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Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:19 pm
by Ameena
OOC - Oh great, so I have to get Ameena to somehow remember the name "Librasulus" now? Arrgh, lol.

BIC - "I can't remember how to make it work!" says Ameena, quickly and quietly to Helm. "But it's something to do with...the Grey One's name...I think..."
She looks up at her human friend. What should she do?
"I'm....there's something I want to do, but...I don't know if there are...invisible creatures in this room. I don't want to say anything in case the wrong person hears it. Maybe we can get Falkor to wake up...if he's alright..."

OOC - Hrmm, it was never actually finalised which potions Ameena has in her inventory - I recall saying which flasks I had and some people said which potion types would be useful, but I don't know which I ended up with. However, what I ahd before that was one empty flask and one Um-level healing potion. Can we assume, at least, that I kept the latter? If so then I want to try and use it to wake up Mr Dozy Halfling here...


Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:23 pm
by beowuuf
Lol, nah, nice bit of business there. Hmm, 0 diplomacy. Wow. I know what I was toying with as a Passin beat, now the fun is you guys caused it rather than doing your usuall moving the narrative away from it. Sweet!

Oh, btw nice use of Bull rush. Garax gets moved out of the way of Westian so no Aoa triggered on the cleric. Better news? Cause you are using an improved bullrush, you don't get an AoO on yourself, so Garax can't even try to break the attempt :D You win by over 5, so move him an extra 5 foot back for ten foot in total.

Haynuus rushed forwards with a determination, catching the hate-fitted Garax compeltely by surprise. Haynuus had done this before, an knew Garax was no match for the half-orc's strength. Garax was all determination and swift skill, not brute force. And the man was deprived of his favourite weapon, and now his favourite elf.

Garax's stare of hatred was transferred to Haynuus, perhaps reliving the last encounter. The man seemed about to break out of the hold Haynuus had one him...

...when the words Haynuus had spoken before seemed to come back to Garax. There was a dark, unpleasant smile and something died in the man's eyes. "My reasons for being are done," he said with a malevolent his, a wicked smile on his exotic face. "DARGAT!" he yelled, "Dolo is dead and you have won. Re-unite our order and save Gholst as you can. And do with me what you will." Garax pushed himself free of Haynuus, and knelt down as if awaiting final judgement.

Haynuus had pushed far enough that Dargat was close. The Trolin King had apparently fought a brave battle, smashing the glowing helm from Dargat's head, and revealing the ugly face of the full blood orc. The orc's eyes spakled with malevolent intelligence, and a sadistic curiosity. Clearly the last blow had been enough, and Dargat was alreayd parrying the King's next enthusiastic swing and then caught the King in a bear hold,snapping the King's back easily.

"Glory!" said Grrl, the Trolin King, who had led his people against the blackskulls and their leader at great cost. Blood alreayd trickled from his mouth as Dargat started to slowly pull on the King's body. Guree pierced her King's heart with a bolt, having otherwise realised her lack of ability to help in the battle. Dargat snarled at being denied his satisfaction, and resorted to ripping Grrl's head from his shoulders instead.

Dargat then turned to look to the moving shapes, and heard Garax's words, and saw the half-orc. Haynuus was by no means small, yet Dargat was taller and more powerfully built. He discarded the body with easy, Garax's complicated blade coming back in to sight as he did. He looked with utter contempt at Haynuus's form, and his eyes flicked over the clirclet on Haynuus's face.

Haynuus, however, had spotted Passin trying to keep Petal at bay. Clearly he had not attacked anyone, unlike Captain Drommal who was still in a pitched battle with Uumack. Haynuus yelled words of encouragement from the heart, even as Dargat turned fully towards the half-orc and looked through Haynuus to Westian beyond.

However, Passin's features still seemed troubled at Haynuus's words. "Kindness? My life? You gave my life to me? You left me in the dark with the armour of my mentor!" said Passin. And then Passin looked to the altar - where the armour still lay, surrounded by light. And looked to Petal, a hovering dark shadow in the way, features blocked out by the blinding light behind her.

"My life! Give it to me!" he yelled, and struck forwards at Petal. Whether he meant to simply intimidate her or not, Petal had moved wrongly to avoid theblackskull soldier. The sword struck her, and came free of Passin's hand as it stayed speared throguh her body. Petal fluttered backwards in shock, ending in a strange, slow, floating arc that landed her on the Ra altar, sword poking straight out of her body as she lay flat there, her blood already runningto touch the armour.

Yep, that's a 0 diplomacy alright. I wonder if Petal's dead? I wonder if Passin's horrified by his actions? Iwonder if Haynuus cares about that second part more than the first part? I wonder if an unrestrained Dargat will kill you all? We shall see...


Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:31 pm
by beowuuf
Yay, more double posting!

"Librasulus," said Helm, looking to Ameena. "Everyone knows the Grey Lord's name is Librasulus. It means...umm...something to do with order. It's why the High Lord Lord Chaos was his mortal enemy and banished him."

Regarding spells, Helm shrugged. "Don't...don't mages have a spell to see invisible things? And through things? It's weird, like a large ball of...seeing?" Helm looked back down to Falkor again.

See, sometimes you just need to ask the NPCs about stuff. The first one was really to see if you'd ask it out loud or roll will for it, I had something nasty plannedfor trying to test your alternate memories and failing. The second one was a general thing I wondered if anyone would twig. Whcih is: What abilities am I giving the 'truesight' spell from DM in this game? Afetr all, in the original manual story Theron uses that spell to see Libby even though libby is a spirit and invisible.

So yeah, that was an easy update. Yes, I'll let you have a potion of whichever level you want, since Westian did offer to make one, and you never told him what you wanted OOC. Falkor will wake up to that, though be groggy...(which is Dm speak for I'm not letting Falkor be uber just yet without player guidance :D )


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:32 am
by Ameena
OOC - Hehe, wasn't going to risk poking around in First Run memories given that both IC and OOC I know that doing such can make the Big Scary Crack reappear, something I'm not really sure would help us much in this particular instance ;). Meanwhlie, ouch Petal - damn there goes part of my plan. Well, Ameena is busy - she hasn't noticed it yet ;).

BIC - "I don't know much about magic." says Ameena. "Those murafu who find they have it only use healing magic, and there aen't many of us who can do that."
She pulls out a potion from one of her pouches, handing it to Helm.
"Here." she says, glancing around to make sure no-noe else is nearby, or at least, no-one she can see. "Can you give this to Falkor, and help him wake up? Then stay here with him. I want to try and help Theron and I only know one way to try that. If it works, then I'll be right back."
So saying, she pulls the cloak around herself but doesn't speak the triggering word yet. At least, she hopes that's all that's needed to make it work. Then she moves off again, keeping low and stealthy once more, trying to move around to where she thinks Gholst and Karnadee are, based on where Theron seemed to be looking when addressing them and aiming to position herself so that she'll be behind them, assuming that Gholst, at least, is facing Theron. She strains her senses for any sign that she's being observed.

OOC - Assume, then, that I had the Um-level potion and presumably some higher-level one (the highest Westy can make?). She'll give the Um one to Falkor (well, to Helm to administer to Falkor) and keep the higher one for emergencies. Then we have a Stealth for sneaking back over toward Gholst, though not stepping out into the open yet - hiding behind the nearest pillar to where she thinks he is. Stealth for that = 33 (18+15), wahey finally a decent natural roll on the Stealth :D. And then a Perception for general looking/listening out in case anyone nearby might have noticed her (hey, I'm not expecting to be able to tell whether the baddy-ghosty-thingys are aware of me, but you never know ;). Sooo, Perception + 18 (7+11). Hrmm, that's not bad I suppose...


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:41 am
by beowuuf
Wow, way to write off poor raixels character! Don't worry abotu using the the other Vi flask and stealth skill for that, just let Petal bleed to death! :p k, ok, Ameena won't have noticed, so it's all good.

Yay, some not too bad rolls there! Ameena is still doign this in the material plane, right? Anyway, will update tomorrow along with everyone else. Ooh, it's all so exciting! Well, it is if you are me, anyway...


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:47 am
by Ameena
OOC - Yes, Ameena's still solid right now - "So saying, she pulls the cloak around herself but doesn't speak the triggering word yet.", as stated in that previous post ;). Knowing the cloak had a low charge last time she heard, she doesn't know how little, if any, is left. So she's not gonna waste some of it just crossing the room - she'll get as close as she can and then phase out and hopefully be able to do something (which both she and I know will probably be a bit suicidal, though it depends on what view confronts her when she enters the spirit world...if she does at all - we don't know if the cloak is empty, after all) which will hopefully give Theron and Karnadee a bit of a break ;).


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:53 am
by ian_scho
With sheer horror he saw Petal slain in front of him, but he knew that she may still have life left in her. It was with morbid curiosity however he noticed that she fell onto the Ra altar. What did that symbol mean again? It was used for light and the good wasn't it? Maybe the magicks that emit from the center of the room will maintain her state...

As Passin had gravely hurt Petal, suddenly it Haynuus's who was presented with the same opportunity. Garax was prone on the floor for reasons the half-orc could never understand. Such fealty and faith in one so ugly and green. Dargat - he'd seen orcs like him before and generally shied away from their presence while others seem attracted to their strength and command. Perhaps it was time he himself stood up to one of these insidious leaders.

"Psst Westian. To Petal on the altar!" The cleric could pass freely by Garax without worry yet would he leave his brothers facing the mummies? Haynuus doesn't know that Helm may try to revive Petal as well - imagine waking up with TWO flasks sticking out of your mouth!

And with a sinking heart he too felled Garax. It was not 'natural' in Haynuus's opinion for a warrior to die like that, but at the same time it was his own choice.

OOC - Don't have access to invisibleCastle from here, so here is a roll from the chat! Just in case Garax was being a prick and pretending to be defenceless.
(08:47:39) Lord Chaos Bot: ian_scho rolls 1d20 and gets 4. - 1d20+13 => 17
(08:47:45) Lord Chaos Bot: ian_scho rolls 2d6 and gets 6,2. - 2d6+4 => 12
(08:47:49) Lord Chaos Bot: ian_scho rolls 1d20 and gets 14. - 1d20+8 => 22
(08:47:52) Lord Chaos Bot: ian_scho rolls 2d6 and gets 2,1. - 2d6+4 => 7


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:04 am
by beowuuf
And NOW I'll need an initiative roll from everyone, please! Stuff's gunna get real! And not attacking isn't the same as helpless, you couldn't coup de grace him unless he was really, really doing nothing and allowing you to him. You might notice he said Dargat could judge him, not you, so yeah, attack rolls needed, thanks :D


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:04 am
by ian_scho
Haynuus returns his attention to Passin briefly. He points a finger in his direction with a j'accuse flair about him and states -
"Convert your fear to action and flee now with your life..." Maybe he wore the armour and now his life or soul was now trapped inside the dark magicks that were embedded within? Perhaps the armour should be broken? "You want your life back? I know this grey mage dude that can help you. Stick around... With us."

And with that he quickly retracts the finger, to avoid dismemberment by the DM.

OOC - Initiative
(10:03:02) Lord Chaos Bot: ian_scho rolls 1d20 and gets 2.


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:11 am
by Ameena
OOC - A note to Ian - Helm is over by Falkor. Ameena doesn't know about Petal yet, as she hasn't looked that way and is sort of blanking the noises of combat for now, trusting her friends to handle that side of things while she focuses on the Theron business. Ameena gave Helm the potion for Falkor but she does still have a spare one that she can use on Petal if she notices what's happened, though that isn't likely to be soon as she's back over near Theron now, behind the pillar nearest the invisible Gholst/Karnadee. Oh, and Initiative = 17 (14+3).


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:36 am
by Lord_BoNes
Upon forcing the undead creature backwards, Aurek stepped more towards Deephold, and swung away at the mummy that was giving him grief.

He then noticed that Petal had been struck down by Passin. "Passin! We revived you from near death, and THIS is how you would thank us? Drommel left you for dead, we could've done the same... but we helped you. Help us now, when we need your help!" (diplomacy roll)
Should I get some sort of bonus for this, because I "sort-of" swayed him in the past?


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:53 am
by oh_brother
Dolo was dead. That should have been a relief for Westian, and he silently offered a rarely-used battle prayer to Larethian in thanks.

But any joy was short lived. The Trolin king was dead. When Westian had gone recruiting the Trolins he only wanted to cause a distraction. To have one group of monsters fight another, ultimately making the mountain a safer place. But during the course of their travels he had come to feel something for his allies, not only respect and some measure of understanding, but also responsibility. He had led them here, and their deaths were on his conscience. The sight of the king falling bravely in battle was heart-wrenching on many levels.

He turned his head just in time to see his old friend Petal impaled on a sword, his vision narrowed and he almost staggered backwards. This was not how it was supposed to end he thought to himself.

It was not going to end like this. It was too late for the decapitated king, but maybe Petal had a chance. He moved forwards, barely having time to acknowledge Haynuus's remarkable interception of the warrior he had not even noticed. Still stunned he could only grunt a simple, and quite useless, thank you to the half orc as he ran forward. He ran past Passin, his eyes wide with shock as he looked at the soldier.

But he did not stop. He charged towards the altar. "Petal" he whispered quietly, barely audible in the din of battle.

I could not remember, or figure out, how movement works again. As I see it I am 30-35 feet away from petal. If I run I think I can make it, but does that mean that I cannot do another action? Whenever I get the chance - this round or next - I will use an UM Vi potion on Petal.


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:59 am
by Ameena
OOC - You might wanna get that sword out of her gut as well, while you're at it ;).


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:43 pm
by oh_brother
Yes, that might be an idea. :)

Also, initiative was 7. I think with +4 for dexterity?


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:01 pm
by ian_scho
OOC - I'm kind of hoping that Westian won't incur an AoO either. From the map it'll be a 'tight' corridoor but Passin is unarmed, I believe.


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:42 pm
by oh_brother
Yes I think without a weapon you don't get an AoO. Otherwise Haynuus will be keep busy body-slamming all the blackskulls Westian ignores. :)


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:14 pm
by beowuuf
Run is a full-round action in 3.5, as is charging sadly. But at least you are also right, you can't make an AoO against those in the next square if you aren't armed, unless you have the right feat :)


Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:41 pm
by beowuuf
Helm fumbled the flask but kept hold of, and reluctantly went back to trying ot figure out how to wake Falkor, even though Ameena knew the thief felt it was in vain. Ameena saw no evidence of Falkor starting to come to as she was forced to leave, and rush forwards.

There seemed to be some disturbance coming from her right, and she noticed that the blackskulls at the edge of sight were starting to move frowards. Ameena though qwas able to huge the shadows and place the pillar closest to where she thought Gholst was betwen her and the other side of the room. It was stilldifficult to see exactly where Gholst might be, however she could feel the odd disturbances in the air. It was like when the air elementals had been with the group, except not quite. Perhaps the ghosts that Falkor had recruited were becoming restless and angry themnselves. Infact she could hear the frustrated shouts of one of the blackskull soldiers somewhere to her left - something was pushing him back.

For the moment, such oddities and the sounds of combat seem to mean Ameena is unobserved. For now.

make your dangerous play!

Haynuus moved quickly to end the life of Garax.Garax seems to Unfortunately, whatever misgivigns he had were answered, and the full orc in the glowing armour appeared to block Haynuus's blow, as if some manifest High Lord. "I am Dargat, son of Nagoth. On. Your. Knees," barked Dargat. The orc brought Garax's own weapon down easily on Haynuus's fingers to smash the OH blade from the half-orc's grasp. Dargat's leg was already shooting out to take advantage of Haynuus's discomfort to send him falling backwards on to the floor hard. Dargat then moved forwwards with a surity to smash Garax's weapons in to Haynuus's gut painfully. There was something in Dargat's manner that made this powerful wound seem as if had been pulled. The orc apparently just wished to wind Haynuus, and yet even then had cracked a rib.

"Who are you, half-breed?" said Dargat to Haynuus with a low voice and spittle drooling from his mouth, clearly salivating at the chance of unrestrained combat with worthy foes.

Youch. Dargat is a tough nut to crack - not as scary as maybe he looks, but not an easy foe to beat whatsoever. You just got hit by an improved disarm (his attack bonus was such that your first attackroll was never goign to cut it) and then he managed to beat your better second roll with his own for an improved trip. And sadly, a successful improved trip = follow up attack. Guess who scored a 20? Like I said though, he was not trying to actually take you out, so you take 17 hit points of damage. Your crits might get bonus dice, I don't see a reason to theirs have it unless they are doing something cool thermselves.

Anyway, Haynuus's weapon is beside him, needing a move action to pick up, and Haynuus is prone, needing a move action to stand up. So that kinda sucks!

Passin still seemed shocked by his actions. "Get back!" he yelled as Westian rushed passed him, then realised the the cleric was not targettign Passin. Haynuus's words had come across as some form of threatm no doubt. Aurek's words seemed to anger him. "You abandoned me too, once you healed me and I would not convert to your ways!"

Still Passin took a step backwards away from the altar, and looked across to Drommal and to the armour flowing with blood. He took another step backwards.

"Who dares use my na-" started Drommal across the room, however his distraction allowed Uumack to snack the Captain in the face. Aurekl's cry madethe Trolin look across, and seeign Haynuus's distress the trolin rushed to assault Dargat while the orc's full attention was elsewhere. Guree easily slot in place, pulling out a needle thin knife to confront the angry Drommal.

Aurek was forced in to a defensive posture against the mummies as he tried to convince Passin, however Deephold at least manage to scaore a solid blow against the creature and protect the paladin.

Sorry, LB, I rolled terribly for your attacks. How your words are going to affect Passin and the rest...a little more complex! No bonus for swaying him in the passt, sicne you also abandoned him in the past :) basically the fact you guys can talk to him at all and he's on the fence is the starting point your previous efforts have given you.

Westian made it to the altar without taking in much of what was going on around him. The faces of those dead and the one now dying were the more impotant thing. For some reason the very first Trolin, the one liek the King, that Hayuus had killed just before Westian's club had ended the creature's life...also flashed across his mind. The King's face and that Trolin's disappearing in apuff of magic seemed oddly linked. Any words or actions against Passin had to wait for recovering Petal, an unexpected meeting in this place, and now she might die here.

Westian had taken a potion in to his hand without realising it, looking for a reaction from the pixie. The sword was already starting to slip from her, it had landed shallow and Westian grasped it without thought to stop to doing more damage. Petals eyes were wide, but she did see Westian. She was conscious and in pain - not a good thing, but it could ahve been far, far worse.

Yeah, for the sake of @5 feet I'll say Westian can start to treat Petal. Roll a Heal check aswell, for the sword skewering her. And of course Passin is near you if you want to add your own words against him in to the mix! Nice post btw!

Ok, will update the map thread, let me know if anything is unclear. Petal's alive, Passin is back to being freaked out from murderous, and Haynuus has just showed you guys that you might be in deep crap against Dargat unless you band together against him!


Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:23 am
by Ameena
After looking around once more to make sure that no-one obvious is watching her, Ameena pulls the cloak more securely about her as best she can and, as quietly as she can, mutters the name "Librasulus", hoping that's all that's needed to activate the cloak. As she does so, she keeps her gaze fixed on the area in which she believes Gholst is standing...if "standing" is the right word, him being an insubstantial spirit, and all, and wonders what view might be about to confront her...

OOC - Whee, epic long post ;). If there is any check I can make to tell how much charge the cloak has left (if possible - if only a magic-user has the ability to tell and I can't then that's fine but it's worth asking about anyway, I figured ;)), could you tell me what it is? And then assuming it's working, tell me what I can see. Then I'll know how to phrase my next post since I know pretty much what it is I want Ameena to do ;).


Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:48 am
by Lord_BoNes
"It was I who said your name DROMMEL! What do you wish to do about it?" Aurek yelled, taunting the blackskull captain. "You can't even stand your ground as it is!" he mocked further.

Looking to Deephold, "Thank you Deephold. But, Petal and Haynuus aren't looking the best" he said to the helpful cleric, whilst attempting to cleave the mummies into pieces, "We need to deal with these two, so we can help them."


Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:17 pm
by oh_brother
As soon as it had it sunk in that Petal was alive Westian gave the potion to her, splashing some on the wound in her stomach. “You are going to be okay” he whispered, before turning back to see the chaos behind him. Haynuus was on the floor, unarmed with the leering Dargat towering over him. “Quick, Petal, do something! Stop that orc before he kills Haynuus!” Despite her wounds, there was no time for anyone to rest. Westian himself ran back to the orcs side, whispering the runes UM YA IR.

So I don’t have a sword to give Haynuus, the best I can do is try to protect him with a magical shield while he is down. I could move to the square east of Haynuus to give him protection, and then cast some healing spells. Can I cast magic shield this round or next? I don’t have anything in the way of offense, but maybe Petal could let rip with a fireball


Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:35 pm
by ian_scho
OOC - Uck, this could hurt :P

Haynuus reeled from the initial attack but realized that he had two choices. To move to a kneeling position, unarmed, in front of the two warriors in attempt to buy some time or just attempt to pick up his sword and stand up again. He did just that.

As he attempted the maneuver though he thought he could see stars and a sparkling around him - was he already dead? It was then that Westian came into view mouthing something either obscene or obscure to the half-orc. "Cheers but I was supposed to be protecting YOU."

He returned his attention to the huge orc. "No... But my name is Haynuus, son of a human lord[*] and an asparagus grower[+] called Meugh."

BTW, did the previous disarm attempt take into account that it is a THW? That was the reason why Haynuus bull-rushed Garax instead of attempting to disarm him.

[*] The human lord was a prisoner and was supposed to have been ransomed but unfortunately someone ate a quarter of him before they could collect. His impregnation of Haynuus's mother was somewhat of a miracle as he must have inserted his manhood through a small grating 5 foot high in the solid metal prison door while his mother delivered a box of asparagus to the guards stationed there. How he persuaded her that it was a good idea would have been another miracle.
[+] Asparagus - An evil vegetable that many orcs use to taint their urine and so mark their territories. The practice had fallen to disuse amongst the more civilised orcs!


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:07 am
by beowuuf
@Ian: Remember the weapon bonus applied to both sides, so Dargat and Haynuus's +4 for two handed weapons effectively cancel out. Sadly, the disarm attampt uses melee rolls, and yours was bad and his natural melee bonus is...umm...yeah. If you'd only posted Haynuus's origina story the previous round, I would have given you natural 20s

Westian ensured that Petal was still conscious and the Vi waters were hissing in to her wounds. Knowing it would at least stabiliser her, had to rush back to the fight.

Uumack's assault of Dargat proved a momentary distraction, and the full orc snarled. "Crucha" he snarled, a terrible work in orcish for the place in the world a Trolin was considered. By Dargat's tone he clearly considered the Trolins lesser than Haynuus, and it was clear that the Trolins inclusion in to Lord Chaos's armies were most like Gholst or Lord Chaos's idea that the orc's. Uumack's own club seemed to strike some previous wound the Trolin King had delivered, however Dargat swung Garax's blade in return to knock Uumack to a knee with the force.

Westian cast his spell of protection, a blue glow exploding out from him, covering Haynuus. Dargat flinched as if he had <i>felt</i> the spell being cast, and turned on Haynuus. Haynuus's received a vicious blow to his shoulder as he scooped up his weapon, however there were sparking magic as Dargat contacted the glowing area. It allowed Haynuus to swiftly if unsteadily stand while Dargat made a counter-swing.

Haynuus's defiance brought an enraged snarl to Dargat's lips, and with a muttered dark prayer he brought Garax's weapon down on Haynuus once more. This time the sparks and resistance of the blue shield didn't stop the blade at all, and some dark fate allowed the twisted blades to find Haynuus's shoulder wound once more. It was torn open, bleeding profusely. Westian, so close, could feel himself flinch even though he could not hear what Dargat had said. There was some profane feeling when Dargat had struck the halr-orc the second time, some terrible curse had been uttered against all that was right and good. Dargat, somehow, was influenced by the divine. Was he also on the side of Lolth, or worse was he an empodiment of the Cult of Death's own internal faith.

Yeah, Dargat can make multiple AoOs, sorry! He rolled well to attack but not for damage in the first one, and missed - thanks partially to Westian - on the second. Sadly, his proper attack roll hit despite fact it was the lower attack roll (Uumack took thebrunt there of the better bonus, I just narratively shuffled it all). Worse, he rolled well for it and also as hinted he has some divine quirks that meant he could add some damage that roll. So all told you took 8 then 18 hit points, for 26hop in total. Good thing you have a cleric perched on your shoulder!

Dargat loomed over the struck orc and exploded in fire. Any worry this was a manifestation of his own power was quelled by the look of pain on the orc's face. Over by the altar, Petal had shuffled to a kneeling position and had cast the most powerful fireball she still could. Dargat's armour seemed to have absorbed much of the blow, though Dargat did stagger at the shock of it.

Still, any elation Westin or the others may have felt at Petal's attack was curbed when a blackskull soldier rushed from the shadows towards the altar, and struck Petal a glancing blow from behind, knocking the pixie forwards face first in to the altar.

"No!" yelled Passin, though whether it was Petal's attack or his fellow blackskull's movement was unclear. He moved halfway to the altar, apparently half way betwween rushing towards it and away from it.

Youch, just to distract you from the terrible orc threatening you all, Petal's in trouble again...{/b}

Aurek's taunt caused Drommal to below and stride forwards arrogantly to deal with the paladin. Drommal probably still recalled the fact Aurek had worn blackskull armour when first encountered, being 'the fake', and had probably learned what had been said to Passin by the group, Aurek included. Drommal was distracted from and dismissive of Guree, enough that he gave a half-hearted slice to keep her back while striding forwards. Guree took advantage of the situation to duck and dart forwards, sliding her thin knife easily under Drommal's arm.

Drommal staggered backwards surprised, and painfully lifted his sword up while bellowing incomprehensible words.

Aurek had no time to see exactly how well his help was going, for the second mummy was sweeping his arms poweruflly and struck Deephold a crushing blow on his off arm. Deephold cried out but managed to smash his mace down soldily on the creatures head in return. Aurek temporarily was blocked from his own sword blow, and had to adjust to make a determined strike, slicing open a wide gash in the creature's own arm.

"I can manage this horror alone, help them!" yelled Deephold, his attention brought to the plight of those behind. Certainly the second mummy was still retreating in the shadows. However, was Deephold really up to the task along?

LB, I rolled your attacks, and only scored a good attack roll for the secodn roll. Which is the opposite of how it should go! And rolled a 10 for the base damage, so that was nice! Anyway, up to you if you try to finish of the foes together first, suggest Deephold rush off, rush off yourself, or something else :)

Ameena had already been in the ethereal plane with Falkor once, and so it was not a shock to lose her weight and smell and many other subtle connections ot the world. What was a shock was the bright white light - had the crack followed her, once more? However, it appeared this was not the case.

Gholst was a tall, powerfully built man. He seemed to be dressed in spectral armour, a gostly white greatsword in one of his hands. What was causing the white light was a wreathe of white fire burnign all around him. It seemed as if it came from underhis armour, each part fell off and turned to ashe with a gout of fire, showing the same panel of armour underneath, wave upon wave in no discernable pattern.

He had one hand wrapped around the smaller figure of Karnadee, and the girl was screaming from tiem to time as clearly the fire also inveloppped her too. It seemed that Gholst must be in constant 'pain' as a ghost, if that was her reaction to just being beside it. Gholst did not seem to need to put the greatsword's blade under her chin, but he did it anyway.

Ameena then realised there were, indeed, other ghosts around. There seemed to be about eight dotted around, of various races and also holding ghostly weapons. They all seemed determined, but also were standing back, clearly not wishing to risk assaulting Gholst and have him do something to Karnadee. What one ghost could do to another was uncertain, but Karnadee's cries - creis Theron could no doubt keep hearing in between her ability to spoeak words - most likely explained his own strained emotions.

Theron was a dim shadow through the ether, and it seemed as if another shadow - one that has a small glow in the ether - walked towards him. Was that what one of the blackskulls looked like here? Their armour glowed oddly, and the ghosts around moaned as he moved forwards. There was anger there, and two once more tried to stop the blackskull from moving, it seemed, with limited success.

Ok Ameena, that's what you see. Hostage situation, scary end boss, fire and stuff. You've not really any skills or experience to gauge the 'charge' on the cloak. The best Ameena would be able to determine would be the magic smell does not seeml as strong as it has when she's been around Falkor before, certainly not when she first sniffed the cloak waaaaaaaaay back in the start of this game. Basically, don't make any long term ethereal plans :p


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:51 am
by Ameena
OOC - Ooh, wasn't expecting the burny-fire. Hrmm...well, "Life is for friends", and all that ;)...

BIC - Ameena looks at the scene before her. A spirit harming a spirit? Now how does that work, Ameena wonders. Karnadee, she knows, is dead. Gholst too. Yet they both seem able to feel pain. Can they "die" again, then? If Gholst strikes Karnadee with his sword, what will happen?
Still, maybe he'll be too distracted for that. Maybe.
And maybe this will hurt. No, not maybe. Probably. Most definitely.
But it needs to be done. Something needs to be done. Theron needs to know he's not alone. There are those willing to help him. Ameena wonders whether the nearby spirits will assist in some way.
She creeps closer, as close as she dares, the in one movement draws her blade and attempts to plunge it into the back of Gholst's leg. On a living creature this should make them fall over. But this is some kind of scary, white, flaming, dead spirit...person...sort of. So it'll probably be different. Well, maybe it'll get his attention anyway, at least for however long Theron needs to properly realise what he needs to do. And maybe some of the nearby spirits will help out, too...

OOC - Okay then, so, Stealth for sneaking up on Gholst = 33 (18+15)...hey didn't I roll exactly that on Stealth just a little while ago? :D. Right, now for the important stuff...and yeah, can you see why I was thinking this might get me killed, lol, especially with all the burny-fire. I'm guessing just getting close to Gholst is to start taking some kind of damage from his aura. Oh well. Let's see. So, Gholst is in a grapple, right? Plus I sneaked up on him anyway, so I presume from that I have combat advantage. So I'll add in a +2 to the attack roll and also roll some sneak attack dice...though if he counts as undead then I suppose those won't count. But hey, right now we're on the same plane, right? I'm sort of a spirit, and he's a spirit...oh well, lt's roll this shit anyway ;). Attack roll = 26 (15+9+2), hmm not bad :). Damage = 14 (1+1+2+4+6), or just that crappy, pathetic, measly little 1 if I don't get to Sneak Attack him. Meh, even if I did get to do so that's still a pretty crap roll for 1d3+4d6 :P. And now he's probably gonna burninate me to death, waaah :P.


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:04 am
by Lord_BoNes
"If you're sure you can handle it... then I need to help over there." said Aurek to Deephold, before closing the gap between himself and Haynuus (move to the left side of Haynuus, near Dragat).
"Haynuus, I'm here. Try to be strong." he said, as he attempted to heal some of the half-orc's wounds (lay on hands, +14 hp to Haynuus).


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:54 pm
by oh_brother
Breathing deeply form the previous exertion, Westian listened to Passin speak. “We did not desert you, Passin. We had you defenceless and outnumbered. We let you go. Who else would do that to people who fought against them? We gave you armour and weapons. Will you now turn those weapons on us?”

A grunt from his half-orc companion cut the speech short. Haynuus was taking a beating. This much was clear. Something needed to be done, but passing him a potion right in front of Dargat would be likely just to get him killed. He could heal by touch, but not as effectively as Aurek – in all likelihood Dargat would do far more damage than Westian could heal in a given time.

Added to that Petal seemed to be in trouble again. “Get into the air!” he shouted over at her, though he was not sure if she heard. Focusing back on the situation at hand he decided there was only one thing for it – get into the fight. Even if he could not breach the armour of their foe, at least he could provide some distraction. He left an UM VI potion on the ground where he stood, and moved forward with his staff held high, defiantly facing the orc.

So I was thinking of a sort of tag system, where one person can step out, grab a potion, and come back in while the rest (3 out of Haynuus, Aurek, Uumack and me) keep beating away and draw agro from Dargat. So if Haynuus is close to death he can make a withdraw this turn and grab the flask – Dargat will get lots of AoO if he tries to follow.


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:49 pm
by ian_scho
OOC @Ameena - did you try the ceremonial knife on Gholst? I vaguely recall you possessing one.
Cheers guys! I'll go with OhB's plan then.

Haynuus takes a reserved step back with his sword in the air and scoops up the flask Westian had indicated to him. He was already trembling from at first the shock of taking so much damage, then the soothing effects of a paladin's life force. And now the tasty and refreshing effect of the healing potion. He needed to get back to the front!

OOC - Assuming he can do all that... How much is an UM VI? 4d6 HP?


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:51 pm
by ian_scho
Psst LB/Aurek, did you drink your strength potion?


Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:59 pm
by beowuuf
I think the strength potion was missed - Aurek, you have a powerful strength potion you can chug!

Ian - Westian's Um potions are 3d6 healing.

Ameena was left alone by the ghosts, given a respectful space due to her wearing - poorly - the cloak that Falkor had once worn. The fire and the struggle seemed to ensure Ameena moved forwards undetected. Her smaller size and the fact her feet seemed to make no noise here - in fact it took her a moment to realise she had to try hard not to move just below or above the ground - also ensured she managed to get within striking distance without anything happening.

Well, not quite. The green butterfly gentle drifted down for whereever it had been hiding, and perched on her shoulder briefly as she was close. It sailed down to her knife, and there was a strange shimmer as the petaldancer brushed on the steel of the knife. Wiht a swift spiralling moption upwards, the butterfly departed.

Ameena moved forwards swiftly, striking where she regretfully knew a human would be weakest. The leg plate just there fell away as she moved frowards, and she drove the knife firmly into the whiteness of Gholst's form.

There was a green shimmer where the knife sank in with no resistance, and there was a surpised cry from Gholst. (WOOHOO! AMEENA DRAWS FIRST BLOOD AGAINST GHOLST...umm...if he could bleed...). Karnadee took advantage of Gholst's reaction as he turned to sweep at what had attacked him, going far over Ameena's head. "You," he missed with low menace, but was then distracted by Karnadee's retreat.

There was a joint howl from the ghosts surrounding Gholst. It was a mixture of chants and battle cries and vows, all in one choir of duty. The eight ghosts rushed forwards to attack the form of Gholst, either rocognising his evil or having been slain under his or Lord Chaos's command. either way, their freedom could be gained from defeating the burning man.

Ameena was distracted from realising all this, for the moment she had struck Gholst a fire had sprung from his 'wound' and scalded her hand. and worse, as she pulled back, he hand was on fire with the white wire of Gholst. Despirte the fact her cloak and fur were untouched, and there was no heat, Ameena still felt the deep chill and then burning heat of fire lapping over her.

Ameena noticed finally that Karnadee was free, but could dimly make out that Theron was not. There seemed to be something beside him, a blackskull. and a pointy item in the blackskull's hand. A sword? Why the distraction now, just when they seemd to be winning!

Sorry, rolled really well there, my d6s hate you. 6 for the initial backlash, and 6 for being on fire, for 12 damage in total. Ameena will keep taking damage while in the ether, 1d6 per round. so choose between staying and doing something else with Karnadee/Gholst, or returning and either helping Theron or rushing back to se Helm/Falkor. Anyway, nice rolls, hope this pays off what you were trying for. Gholst is by no means out of it, but you've traded problems for something so much lesser, and hopefully have a path to get Theron and Karnadee together... And yeah, I was nice and included a wild card thingie to account for your sneak attack damage actually working. That's one thing I don't remmeber you guessing about - exactly what the green butterfly is.

@Everyone: Good news, the -2 against everyone's rolls disappears now. I think i was mostly handling it anyway :)

Back in the fighting at the entrance, Aurek rushed over from Deephold's side to attend to the wounded half-orc. Aurek's blessed hands touched Haynuus's wound, and there was a glow as Aurek's contracted prayer transferred some of the holy power of Larethian directly to Haynuus. The half-orc felt strengthened physically and spiritually, all the more so as Westian stepped forewards to support his friend on the opposite side.

"I smell the stench of righteousness on you all," growled the orc, starting to spin Garax's weapon in his hands. for a moment Hyanuus had hope, for he spotted that Dargat was by no means as comfortable with the blade as Garax had been - it was clearly Garax's own weapon, or a weapon of his country. Still, it was a strange intrerlacing of curved blades, and Dargat seemed ot be able to spin it well in a defensive posture, awaiting a moment to strike.

And the group could see Uumack, taking advantage of the distraction to the opposite side, moved forward to strike another blow...

Dargat somehow spotted the danger, or had merely been building up to the move. He sudden;y jumped and span, his whole momentum going in to a scything sweep that opened Uumack's chest and sent the trolin flying backwards to the ground. The swing simply carried on and Dargat seemed to be one owith the blade - carried by it one moment, and directing it the next. The scything sweep continued, smashing off of the shield of Aurek by luck, and sheering throug hthe blue haze of Westian's holy shield.

No one seemed harmed, Dargat had held back defensively, his swing unintentionally turning in to a warning. The message was clear though - Dargat could end them all in a heartbeat if they let him. It appeared they needed to keep up the pressure, and not allow him to target any of them individually. Easier said than done while one of their number, the honourable trolin Uumack - lay in an unknown condition on the floor behind.

Haynuus took a step back to recover the healing potion then stepped back, hoping his ministrations had not given Dargat the chance to act. Still, at leats they were all still standing.

Ok, the above might not be quite true. OB, were you casting the other shield spell before stepping forwards? Was that your standard action this turn? If so, everyone is safe...umm, maybe, I need to recheck for Haynuus's AC and all the bonuses flying around. If you don't cast the shield, you can make an attack or other standard action.

Meanwhile, Passin reacted to Westian's words. "Yes, you let me go! You gave me a choice and I chose!" Passin rushed over to the altar. "Leave her!" he yelled to his companion, then pointed to the armour. "She is my sacrifice."

Petal was still groggy from the quick attention of Westian, and the subsequent blow. The other blackskull moved aside to allow Passin access to his own bloody blade, to finsh the job.

Passin was behind the man quickly, something small in his hands that he was pulling on. Something sparkling and gold was wrapped around the blackskull's neck, acting as a garrotte. Petal heard Westian's shout, recovering enough to rise to the air without being attacked.

"No!" yelled Garax, having looked around in detachment and tghen seen the sight of a blackskull attacking another blackskull. The man rose to his feet and moved across as if possessed. Dargat belowed, his red eyes seeming redder. Captain Drommal also batted Guree aside to start moving across, able to as Guree was distracted by Uumack's fall behind her.

Petal obviously had another fireball ready to go against Dargat or the blackskull that attacked her. Instead, she was forced to use it against Garax as the exotic fighter rished forwards.

Westian, Haynuus - assumign you stay where you are, both of you can enact an AoO against Garax as he retreats. Sadly Guree won't be doing the same to Drommal, distracted as she is by UUmack's fall.

Also, I might need to rewrite the Dargat's swing if the numbers are different. As you might have spotted, that was a nasty attack - a whirlwind attack, in fact. Hmm, perhaps I can OOC pout in sppiler brackets the mechanical stuff you've just encountered, that narratively your characters would have realised he has done to them...

Westian, you could always do you funky thing of opening up to figure out exactly what dargat's about. With no consequences whatesoever, nooooooooo....


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:44 am
by Ameena
Ameena moves backward whilst hanging onto the handle of the knife, despite the fire, realising she may need it again.
"Karnadee!" she calls, unsure whether the spirit would be able to hear her clearly if she returns to the physical world. "Stay safe away from Gholst, and tell Theron what he needs to do! Let him let you go! Then he can stop Gholst!"
Then, hoping that since the fire is spiritual and she normally isn't, she deactivates the cloak and returns herself to the physical realm.

OOC - To clarify, Ameena will Shift backward in case Gholst tries to hit her, then if she knows how to "turn off" the cloak (if it requires stating Librasulus's name again, or something else) she'll do that. If she doesn't know how then she'll just take it off. Does returning to the physical world stop her from being on fire? I hope so ;). I was expecting some kind of damage from hitting him but I'm glad it wasn't really uberly heavy. And I achieved what I wanted, which was to get Karnadee out of his grasp :twisted:. And now, let's see what's happening with Theron. Ugh, it'd be just typical if I spend all this time taking care of Gholst and then have poor Theron backstabbed by some random Blackskull :P.