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Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 10:10 pm
by beowuuf
Yeah, you need to be level 3 to join a clan, level 9 to use the mall, and..I think that's it.

Oh, it's frowned on to the point of account deletion to have multiple accounts (multis) that do nothing except feed a central account (your main). If you have several main accounts that have nothing to do with one another, that's fine. Though you can burn yourself out once your accounts get more turns, or once you start accending. If you buy Mr accessories or have Mr store equipment, that as a player you own, THAT is allowed to be moved across various mains.

There's been alot of new stuff snuck in since you last played, and they've kept tweakign the ease of playing the game aswell. I'm amazed at how constant it all is. Anyway, thelargest thigns to look forward to - the pirate cove stuff is massively expanded, the nemisis quest is actually (finally) completed, is different for each class, and so spans quite a while, and there are various maps and items that give cool side quests that we can throw at you.

There are also clan dungeons now - two so far. They are a combined dive. There is a small one that's just a 1000 monsters 1 boss (openright now) and there's hobopolis, that is quite tough for low level characters, but features hobos of various elements to defeat, some shopping and so forth, and a big bad boss that Ameena managed to twat one time (and I got the first time)

Anyway, yeah, stuff to poke aroudn and find, and hopefully less annoying bottlenecks when playign the game. And most importantly - spice ghosts! Remember to find your spice ghosts! :D

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 8:21 pm
by Tom Hatfield
I have discovered the secret to being ultra efficient: play games that have embedded web browsers.


Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:54 pm
by oh_brother
I thought I would give this game a go, enjoying it so far (although I only have been on one day!). I did the Toot Oriole and then went adventuring in Cobb's Knob. Currently level 2 pastamancer.
beowuuf wrote:Remember, don't go pastamancer :)
Why? Whats wrong with pastamancers?!

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:50 pm
by beowuuf
Oh, that's cool! AS Ameena mentioned, we have a guild you can join when you hit level three. If you are enjoying the mechanics and playing through yourself, you might find the rumpus room and clan stash too spoilery, but you cna avoid actually looking around and just benefit from a few extra turns each day for being a member.

And lol, I was more referencing the fact that when Tom first played, he foudn the pastamancer difficult going at level 9. I think the class plays ok, but I also think there are a few better mechanics in place to give you some cool abilities and items as a pastamancer.

Anyway, have fun! Ameena and I are the same name in KoL, so feel free to throw a message at us!

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:42 pm
by Ameena
I think I'm the only one who can invite new clan members atm. You can PM me for an invite or I think it's possible to apply to the clan directly through the erm...clan thingy. Probably easier to just send me a PM :). At least, I'm pretty sure I can invite people - we haven't had any new members for yoinks, lol. But yeah, as Wuffy said, my KoL username is the same as my one here, so no confusion about my identity :).

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:59 am
by oh_brother
Great! I am now level 3 pastamancer, killing lots of goblins with my spaghetti spears.
Ameena wrote:You can PM me for an invite or I think it's possible to apply to the clan directly through the erm...clan thingy.
I got a bit confused and actually did both of those things. My name is Westian, although you probably would have figured that out for yourself. :wink:

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:03 pm
by beowuuf
Lol, cool. Based on Tom's comments, I actually picked up by Bad Moon cat run (don't ask) and am actually having fun picking up where I left off. Which is cool. Infact, the only bad thing is playing normally is getting in the way of me playing all the new stuff my main has access to!

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:42 pm
by oh_brother
^^ I understand most of those words, but the post as a whole is currently beyond me. :D

I had a look in the rumpus room, not too spoilery. I suppose the meat tree and the awesome ball pit are a bit. But I might avoid those for a while (I used the ball pit already and saw that it gave me a very big boost).

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:51 pm
by beowuuf
An, yeah, spoilery (rummpus room) in as you say there is the meat tree and the ball bit. I actually meant clan stash actually has items that we dump in there during the game, so you can get really good food, booze and items you shouldn't have yet (nopt quest items though)

Speaking of that though, I got the new item of the month, and it lets you slowly generate game tokens to use in an arcade. Only played one or two so far, but they were fun little diversions. So I'll try to do a combination of using the tokens and gathering them for you guys.

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:55 pm
by beowuuf
Stuff I said:

Bad Moon - when you finish the game, you get to play game+ by ascending. There is a set of things you can do to open up a special version called Bad Moon, where weird stuff happens (sort of bad/good luck combined in one).

Cat run - in bad moon, you can pick up a black cat. Providing you use it as your familiar and nothing else, at the end of the run you can alsways pick a bad moon run (no need to do the special things to open it up.) Hopwever, the cat has a tendancy to stop you using skills, lower your experience gain, and bat away monster dropped items. Fun times!!!

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:14 pm
by oh_brother
That token thing sounds fun. And when I am a bit tougher I will try the dungeon downstairs.

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:35 pm
by beowuuf
Tom Hatfield wrote:I have discovered the secret to being ultra efficient: play games that have embedded web browsers.


By the way, this was so cool I twittered it to the creatoirs of the game. Being in Germany right now, I don't suppose they got that :(

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:06 pm
by raixel
Woot! I have just joined KoL! I'm playing a Disco Bandit. Anyone who plays can message me if they want under the same name

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:46 pm
by Ameena
You can join our clan if you want - PM me and I'll invite you. Or maybe you can just apply straight. I can't remember. Probably best to PM me. I use the same name there as here, and like you I'm also a Disco Bandit.

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:22 pm
by beowuuf
Disco Bandits RULE!

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:42 am
by Ameena
Heh, mine certainly does - she's something like level 38 now...

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:14 am
by beowuuf
I thought you were level 39 or 40 from doing grendaes in hobopolis? I know I shot up to level 41 when I did that for a day!

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:18 am
by Ameena
I've been spending some/most/all of my Adventures on it every day for bloody ages now, though I haven't been buffing my Adventures by eating food and stuff - I just use my base 53 which I start the day with (bonuses due to Guild furniture and whatever else). I might be 40 now - I can't remember.

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:36 pm
by beowuuf
Yeha, I can buff to @300 adventures a day at the moment (or 350,k I forget) hence why I managed to hit a level in a day :D

Still, you've been doing it for weeks nad weeks and months, and so have almosty caught up to me!

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:44 pm
by Roquen
All the classes are great! Well, not so keen on Seal Clubbers. Not a moral thing...I mean "Hey it's just a game!", so club away! They're mean seals anyway...well at least most of them. Opps..think I overdrank. Oh well, I'll just bank the rest of my adventures for today.

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:46 am
by raixel
Hey Ameena, youve been kMailed by me for entry into the clan, if it doth pleases thee dear lady ;)

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 8:29 am
by beowuuf

And yeah Roquen, all the classes are great. On my other account, I started as a Seal Clubber (happier as the tactics are just 'do lotsa damage before they kill you'. A bit of a meat sink healing, but I had fun. Completeled it before the seals came out though :( Did an oxy turtle tamer, and I love their chaining combos, then did a cat run with a disco bandit (bad moon was kinda fun, love my disco bandit). Now doing a sauceror HC run and having never invested in that class before, finding it really cool. And, of cours,e who doens't love brewing potions!

Yeha, I like how each class plays differently, and I';m looking forward to properly be a pastamancer (with added ghost goodness) and also figuring out how to play accordion thieves well.

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:32 am
by Roquen
I was doing that in a joking manner, but I was semi-serious. At first I thought I would hate a Sauceror run, but once you get the saucespheres up and the splash back effects kicking in..they are probably the best killing machines in the game.

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:57 am
by beowuuf
Yeah, I spent a while buying gnome skills and ignorign alot of the higher level sauce spells, but just starting to have fun with four shields and seeign the queue of healing and damage effects is great.

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:07 pm
by raixel
Woo. I accidentally got yself too drunk and now I cant do anything. I'm saving up meat for adv. cocktail crafting rite now. I'll start droppin drinkies in the clan stash once i make em

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:13 pm
by beowuuf
Since we're higher levels than you, I think you'll find you are well within your rights to keep the drinks for yourself! Good source of adventures (I permed that skill, so now my sauceror gets cool drinks aswell as cool potions!)

If it's not twigged yet, when you do have a great drink, don't be afraid to save it until the end of the day - that way most of the drunkenness gets absorbed into beign drunk, and the adventures roll over into the next day. Corpse drinks (from the Cinco de Mayo that happens every once in a while) are particularly good to do that with :)

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:50 am
by Ameena
Yeah, use all your Adventures for a day, then pig out on food and booze - that way you're screaming drunk but being so doesn't affect you 'cause it fades with rollover so when you log on the next day you'll have that day's worth of Adventures plus whatever you got from the food/booze the previous day. You can have a maximum of 200 Adventures stored up at once (if you don't play KoL for a number of days, say) - if you try and add to them after that, nothing will happen.

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:35 am
by Roquen
The Dig:

meat paste volcanic ash & unearthed potsherd = smoked potsherd. Multiuse creates equipment & weapons.
wand zap pottery yo-yo
which makes a
Pottery Barn Owl (Ghuol Whelp, hot damage & drops volcanic ash)
fighting monsters:
Wear the pottery equipment & use pottery weapon.
monsters can be copied by 4d camera & spooky putty.

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:54 am
by beowuuf
Ah, the pottery equipment is designed to kill them? Haven't even looked into that...I just grabbed prismatic damage and extra damage stuff, grabbed some scented massage oil, and slugged it out.

And yeah, I'm a sad panda I didn't think to putty them :( Damn and blast :(

Re: Kingdom of Loathing

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:54 pm
by beowuuf
The dig's back open, though this time with demonic stuff - spiders and demon skulls, the same other parts, and other things. There's about 12 crates in the clan stash so you should get a decent amount of stuff people!