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Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:51 am
by beowuuf
Yeah, CPU started to go when i went down to the spider level and took on the worms

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:05 pm
by Antman
Awesome! just started playing Conflux III about a week ago, dont have internet, and phone or TV for that matter, at my new flat so i cant check the site very often. Loving it so far!

I think the morale problem may occur when you kill a monster and there are other near by which start to run, maybe something to do with groups of monsters that split? you one from the group and the others run, even though they may not be grouping anymore.

Levels are coming a little slow though wiped out all of the 'assualt altar' place, punching to death all the deth knights and minotaurs and the boss of that place, and got no ninja levels! a few hours of punching in that.

Anyway want to chat more but have to go. Cya!

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 12:57 pm
by Antman
After playing some more i think the morale problem is deffinetely linked to groups of monsters that split and regroup.

Been playing for a while longer and i havent gained a level in anything in ages, the last half of the time i have been playing the game i have not gained a level. Ive killed monsters in loads of the levels (temple, sewer, spider level, mines etc) but my character just wont level. So hes pretty wimpy but just able to get by, almost been stuck a few times though.

Like the sound of competitions, especially timed. So would keen after i have played for a little while longer and updated my conflux II maps. I was wondering, does anyone else use CSBuild to map? makes it really easy to map moria, and show where items are etc

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:13 pm
by rain`
I've fought single monsters 1 on 1 and have seen them just 'turn around and run' after awhile. I think theres more to it than splitting and regrouping :P

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:25 pm
by beowuuf
Could be something to do with the engine rather than the dungeon, anyone spotted this behaviour using the conflux engine in another dungeon?

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 10:52 pm
by Zyx
I'll make a release to fix the slowing down in 3 hours.
Send me savegames if you want them fixed too.

Antman, which version are you playing?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:57 am
by rain`
The link on the conflux III download page is broken, it links to ConfluxIIII.rar instead of ConfluxIIIi.rar, my intuition allowed me to bypass the user-error and download anyway :P

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:52 am
by Zyx
Thank you. Fixed.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:42 pm
by Kid_A

Thx Zyx for this new version of conflux. Hard as hell but it's cool :D

I have a bug with my savegame.

When i try to load the save, I've got the msg :
'" Two many record files "

I've tried to load the backup savegame but have the same msg.

Any ideas ?


Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:59 pm
by beowuuf
If you have over 99 logs in the files/logs folder the CSBwin crashes

Delete the logs from this folder, and it should work fine!

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:20 pm
by beowuuf
Yeah, actually there is another small quirk - each log starts upon starting CSBwin, of course, if you have that option enabled. But you invalidate the log each time you resave (amd who doens't alot in things like Conflux). Can saving start a new log if autologging is enabled?

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:41 am
by Antman
Ive been using version I, but with the game i started back in version...g i think. Is it true in this version you cant progress past Artisan in this version? And moving the save game to the newer version wont fix that? Which means i would have to start again. :(

Ive cleared out the cellar, sewers, mines and black crypt, I really HATE that place, ended up just telefragging most of the monsters there. The spider level is tough but i think ive explored most of it and most of the council level is blocked off to me because of those 'i want to reflect a crowd' mirrors.

Stock piled a massive amount of keys, only used one key so far which was a solid key in the mines level, so i have about 10 of each of gold, iron and emerald aswell as solid, onyx, turquoise and key of b, just have to decide which doors to use them on.

Have gotten to one ending so far, and i think the rest can only be obtained by passing through the council level. Might be time to head to moria, or start again.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:17 am
by beowuuf
Unless you used a rope I can't think of any ending you means that isn't through the council level onwards!

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:14 am
by Kid_A
Thanks beowuuf !!!

I have two questions :

Why the hall of champions is blocked ?
Does it have a relationship to my training of competences ?

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:37 pm
by beowuuf
Hall of champions could be blocked if you are runnign around with a power gem

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:45 pm
by rain`
Antman wrote:... black crypt, I really HATE that place...
I hated the black crypt too until I figured it out! The fun thing about the black crypt is you pretty much don't have to kill anything to get all the items on the level, and if you do want to kill them, you must find their weakness! I dreaded the black crypt at one point because all my weapons did 2-4 damage tops, even with the mightiest character and endless KU potions... Until I figured out how to kill em! Now its basically a free set of mail, a free mace, corbum, and monk staff (Have yet to find a shurikan though, if there is one?).

Another thing neat about the black crypt level is lair of druafang (sp?). Some great items can be gotten here, and a hell of an awesome looking enemy guards them (or does he?)

I think the black crypt level is probably my favorite, because great items with ease can be gotten. And using the back entrance, you can get their very quickly after you initially start the game! Thank Zyx for the nerf on druafang's lair though, I abused him alot during the initial conflux III's =]

As far as gold and emerald keys go, I don't think you have to use any of them to get anywhere. They are just shortcuts. I'm not quite 100% sure, but the areas I unlocked were almost always accessable via another route. I just opened so I could get around the dungeon easier.

BTW Zyx, I took down vecna again in my latest game after your adjustments. Quite a scare there, but (and perhaps this is a bug?) I wielded a weapon that did 150+ damage to him a hit (counter attack of course), and had that same weapon on another character that did 2-4 damage per hit. Intended? Sonja and halk were the characters. **&*&* and *&*&^^$*& were the weapons ^^.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:13 pm
by Antman
***possible spoiler***

You can grab the power gem by hopping down PitD and killing the dark councillor, then teleport out of there via the maze of thieves. Easy! Although there is tough mob down the bottom of the pit.

Hmmm...sounds like i must experiment in the black crypt some more, although i think i have cleared out the whole place except for Vecna. Did you get the blessing from the assault altar Rain'? that place was awesome. Druafangs lair...the door at the bottom of that place doesnt open like it used to, but the mob there does look very cool.

You have halk? that means you must have found a !@#$#, wish i could get my hands on one of those.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 3:28 pm
by Zyx
rain` wrote:I wielded a weapon that did 150+ damage to him a hit (counter attack of course), and had that same weapon on another character that did 2-4 damage per hit. Intended? Sonja and halk were the characters. **&*&* and *&*&^^$*& were the weapons ^^.
Unless one of the weapons was cursed or broken, could you send me a savegame where I can reproduce this behaviour?

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:27 pm
by rain`
Blessing from assault altar? probably not, only thing i found in that lpace was the exit =[

But I did get married to a demon.

As far as a !@#$# is concerned, theres a couple laying around in various places, 2 of them being really easy to get, though not as easy as the other guild-items. Once you find it you'll be happier though =]

I got an egg with a baby muncher inside, if I put it in the forge you think it'll stay warm enough and eventually hatch giving me my own pet muncher? :P

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:03 pm
by TyGuy6
Umm, I've played 4 characters on the first few levels for a bit, and encountered a bug. One of my characters died, and now my green character is the only picture (you know, in the top-right corner) that still is moveable. All of my three remaining characters can hit a monster in front of me without switching their placement (is that meant to be?), but only my green guy gets hit by the monster. (after he dies, the other ones become vulnerable)

I would send the save game or logs to Zyx, but I don't know how. Email? PM? Where's the attach button?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:34 pm
by beowuuf
Sounds more like an engine bug, send to Paul S

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:55 pm
by rain`
I experienced this problem too once after ressurecting a character.

I sent a saved game to both Paul Stevens and Zyx. I think they are aware of the problem, but any more cases would probably only help.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:25 pm
by Zyx
it's up to Paul I guess.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:27 pm
by Kid_A
I tried to cast the treasure spell but CSBwin crashes.

It crashes when I cast the spell with a compass.

Is it a bug or I use a bad component ?


(version i)

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:32 pm
by Zyx
Bug! The spell doesn't work anymore. It will be fxed for version j.
Send me your savegame if you want me to fix it.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 12:19 pm
by Zyx
No bug report for a while! I may then release version j which fixes the treasure spell and nothing more, for the future players...
Should I be aware of any other bug?
Do people with slow machines (Adamo) still experiment slow down or is it definitively fixed?
Rain, did you complete all the endings without problem?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 8:00 pm
by rain`
Nope, I actually havent been playing conflux much lately since spring break. I intend to start up again soon (final week of school woot), but I do know that I had trouble with the halk ending...

There was a series of doors which wanted to eat me, than after that a final door I couldn't open. I swear i lost a finger in one of those doors, which breaks the vow of no cutting off fingers.

Maybe it was my own stupidity, but I couldn't get through that door for the life of me... I checked every wall and then gave up =[.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 7:46 am
by Zyx
Did you try brute force?
If yes, then send me a savegame, I couldn't find any problem during playtest.

EDIT: hey! where that Zyxypoo came from? ^ ^

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 7:57 am
by beowuuf
* i wouldn't know and am hiidng in the inn thread*

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 8:51 am
by Sophia
Zyx wrote:EDIT: hey! where that Zyxypoo came from? ^ ^
I think Sera invented the nickname... so uh...

*points at Sera and runs the other way*