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Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:39 pm
by the master
Sorry that last message should read I am unable to pass through them myself.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:18 pm
by Saumun
How many runes did you get? You need 6... Um, Ya, Ee, Ir, Gor, and Dain. The Ir tile is easy to miss because you have to go back to the lightning room near the entrance to the pits.
This will not open The Hive (that only happens later), but it will open the black doors to the north and south leading to the perimeter. From there the dungeon opens up, and you have to choose which way to go. Once through which ever door you choose, it'll seem like you're going on forever and probably think you're being teleported. You're not... It's just that the corridors are very long. Just keep going!

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:08 pm
by the master
I'm missing Ee Saumun so I'm hoping your going to tell me that it's not too far to go back and collect and in a nice easy position.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:43 pm
by Saumun
Depends what you consider far! Actually, it's not too bad.
Remember the part with the corridors that had pits opening under you if you waited? It had scorpions guarding the switches, and a dragon's lair beneath if you fell through.
Well the Ee tile is in the part immediately before that. It's through the some silent teleports and a couple of shooter corridors.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:24 am
by Chaos-Shaman
Just found that sneaky iron key, kept on missing small switch, mapped out the level. Finally can go back and open that door.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:42 am
by Saumun
Just to let you know (in case there is anything to report)... I won't be able to get on all day tomorrow. Or at least not until very late.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:58 am
by Chaos-Shaman
So I got really in a pickle with the iron keys, turns out that the iron key that opens up to the golems also opens up the door to the first onyx key with the four keyholes, F%$K, I was left with an iron key that was meant for the onyx key. Sambini told me to try going back before opening door for the onyx key, to go back with all the keys and try all 5 iron keys, sure enough she was right. Damn you Saumun :lol:

got an hour left to play, I'LL BE BACK

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:03 am
by Saumun
Hmmm... That shouldn't happen, so i must have made a mistake. I'm on my way to work, so don't have time now. I'll look/fix later.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:52 am
by the master
That happened to me as well. I think the golem key should have been a different type of key to avoid confusion. All 5 keys were marked as iron keys.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:29 pm
by the master
Is there anyway I can get back to the shooter corridor from my present position?

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:23 am
by Saumun
@The Master.... Only by going the way you came. It's pretty direct though, and not too far.

I've only just got home, so i'll fix the key thing tomorrow (EDIT: Sorry... Later today). It's the keyhole for the golem/pit lever room that is the issue.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:27 pm
by Saumun
@The Master... I'll put it down to my tiredness when i got home last night, but there is a short cut. A big one.
I forgot that i'd connected all the underground rooms, so...
You may have already opened this, but if you drop through the room with lots of pits you'll find a switch that opens to another part (under the cowardly oitu bit), which in turn has a switch that opens into the dragon's lair. If you take the teleport up from the dragon's lair, and turn around.... you're only 8 steps away from the silent teleports in the Ee rune section.
This being said... It's also pretty quick taking the direct route, as it's mainly straight corridors.
The iron key problem has now been fixed, and i finally (aaahh... finally!) found the problem that can sometimes stop the four pads part earlier in the dungeon (it was caused if you're already on a certain pad at the point when the wall closes... Damn trigger queuing!). This has also been fixed.

I've requested the link be updated in the first post.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 3:55 pm
by the master
I have already gone back to the opening pit corridor and dropped through. I then went into the blue haze where I met the dragon previously. This took me into a room with square pillars where the layout keeps changing but for the life of me can't find that rune. Is there anyway to stop the room moving and more importantly am I in the right place?

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 6:31 pm
by Saumun
If you're in the corridor just before the pits that drop you into the dragons lair, then you are in the right place. At the place with the square pillars... The room is not moving. You are being teleported to different parts. There is a zigzag route through it where you skip a pillar each time. Keep your compass in hand. Each teleport moves you to a different point, but also turns you 180 degrees... so you'll see on your compass if you've hit a teleport.
When you come to a coin on the floor, head west until you reach a wall and then two steps north onto a pad. The pad launches poison blobs at you from down the corridor, but also turns off all the teleports so you can get back without a problem. The rune is beyond the shooter corridors.
There are switches that turn off the shooters, but you already know the mirror spell so could just use that to get through. It's up to you.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 9:50 pm
by the master
Onwards and upwards, well until I get stuck again. I'm now well into a new part of the dungeon which looks quite exciting.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:10 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
Got to playing it again today and killed the dragon, more lost than ever, white switches, spun out, and now have come to an area with a poison dagger or something, I'm a bit lost but still able to sputter through it.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:42 pm
by the master
Your doing quite well if you have met the dragon. Lots of steaks to keep you going.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:03 am
by Saumun
I perhaps should have mentioned that all meat food in this dungeon has a limited lifespan. Around every twenty minutes, you may notice the icon darken in colour slightly. The longer you leave it uneaten, the less nutritional value it will give. Eventually it will poison you (heavily).
I'm afraid this was entirely necessary, as the dungeon was sailing so close to RTC's object limit, i couldn't risk too much food being dropped by generated monsters.
So.... It's best to eat any meat you get first, while it's fresh and save the other stuff.

I'm not entirely sure where you mean, but if it's the scroll for the magic dagger spell then you're fairly close to the end of section 1.
To potentially save time, i should point out that by now you should have five runes (assuming i'm correct about where you are) with another one a bit further on. I'm mentioning this because at the end of this section, you'll need the six runes or you can't progress and will have to backtrack to get them.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 5:38 pm
by the master
I have just reached the room where when you step into the room it fills up with a haze and throws you out again.
I know that there is a pressure plate in the top left hand corner and am just wondering if I actually need to step on this plate (god forbid) or is it just necessary merely to throw an object on to it. If it is the former could I ask if the person play testing the dungeon actually did it and is there some sort of trick in reaching it

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 5:57 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
"I perhaps should have mentioned that all meat food in this dungeon has a limited lifespan. Around every twenty minutes, you may notice the icon darken in colour slightly. The longer you leave it uneaten, the less nutritional value it will give. Eventually it will poison you (heavily)."

Sort of what I was doing with the meat, making it poisonous but can still will give benefits.

I have 3 runes, just clearing out an area. Is there a map?

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:18 pm
by the master
Chaos. Yes there is but I think you should have found it by now as I think it was in one of the earlier parts of the dungeon.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:28 pm
by Saumun
@The Master....
Yes, there is a trick to it... There's no possible way to get there directly. If you look on your magic map around the perimeter of this room, you'll see another safe spot. Go to this first... then the pad. You have to step on it.
As to your other question.... Yes, it has been done over and over again!

@CS... Yes, you will still get a food hit, even though it poisons. Just not a big one.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:54 pm
by the master
Just did the room with the hazes and the answer to solving it is persistence. And
yes you do have to step on it.
. I did it direct
didnt notice the other safe place and didn't see your message until after I had done it.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 10:53 pm
by the master
I am on a level where there are lots of coin slots. Two gates without keys that have little wizards inside. I am sure that the creatures on this level are reincarnating after you have killed them. This is my most hated thing in a game and completely unfair on the player. I have asked programmers time and time again not to do this unless it acts as a means of food and can be contained in a small area. What I would like to know is how to get those gates open as
I know the little wizards are dropping coins that I need when killed as I have shot gas through the gate and seen them do it
. There is also a haze over a pit in front of an ornate door so I would imagine
that you have to put coins in all the slots to get rid of the haze

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:05 pm
by PaulH
I'm stuck right at the start. I picked my items, teleported into a room, killed the antmen. I exited the room, turned left (I think), entered a room. Stood on the pad, killed the mummies, but the area after is a just two corridors that teleport you back.

The other two rooms out of the four are empty. Standing on the pads does not do anything,.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:20 pm
by PaulH
I restarted, but took a route that spawned skeletons, then pulled two levers to open a door with a pit behind. I descended it, killed the scorpion, got the gold key, then used the blue haze to teleport out - straight over a pit that drops me into enclosed wall. Is there a solution to this or is it a dead end?

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:59 am
by Saumun
@The Master...
There are four coins before you get to that area (not including the ones you had to use in the first part). Insert them into any four of the eight slots and the gates will open. The wizards carry the other four, which eventually removes the haze.
Regarding your first post, there is a switch nearby that appears once you've been turned by the teleports.
As for the second post, i'm struggling a bit here. This has never happened to me, and doesn't appear to have happened to anyone thus far (until now). I checked in the editor and could find nothing wrong, so i played in test and full mode, but still could not replicate this. I wonder if there is a particular circumstance that may cause this problem, but as of this moment i can't find what it is. Once you have the key the haze should reopen the pit and eventually drop you back on to the original spot. It sounds as if a pit that should have opened has not, and i don't know why. Have you tried this more than once with the same result?

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 1:30 am
by Chaos-Shaman
Looks like everyone is having fun with this one Saumun,

I'm at an area where there is a
green haze with lightning bolts, I am able to cast the spell mirror and stop the bolts, the screen keeps getting brighter and the mouse almost stops moving, I thought it was a part of the game. It almost went completely white. Tried to cast a spell and it crashed :( I really thought it was a part of your effects. Any hints on how to get past this area, was that spell suppose to be used at that spot?

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 1:43 am
by Saumun
Nothing to do there just yet CS, but you'll have to go back to that room to get something later.

Re: [RTC] New Dungeon: Underverse

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:04 am
by Chaos-Shaman
????, ok, will let it go for now, head back, don't want to have to go through that pit maze again either, without a map that's big enough to do it I feel lost, maybe Sambini can map it out. Give it another go tomorrow, surely a tough game not for the beginner. I'd like a map for perceptional cohesion, difficult even for a seasoned player, well done man.