had spurred everyone else onwards. The Trolin King and the two Trolins form the original group that had accompanied Westian moved on his words. Uumack only briefly looked ot Haynuus to make sure the half-orc was goign to be ok. However, Westian's manufactured assurity and ease was what had turned UUmack in the first place, and the torlin moved on without hesitation now. The Trolin King, too, hefted his own weapon and moved onward as if to embrace destiny. Or strike it repeatedly with his club.

Of course, none of his companions - nor the dwarf that had just left Westian - realised what Westian was goign to do. Dargat was standing with his hands clasping and unclasping, the movement immediately made him turn before Westian had uttered a word. And Garax too moved with alarming swiftness to see what was happening.

Dargat's chest puffed out at Westian's words. "Traitor!" came the powerful hiss, and the armour flared violet as Dargat moved swiftly forwards. Garax found his strange curved weapon plucked from his hand while he was distracted, and he was painfully smashed backwards by Dargat's blow. If Haynuus had been at Westian's side, he could have pointed out that Garx had been no slouch as a combatant.

Of course, now Dargat moved to keep both Garax and Westian in sight at once. And he held a terrible weapon one haded in an unfriendly manner. Captain Drommal looked to Weastian stunned, but clearly recognised the half-elf. In the background, Passin too looked shock at the revelation.

Still, matters could tumble out of control. Westian had only another moment to speak or act - before someone before him broke the startled mood of distrust, or before the Trolin King started swinging.

Note, that player wasn't narrative this time, Deephold has given you a +1 on your next roll. Not the 31, that one was phenominal enough without it. I'll let it carry, and take the pressure off you. Well, unless you rally start pushing things, then I might insist on a second roll. Until then ,it's all RP. Let me know what you are going to say or do to keep forcus on you, and pre-empt anything Dargat and Drommal (and even Passin and King Grrl) might do!

Petal stirred beside Ameena. "Mad, everyone has become!" she said, clearly not just refering to the actions of the screaming enemies. KNowing what Ameena planned, Petal knew she could help. "Dangerous, this will be!" she said, invoking the spell of invisibility and flying close to the murafu. Of course, Ameena had been inside illusionary effects before, and so knew that just because nothing seemed to have changed for her it did not mean that nothing had changed to the sight of others.

Ameena feels something heating up in her pouch as she gets near the soulstone plinth. Luckily the other part of the soulstone is so large, for the slight glow on the plinth does not flare enough for anyone to notice. Still, it tells the small murafu she should not dwell at the plinth long.

Luckily, her invisibility and general tactics meant the two blackskulls do not look around as she moves towards Theron, She can even hear one say, "shouldn't we help?" to which the other hisses, "Help who? Something is not right, we need to keep our eyes peeled." And with that, the two kept looking outside the plinth and away from Ameena's progress.

Ameena passed through where Theron's eyesight was. She could see that the man seemed to be crying, his eyes higher up apparently looking at nothing. When Ameena passed throug hthat area though, there was a deep chill in her bones. She had wondered where Gholst was, and sudden'y a strange feeling or light and dark at the same time perhaps hinted. The odd noise in her ear that had told of the young ghost woman rang in her ear again, though she could hear nothing once more. And the terrible fear she had felt long ago in the small temple too.

Quickly, Petal and Ameena moved on though, bound for Theron. Ameena's words streamed out in a huge running torrent before Petal had even- confident they were temporarily hidden by their positon - let the invisibility magic drop. Theron seemed to react so terrible slowly to the stream of words.

Only the mention of Karnadee seems to draw his attention. The look on the man's face shows that perhaps he has seen and heard too many thigns too quickly and his mind is in shock. A small rodent - liek a pain rat - speaking to him regarding his sister seems to be nothing his is surprised about. Instead, he looks quickly once more to the ether and then Ameena.

"What do you mean?" he asks, in a demanding but not unkind tone. "NO! Leave her! Don't harm her!" says Theron, holding his hand up as if to ward away something over Ameena's shoulder. And then Ameena can feel a buld up of...somehting...behind her. It's hard to put in to words. It feels like everything scary and painful painful stirring itself in to an invisible ball, rolling towards her.

<i>BE SILENT!</i> says a voice in her mind, like Drommal's yet a hundred times more forceful and filled with hate.

Petal, meanwhile, is uttering a warning not realising Ameena's disrtaction. "We've been spotted!" she said, pointign to Passin, who had turned aroudn from Westian's appearance on the other side of the plinth..

Yeah, your bonuses are good to turn terrible catostrophic rolls to middling ones. Luckily the two blackskulls rolled terribly, plus invisibility is great,. However, Passin rolled well. So we shall see what he's all about soon.

Of course, more important is that the middling diplomacy kinda means that Ameena hasn't really got her hurried message across. So she'll need to figure out a tighter way to get it across, or reiterate it, etc.

However, if you hadn't appreciated, she's not saying it just to Theron. Someone is close who is listening in. So yeah, roll me a reflexes and will save again evil nastu Gholst people who are in the ether but see what you are doing and hear what you are saying. You might suspect Karnadee might be there too, and sadly Gholst has managed to act to threaten her. Maybe.

Meanwhile, unnnoticed for now, Helm moved off too. He's started moving as Ameena had moved, but broke off. It was not in fear of the blackskulls and Ameena's determination to go on to the plinth. At least, not exactly. However, Helm was not invisible and had not realised he was following the murafu. Instead, he was moving with a mix of fear and determination towards where Falkor had fallen, to check on the mage he'd had a previously antagonistic relationship with.

Ok, Ameena won't know that last bit until she focuses on what Helm is doing, but will know what's happened the moment she has a moment's peace and the inclination to think on her thief friend.

Ok, so there's the update! Again, apologies for the delay.
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Post by Ameena »

Ameena cringes at the bellowing shout that seems to echo through her mind. This is followed by Petal's pointing out of the fact that the Blackskull-who=might-not-be-a-proper-Blackskull has noticed them.
"Can you tell him we're trying to help?" she asks Petal quickly. "Tell him that bad things might happen - it might be better for him to get somewhere safe. I don't think he wants to be here."
Then she returns her attention to Theron. She moves closer, standing as tall as she can and reaching out to hold onto the edge of his robe with her forepaws.
"Karnadee can't be hurt if you do what she wants!" she says urgently. "She says whatever happened isn't your fault. I've seen, sometimes, people do things which lead to other people getting hurt and then they feel horrible about it even if it wasn't their fault. But if you realise it wasn't your fault, and if the other person is there to tell you they don't mind, then you can feel much better. Karnadee is stuck. Her body died but her spirit is here - she is here, probably very close to us right now! If it was her body dying that you think is your fault, then she says you're wrong. But her spirit might get hurt and...well, that sort of is your fault, because she can't go until you let her, and while she's here then bad things can happen to her. And that will hurt you because you don't want that to happen, do you? If you let her go now, then maybe her spirit will wait for yours, wherever spirits go, so that you can see her again when you die yourself. I think Gholst might try to kill me for saying this, but...well, my friends can finish what needs doing, I think. There's a...saying, you would call it, among my kind, among the Murafu - A friend is for life. Life is for friends. So if I die, I won't mind. I'll have tried. If this works then maybe the world won't be destroyed and everyone can go and live there again."
Ameena can't help but glance around, ears twitching in all directions and nose and whiskers quivering like mad - the next few moments might well hurt a lot, most likely inescapably so, but nevertheless her instincts are there and she can't resist the urge to keep alert for something that might be about to strike her.

OOC - Requested saves...Reflex = 11 (3+8), Will = 10 (7+3). Ouch, again with the mediocre rolls :P. Also a Perception in case that stands any chance at helping her anticipate an attack...Perception = 19 (8+11). Gah, can I not even roll any double figures today :P. I must have used up all the cool rolls on Perception and stuff in my own game ;).
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by ian_scho »

Haynuus spots the murafu talking to Theron with satisfaction. He then remembered to cast it out of his mind, in case he betrayed his friend to... Dolo.

Haynuus felt obliged to stay close to the cleric, as it was him who may be the key binding them all together. He really wanted to smite Dolo with the flat of his sword but he knew that the intelligent thing to do for now was to wait for orders from his master. The approaching mummies were of concern but hopefully they would be minor players in this game if the trolins reacted quickly.

He did do one (minor?) thing though, for Garax. Holding the great sword of the fallen paladin high in the air for all to see it seemed to shine in the light from the central dais. Haynuus actually felt empowered by wielding it like this. It was then he hurled it to the downed Garax as one of those wordless-yet-says-a-lot acts that burly warriors do for each other :mrgreen: A random d20 roll for hurling or diplomacy. (1d20=10)

OOC - Will delay for now until Haynuus sees what Westian is doing.
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Post by oh_brother »

“You take care of him” Westian shouted towards Garax and Dargat, deliberately ambiguously. “I will deal with the treacherous priest.”

Speaking of the priest, he seemed to be focused utterly on Lloth. Westian had no idea what effect disrupting him would have, but he knew they could not allow him to finish this. Running over to the right, he nodded his head to ask Aurek and Haynuus to follow him.

"Give the priest a wakeup call” he said in a neutral tone, before pulling his holy symbol out in front the priest and the mummies. “You are an abomination in the sight of Lord Larethian, I cast you out!” he snarled, hoping that he could repel the undead and shock the priest at the same time.

Okay, so turn undead was 18 + 15 = 33. :D
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Post by beowuuf »

Haynuus breaks from going after Dolo, instead choosing to through Umgold's blade at Garax. The man was a survivor of many battles, and certainly his reflexes in such a heightened situation were goign to be tightened to breaking point. He shifted out of the way, not comprehending what had been thrown at him. Some instinct recognised the weapon, and he grabbed it with no apparent ill effects.

Of course, to Dargat suddenly something in the shdaows - shadows that didn't stay such for long to the pure orc's night vision - had just apparently aided Garax. A new player, mostly likely aligned to the one that had just come from nowhere shouting orders.

So did you deliberately aid Garax with a weapon, or were you trying to strike him?

"It's them! The ones we told you of," yelled Drommal to Dargat, shaking off the surprise and lifting his blade.

Westian's words at least added to the confusion. "NO!" yelled Garax, hearing the threat to Dolo. Dargat snarled and moved swiftly to strike the man with his own weapon. Garax turned and took the blow with the greatsword, easily shifting against the movement of the curved blade aroudn his guard. After all, Garax had trained daily with the strange item. Still, Dargat had raw power if a contest of skill looked anything like fair.

"Deal with them!" yelled Dargat to Drommal, nodding his head in Westian's direction whilst striding across to Garax. "Traitor to the Cult! To our masterrrr!" echoed the voice of Dargat, the orcish accent that had been absent coming back.

"You betray him with your actions and now your small mind!" came Garax's retort, his own strange accent bleeding in to his own words.

Westian had already moved to try and deal with the priest, leaving the Trolin King to crow and move to intercept Drommal. The Captain met the trolin with a sneer, although then realised two more of the creatures were spreading out to attack too, and took a more cautious step backwards even as spiked club met blackened sword.

Westian was already praying to Larethian, seeing the threat of the mummies move again Haynuus while the half-orc had paused to throw the paladin's weapon. Westian prayed with fervour to Larethian, realising his own words were echoed by the words of Deephold standing there.

The effect was spectaular, not just the one mummy but both stopped and screamed with a new flavour. No longer anger but frustration and pain. It seemed as if the frost of the mummies cracked, and they stepped backwards to the odd warmth that started to build up aroudn the two clerics. The creatures actually raised their tightly bandaged hands to their glowing eyes, averting their gaze from WEstian and Deephold. Dolo on the dias screamed even louder, blood starting to flow from his nose, and tears of blood beading from his eyes.

Just as Drommal's yells of frustration drew Dargat's gaze from the fight, now Dolo's cries drew Garax's attention. WOuld the two keep fighting, or reluctantly part and destroy the intruders?

Meanwhile, on the other side of the dias Petal scrambled over to Passin, whom immediately reached for a sword. After all, there was much screaming and combat aorund him, and sudden;y a wingled creature who had not been there before was moving towards him swiftly.

Ameena had no real time to see what was occuring with that, focused as she was on speaking to the distracted mage who seemed to hold all the answers to the madness that was going on. Words once more tripped out of Ameena's mouth withthe liquid fluidity of the murafu, and the man seemed to have a hard time working out much of what was said, especially given the ebb and flow of Ameena's own excited and desperate thoughts.

"TRapping her..me...what... how idi..." started Theron, seemingly terrified, confused and angry in equal measure. However, unlike when Gholst had possessed Theron, all the mage's emotions seemed ot be held in check, and all his own. He did grasp one thing Ameena said very well, frustration bubblign to the surface. "I know it's my fault! She is here! Gholst has her!"

Unfortunately Ameena spends her time speaking as many words as she can to Theron as possible, leaving herself no time to avoid whatever is going to come at her from Gholst. Ameena can only hope that something in what she's said trickles in to mage's confused brain, and he can make sense of it once the shock of everything has faded.

"SLEEP FOREVER!" yells a voice in Ameena's ear. She can almost see the world aroudn her change, a terrifying human face with burning eyes and a stern mouth lookign at her. If she imagined Sirferrel and inverted everything good and kind about him, it would be this sort of face, the sort of imposing body behind it. Ameena's senses are wreathed in white flames, she can smell the birning of them as if they are charring those she loves, the heat of them on her skin too close, and the brightness of them blinding her. They appear to wrap around the figure and also around her. And then a a physical force hits her, throwing her away from Theron and smashing her in to the altar. While the flames are gone, the sheer weight of the hatred and disregard for who and what she is threatens to snuff her mind out like a feeble candle. Her last thought is a reminder of when Drommal kicked her, of the pain and hate he felt, amplified. Her vision blackens...

And then the room comes back in to focus. Ameena still feels the weight of the mind that had tried to shred her mind with a word. And yet she can also feel that weight being distributed aroudn the room, snaking outwards to the joined minds of all her companions. Each and every one, for a moment, sees the face and feels the hatred he has for Ameena - in by connection, them all. Each and every one feels the raw evil of Gholst Norsamdar. Knows that he, just like the demon queen, must never be allowed to regain purchase on this mortal plane.

The power of him as conveyed by Ameena is distracting and terrifying. And yet even though Ameena has pushed that out to all her friends, she realises that this action has saved her from having her mind struck in to unconsciousness as Falkor has had happened twice in the ethereal plane. Like Drommal, clearly Gholst thought her mothing more than an insect, batting her aside and now paying her no more mind.

Meanwhile, apparently his movement in the ethereal plane had moved him away from Karnadee for a moment - Theron stood and cast reflexively a spell against Gholst. Whether it struck at all, or simply had not been powerful enough to be a 'killing' stroke was unknwon, but Theron started speaking words of supplication again, surely speaking of Gholst having once more grabbed Karnadee.

Ameena started to notice the odd movements in the air. Falkor had spoken of ghosts he had managed to persuade to join the fight. She could feel them, almost see them, moving in the air, and yet clearly they were held as Theron was held, not wishing to move while Gholst and Karnadee were apparently together.

Ok, everyone will take a -2 (including you, Ameena) on all their rolls for the next little while. Bright side, Ameena isn't unconscious nor afflicted with a worse injury. The power of beign a small fuzzle, just as happened with Drommal many many updates ago :D

Ok, so stuff is heating up, and at least this had oddly let you see the face of your enemy. Might be better if you coudl actually see the face of your enemy, but again, you have many problems still to solve, and the NPCs around are unlikely to solve them all for you without some help!
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Post by ian_scho »

OOC - Lol. It was hurled in a non maiming manner ;)
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Post by beowuuf »

Lol, as in a 'here have a weapon' or 'here, this is the wepaon of a person you killed indirectly!'? Ah well, either way it seems to have ended up how it was meant then :D Garax thought it an attackand Dargat thought it was aid, and Garax has taken it to aid himself :D
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Post by ian_scho »

The next few moments would be crucial for all of their survival. Upon seeing that the mummies were at least incapacitated for a few moments Haynuus did what he was told and cast his concentration to the twisted elf halfway around the column. What Dolo would see next - or not as his eyes were actually bleeding, was the curious sight of the half-orc warrior sweeping around the pillar with one hand behind his back.

Next he would notice that the other hand was actually free of a weapon, then the huge hand appeared wrapped around his chin and neck and finally that the grotesque half-orc was smiling with a cork-stopper in his mouth. SCHLUP! Dolo had not moved at all during the recent events but now he had an earth coloured bottle emptying into his mouth. The success of Haynuus's bizarre idea depended upon a grapple check, the Gods and a DM with his wrinkled nose nearly touching a computer monitor. (1d20=4, 1d20=7, 1d20=7) ACK! What a poor roll. The idea had been 6d6 hit points non-lethal damage from directly drinking it all up (6d6=16) which was perfect in Haynuus's mind as the Priest was mostly prone, mostly concentrated on other matters and maybe if something was controlling Dolo (or vice-verse) they would have taken a hit as well.
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Post by ian_scho »

Yep, kind of hoped that Garax would use it against Dargat to buy us some time. Hence the diplomacy bit - here have some free aid and save yourself!
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Post by Ameena »

Ameena momentarily curls into a ball as she is flung thoughtlessly against the hard surface of the altar. She lies there for a moment or two, then with a shiver manages to pull herself to her feet (all four of them).
"See?" she gasps at Theron. "He doesn't want me to tell you this. You have to realise, whatever it was that happened, it wasn't your fault! Karnadee said so. She says you didn't do anything wrong. You have to realise that and she'll be free! And then you will be too, because Gholst won't be able to do anything more bad because KArnadee won't be here for him to hurt. She'll be gone, gone and safe!"
On an impulse, she climbs up onto the altar. From here, she looks around the room, though remains on all fours. She turns slowly, and though doesn't really focus on the view around her, she tries to make it look that way, as though she's looking for something, perhaps, that she can use to help in some way. She lowers her head, facing toward the centre of the altar, and then gives herself a brief shake, as though trying to throw off whatever strange effect Gholst seems to have placed upon her.
Meanwhile, she tries to get a focus on the Soulstone fragment in the centre, though doesn't look at it too hard. She tries to only look at it briefly, appearing only mildly curious if it looks as though she has any interest in it at all. Now, what can she remember of it...

OOC - Now, not sure if the following will be needed but let's see if my d20 is being nice this evening. A Bluff check for the "Woah I feel all bleh from the evil nasty Gholst-power and I'm not secretly trying to figure out the Soulstone at all, honest" = 16 (16+2-2), and if it's needed, erm...actually I'm not sure what skill it would be to try and figure it out/remember stuff about it. Perception for looking closer, maybe? I'll roll it as that for now and then if it turns out it was suppoed to be something else you can just use the d20 result and apply whatever mod should have been used...so Perception = 12 (3+11-2). Meh :P.
Ameena, self-declared Wordweaver, Beastmaker, Thoughtbringer, and great smegger of dungeon editing!
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Post by oh_brother »

"Don't let Dargat defeat Garax" he shouted towards the pair, while simultaneously trying to communicate to ignore that comment to the others in the group.

Knowing that Dolo must be stopped, that time was short and that now while he was otherwise occupied was the perfect time to strike, Westian followed behind his half-orc ally.

"Larethian forbids this" he shouted. But instead of grabbing his holy symbol he did nothing holier than jabbing his staff towards the priest's face.

Attack on Dolo was 9 + 7 - 2 = 14.
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Post by beowuuf »

LB - since I'm moving us on again, you can react with a large move than just a single round of combat. So that would be aquick reaction to the mummies and then moving to help Haynuus/Westian, or something larger with helping Deephold with the mummies...

Haynuus rushed across to the screaming priest. All the noise the dark elf was making, and the distresssing stretching of his skin - like a grak-grak except he was not undead and livign faces were not supposed to try and stretch that much - meant that Haynuus fumbled and hesitated with what he was trying to do. Luckily for the half-orc (and the player who rolled three crappy rolls!) the dark elf appeared helpless while in the thrawl of his mistress. Haynuus took his time to trust that fact, and the strange echoes of Gholst in his head did not help, but finally poured the dark sludge directly down the gullet of the elf. Never before had he had such an easy target - Garax had barely swallowed any when Haynuus had thrown a similar potion at him.

The effect was immediate and impressive, Dolo arches his back and his eyes rolled, his powerful screams turning silent. His jaw slackened, his body slumped, and the dark elf seemed to be knocked unconscious. There was signs of breathing, the elf was not dead, but it seemed as if the potion knocked out Dolo's fragile mind, and even more fragile body instantly. Of course, how long that would work, and how long that might delay the dark queen was another matter.

Westian moved swiftly to aid his half-orc friend. He yelled at the rest to not allow Dargat to kill Garax, but even as he moved forwards swiftly he could see the danger. The Trolin King's assault of Drommal had fully drawn Dargat away from his hate-fueled assautl of Garax, and Garax's concern for Dolo meant rather than capitalise on Dargat's distraction, the Warblade was rushing back towards Haynuus.

Westian meanwhile, had been feeling his mouth numb and his throat constrict as he got close to Dolo. The full power fo the demon queen against once devoted to Larethian became apparent. Larehtian's name was so difficult to annunciate for the half-elf, and Westian's footfalls became a struggle... and then Haynuus succeeded in his effiorts, and suddenly Westian was free of influence. Dolo lay helpless on the floor - and Westian's mind once more flashed to the trolin Tosca in the King's chamber, and the disapproving and forgiving looks of Sir Farel in turn.

"You half-orc scum, you will not leave me in the dark again!" came a voice, Garax was closing in. Umgold's greatsword was raised mocvkingly, the gift of Haynuus now to be used against the half-orc, and a loyal cleric that Umgold would have used the sword to protect.

Westian swung his staff anyway, to end the threat of the demon queen before it could return.

Ok, so Garax is going to attack Haynuus and Westian right now. OB, you have a choice - Dolo is helpless, so rather than launch a normal attack, you can actually engage in a 'coup-de-grace' - basically spend a fullround action, and drawn an attack of opportunity - in order to effectively kill Dolo (what you actually do is autohit and score a critical, but also your opponent needs to roll a fortitude save against death with your damage increasign the DC. Dolo's broken physically, and so his modifiers and your damage modifier to the roll will pretty much make it a kill). The danger is of course you will be letting someone who is already dangerous have a free attack on you!

Ian, you have no such concern, other than you've attacked Garax before and know he's likely to hit you for decent damage, and also if you don't keep him moving then he can full round attack three times. Narratively, you know he's fast. So up to you how you want to tank this situaiton, and up to both of you how you wanna handle the melee tactics here. Obviously Westian is freer to move around if he's not coup-de-gracing this turn :)

deephold was left to deal with the mummies. He continued invoking Larethian's name upon them, looking to try and find Aurek to help. The absense of the demon queen and Dolo seems a blow to the mummies in some ways, and they staggered back once more. However, it also appeared that the lack of their creator and the one whom that creator owed allegiance also allowed the monsters to shake free of the pain Westian had inflicted. Less blessed and connected, they began to look with less sophisticated hatred to the warm creatures before then. Deephold held aloft his mace, and forced the creatures to stop in their tracks, but the dwarf clearly realised something had changed.

As mentioned LB, it's up to you if you want to try and deal with these mummies while they are termporarily stalled, help stall them harder, or if you think aiding Westian/Haynuus is a better use of your skills.

"LEt her speak if you do not fear her words!" yells Theron as Ameena talks, yet he clearly means the invisible Karnadee and not Ameena herself. However, Theron's angry and powerful statement shatters as obviously something is happening. "No, ok, please, I...I will do what you want again. Don't hurt her!" There is a pause as something is said. "I can't!" says Theron, celarly responding to something, but said in a less angry voice, so perhaps he is speakign to his sister. Then: "No, please, stop hurting her! I said I will do what you want!"

Ameena jumps on to the altar, staggering around as if still affected from the blow. Meanwhile, she can once more feel the warmth in her pouches, just as happened with the large soul stone fragment. It is not as pronounced, perhaps because the other fragment is smaller. Of course, that also means it is easier to home in on the location. It was, as thought, directly in the centre, where the largest glow was. That was halepful, for it confirmed her feeligns and meant she knew that she would not trigger anyone's suspicion if the other part were glowing. However, it was also useless ,for the light was almost blindign this close. She could not make out much of the centre of the altar, other than it seemed to be an etched form of the eight pointed star that she had seen in many plances around the mountain. The first door they had found locked, and the door she and Helm had opened together back when they had captured Passin. OPf course, thinking of both of them meant Ameena was briefly aware of both. Passin still had a sword training on Petal, and was slowly backing away fro mthe pixie, who was still hovering in the air gesturing in speech. And Ameena could feel Helm's presence. He was still o nthe far side of the room, attempting to overcome his fears and do...something...to do with Falkor. Hard to know what it was and concentrate on looking for the soul stone, of course.

No-one's really lookign to Ameena right now, and her weird antics will be enough to assuage casual observers. I might need that bluff roll later if Passin, Theron, Gholst or anyone else starts to suspect your actions, Or I might get you to roll another one if you are forced to do somehting more active on the altar.

Ok, so that's what is happening. It sounded like you had a plan already that was risky, feel free to go throgu hwith it. Obviously, you'll need to concentrate on Helm to figure out what he's thinking about right now, and obviously you could try to interject again in to Theron's debates with Gholst, since it soudns liek the hostage situation is going badly. Again, even if he beleives Ameena or understands it all, emotionally harder to get your head aroudn it thanintellectually. Especially if the person's life is on the line, and it's a deep seated emotional thingie. Still, like riding a bike, he just needs a push and some faith :D

In general guys, you'll notice I'm not asking for initiative for this encounter. For the moment, everyone is pretty much reacting to what you guys are doing, and you have the element of surprise. If that looks like it will change, or several separate parts have to start happenening together, I might start asking for initiative rolls. Since delaying, etc can alter the initiative position anyway, not worth rolling them now,. Jsut thought I'd mention it in case you wondered :D
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Closing her eyes and bowing her head, Ameena attempts to detect the Soulstone fragment by whiskertouch rather than sight, since the latter is hardly one of her better senses. She keeps up the wobbly-looking walk, as though still dazed from the effects of the mental attack and being hurled across the room. She also tries to strain her memory for anything which might help her recall how to retrieve the fragment when the time comes - they must have managed this last time, because they got the Grey One back. Even if all she can do is remember, that's fine - she doesn't really want to get Gholst thinking the Grey One will return any time soon.
Meanwhile, she has another idea brewing at the back of her mind, and wonders whether she can carry it out.

OOC - Basically, is there any info on how to retrieve this fragment of the Soulstone from earlier memories or whatever, even if Ameena herself can't get it out because it needs magic or something. After that I have another idea but I'll wait for the moment to get confirmation as to whether or not there's anything more I can do, seeing as I'm practically sitting on top of one fragment so if there's any chance I can yoink it now without anyone really noticing (which I doubt since it's probably powering the Ra light or something) I might as well take it ;).
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Hmm, since weekends slow down a little, I might update you separately at some point in the next few days Ameena.
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OOC - Okies...none of my current plans involve any of the active PCs anyway right now ("active" as in "player currently presen to post").
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Haynuus smiles as Garax, a warrior such as him, that he has a sword and is finally able to defend himself once more and assume the warriors right to die with a weapon in his hand. "You... Want us to kill this wretched elf? Then attack! And we will finish your reason for being. It's your choice. Turn around, sheathe your weapon and he will live. You know me and you know we will be trusted to our word."

OOC - Quick question. Can Haynuus charge a mummy? Will he receive a free hit from Garax if he did so? I may otherwise delay the move/attack until OhB posts. Hmmm, have a free d20 for diplomacy or bluff (1d20=18). (Of course, this assumes Westian hasn't already bashed his brains out! (And he'd may do that anyway (Doh!)))
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If Westian draws an AoO then Garax can't target Haynuus too unless he has a special feat. Vice versa, if you draw fire OB can have Westian coup de grace... against Haynuus's words, of course :)
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OOC - OK - If Westian tells Haynuus to do it, he'd take him out. In Haynuus's mind the evil stain can be removed forever, although he always prefer things to be a little less 'easy' when he defeats his opponent. He has a certain warriors mindset.
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OOC: Sorry peoples, I've had PC issues the last few days. This computer of mine is gonna get kicked one day... you mark my words :P

Aurek watches the bleak situation unfolding before him, almost unsure of what to do.

Then his protective instincts kick in, and he sets his mind on helping Deephold, who looks like he really needs it. "I'm coming, Deephold." he yell,s as he approaches the two sinister looking undead abominations, readying himself to cleave them in to pieces.

"Get back, foul creatures!" he cries, as he swings his trusty sword.

Beo, can you roll my rolls for me? I'm having a bit of trouble finding my trusty d20, and my internet connection is spotty at best, so invisible castle is off-limits :(

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@LB: Sure, not a problem.

@Everyone Cool, just waiting for OB's post tomorrow to move that side of the room on, though I can move Ameena on so she can keep going with her new plan

Ameena's whiskers play across the surface of the altar, and distressingly she cannot feel anything - no dip in the centre, nothing. It is as if the altar were solid. Just as she is about to give up, there is a faint memory that makes her widen her search - easy to do while is is also trying ot run around as if she were terrified and insane. Further out, he whiskers start flicking as if sticking temporarily on something. It would be impossibly to see wit hthe flare of light, and probably bareely noticeable unless running a hand directly in the centre of this altar - not something one would do due to its 'arms' that seemed to be where the actual work could be carried out on. However, it appeared there was a similar shape in the centrwe of the altar, like a stone had been placed there. Or, as her memory stirred, a 'lid'. The top thin stone surface could be removed, and the stone inside recovered.

She had more time, and not the same audience - this altar should be in the personal rooms of Theron and the Grey Lord, not here! - and she's been able to use a thin bladed knife and Haynuus's help to get at the thing. The stone would be heavy but not unmanageably so, however it would take time and be obvious what she was doing. To recover the last stone, she would need a distraction or a blackade that could let her work. Well, unless there was another way to quickly free the stone. She was sure that the soul stone itself did not provide the light of this altar, though why she was sure was a mystery. However, that was no help if removing the stone was so obvious!

There you go, yes, hard to get (ish), but yopinking it will not remove the RA light. After all, Gholst hid the stone fragment here, so the altar cannot be working any differently from how it usually works when the Grey Lord and Theron usd to use it.
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Post by Ameena »

Now satisfied with her explorations of the altar, Ameena moves along one of the arms, the one pointing in Falkor's direction, and leaps off, making the walk look stumbling and the leap unsteady. She makes sure she lands properly, though, and dashes over to where the halfling lies on the floor. She makes the run look a littly wobbly, just in case anyone is paying attention to her, and starts sniffing at Falkor when she reaches him. She also looks up at the nearby Helm.
"I want to try something." she says. "If he won't wake up..."
She sniffs at Falkor again, gently nudging him with her nose to see if he'll wake up. Meanwhile, she tries to pull the cloak from him.
"I need this..." she says, addressing both of them at once - Falkor in case he can hear her, Helm in case he can help.
"Helm," she goes on, "can you try to get him to wake up, please? I have an idea, but I think I'll need his help...and could you both wait here? I think it would be best if you didn't attract attention just yet..."

OOC - In case a Heal check is needed to try and wake up Falkor, I don't have the skill so that's a straight Wis check instead, isn't it (because Heal is based off Wis)? Here's one anyway...ha, 3 (2+1). Meanwhile she's trying to get hold of the cloak. I hope she has some clue of how to use it, actually...hrmm...
And of course, you know, that it still has some charge left :P.
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Post by oh_brother »

Seeing Dolo prone was the only encouragement that Westian needed. He ignored everything else in the room, knowing that opportunities like this - a chance to destroy a pure evil being, and a sworn enemy of Larethian - came all to rarely. For once no doubts came to his mind, no whisperings from his unconscious mind about right and wrong.

The wrongness of what was happening was vividly reinforced by physical effects he felt by the presence of Lloth. Once he moved closer he held his staff two-handed over his head, and brought it crashing down on the prone elf.
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Post by ian_scho »

OOC - Oh shit :) Can Haynuus aid/defend Westian from Garax?
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See the OOC comments, I say yes. Let me know if it;s a grapple or a disarm attempt. You diplomacy attempt I like, so will incorporate it, though not how you think - obviously it's gunna fail given both of your actions :D
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Post by beowuuf »

On the platform, things happened at once. Westian was putting all thoughts from his mind, and Haynuus could spot that and realised the danger. The half-orc had promised to help and protect Westian, and letting the half-elf be stabbed by a sword Haynuus had given his foe would not stand. Haynuus moved forwards to bravely block the blow coming...

The staff descended with finality and as much force as Westian could muster. Even the thick evil aroudn the efl, with Haynuus's reactions, had faded. All that was left, in that last moment, was the halff-elf's brutal action against a fellow elf, an elf that now seemed so broken and pathetic mentally and physically, now Westian knew Dolo Smitre inside as well as seeing his true psysique. There was a sickening sound, and blood poured from the dark'elf's nose. There was no fanfare, no crack of thunder, and no shift in the world. It was that simple, and final. He had been alive. And now by Westian's hand Dolo Smitre was dead. The selfish and sad story of the ex-paladin of Lilith, cleric of Lolth, his body smashed as a result of his arrogance and now mind smashed by his own twisted nature turning inwards was now over. Merely an echo in Westian's oddly expanded mind.

Westian looked up and saw in to the eyes of Garax, the Warblade coming at the half-elf. The memories of meeting Garax in another life had long since faded in the hot white light burnign his memories, and now the intimate connection to this reality. The power and danger of the Cult of Death was simple. They really were a collection of selfish, evil men who aligned themselves to something higher. All outwith the circle of that brotherhood were fodder for the Cult#'s ambitions. However, there was an uneasy trust built up between those who should have no trust. Garax had acted with the purest motives, and allowed Dolo to break those bonds, snaking Lolth's lies and webs into the heard of the Cult. All of Garax's twisted loyalty to Dolo and sub-conscious hatred at what he had allowed to happen to his fellows, the real oain he felt at being opposed to Dargat - even the betrayal he felt at Dargat's actions opposing Garax's plans - all that twisted powerful emotion now had a focus. Westian.

Westian had one moment to see the pure lance of hate in Garax's exotic features, a man Westian knew had slain Ameena without pity and almost killed Haynuus likewise, before Hyanuus's form moved in between the two.

Obviously, once I know Haynuus's exact actions, I'll add a little more. Including the reaction ot the 'diplomacy' attempt. I presume I'll be able to do that before you see the above OB, if not be aware Garax will get to act before you can, so perhaps just a character beat and an indication of Westian's next move.

Back with the mummies, Aurek moved from the shadows to strike the nearest creature. It had been pushed back decisively by Deephold, however it could also see in the dark, and so Aurek's attack was not quite the surprise he had hoped. Still, it did not matter with the speed he charged, and he tore deep in to the creature's thawing side, black dirt and cold wind flaring from the side. The mummy bellowed and smashed the side of Aurek's head, and Aurek's next attack was sent wildly off course. However, a paladin's training was intense, as was his faith. Despite the disorientation Aurek's shield had had come up, and the mummy had staggered back at the pure sight of true faith - the pirest sign of Neta. Aurek had the perfect opening to drive his sword deep in to gash already opened, and the creature howled in fury at the agony of the wound. The black dirt became finer powder, and the cold air lost its chill and became less. It seemd the mummy was deeply wounded, and it took hesitant steps back at the assault.

Deephold meanwhile was struggling to maintain the power of Larethian now the dark elf's influence had left the creature alone. It was becoming a primal evil, an old creature of hatred that coasted over its own pains. Still Deephold managed to parry the wild swing of the mummy with his own mace, shifting his wieght to begin a martial assault.

Lol, good news bad news letting your DM roll, LB! I rolled an ok first hit roll. Like I said, I was giving you like two moves to catch you up, so your second attack could be a fullround attack with two blws. But then I went ahead and crit-failed your second attack at +8! The +3 attack I didn't think would land, and wouldn't you know I rolled a 19, whcih was also a critical with your sword. I also rolled an 8,5 for the samage, though the crit is actually an 8 - plus in this last encounter, I'm letting you also have an extra daage die, so counting the 5. So that's 23 damage intotal!

Bad news, the mummy deals 12 damage to you. Second good news - it's starting to fall back, so you could move to help Deephold, or move to help Haynuus/Westian with Garax. Hope you PC behaves itself!

Across the room, Ameena scurried across back to where she knew Falkor was. And Helm too, of course. She was more intent on acting as if she had no real purpose and was stuill stunned, and so did not make any attempt at stealth nor see who might spot her. Disappearing in to the dim light away from the main plinth, Ameena went for Falkor's cloak, only to find that Helm had already divested Falkor of it.

Looking to Helm, Ameena could read his thoughts. She knew he had tried to wake the mage up, and in desperation had taken the halfling's cloak. Thankfully, not to run away, but it seems he is trying to activate the cloak to see what is going on with Theron. Despite how dangerous that probably would be.

"He won't wake up!" Helm says miserably, at odds with his previous standoffish comments on Falkor. Ameena knows how powerful the psychic blow Gholst used was. Obviously her friends took the brunt of it or else she would not be the same as Falkor, who had been alone on the ethereal plane apparently. Ameena had no idea how to wake the halfling up, Haynuus had done something last time rather than the murafu. And Haynuus was all the way across the room and a little busy.

Despite the white hot lights in Ameena's head, she was still hanging on to more of the previous timeline than her friends. Still, the alternate future was becoming less and less probably, as they fought it. More importantly, Ameena was now locked to this reality by her connection to Helm. She could recall the shape of the word of power to use the cloak, but only because she'd now heard it in Falkor's mind. Not enough to pronounce it again.

From the weird memories of the first run, it had something to do with the grey one that they couldn't yet summon. His name? What was his name...

Ok, will leave it there since I know Ameena will post again with more of her plan, and Ian is poised to post again. One of the elemnts of the new map might make more sense once I do a follow up update tonight/tomorrow morning :)
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Post by ian_scho »


And there the priest was fell, by the cleric. Haynuus was sad, despite being surrounded by danger and evil he actually found time to be a little melancholic. The absolutism of the religious types was always the reason he would never be a shining paladin or fight with the goblin fanatics. He once knew a couple of sweet goblin death shamen - real nice guys who literally wore their beating hearts on their shirt sleeves. After a few drinks and some magic mushrooms later however it all turned into Orcus must be quenched and the dead shall rise again to reclaim their doughnuts. Haynuus really didn't understand them at all. Now working on the side of the good, and he had a quick peek across as Westian happily attempted to retrieve his staff from a skull cavity, things were cast in a different light yet with the same finale. Death. Which reminded him...

"Ahh yes, well. Sorry about that Garax old chap. Didn't see that one coming."

The funny thing was, Haynuus felt that the priest had just happily sacrificed himself for his nefarious queen which was why he wanted to incapacitate him instead. They may have executed him and that was what he wanted!

What was important now, however, was attempting to defend the helpless cleric. He decided to bull rush the fighter in attempt to put some distance between him and his ally just as Garax saw the opportunity as well. He put his head down and sword above him and rushed into the body of the man (opposed strength check, +4 STR, +4 Improved Bull Rush) (1d20+8=20). If his idea went as planned Garax would be swinging in air while his chest cavity was evacuated of air by a half-orc's rapidly moving skull.

OOC - This may sound wierd this bit, so maybe we should save it for the NEXT action?

With the giddy haze of movement, the slipping from the blood on the flagstone floor and through the smell of combined humanoid sweat, Haynuus suddenly saw Passin come into view. "Hey! You know the truth now, and their lies. And if you turn around and try to flee you will get cut down by either the black skulls, trolins or the grak-grak's. There is another way brother!" he preached, "Come through the darkness and pass to the light. Only we have shown you kindness and returned your life to you (see Westian's second chance), the only one's here that can provide you with an escape from this madness." Diplomacy (1d20-2=0) Result! That must have come out lovely :)

Hopefully Westian won't kill him too quickly before he makes up his mind.

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OOC - Meh, not too bad a double post though. :) Time for bed. Great update Beo!
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Post by beowuuf »

Nice post yourself. And just wait for the new one! :D
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