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Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:43 pm
by beowuuf
Didn't even spot it! Cheers

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 2:25 pm
by Kebes
I am quite sure that I didn´t have to do the first part of DAIN to get the appropriate key. Of course it could be that I entered the way somehow through a pit or a teleporter. The key has to come from somewhere, hasn´t it?

Short update on my current progress: not much, really. Can you say zooooom? That was a tricky part in DM already, but it is even more in CSB.

At least i don´t have food problems anymore. So it seems doing KU as second or third way is a good tactic, because of the abundant food supply in Dragon Den.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 4:34 pm
by zoom
Kebes, I have no idea!
It's possible that the party ought to enter the path of Dain on the JoW
(junction of ways) to finally being able to get the ruby key, because
some walls shift near the entrance to the Diabolic Demon Director(DDD)
depending on the path you have chosen -ultimately- separating
each path from one another.
Apart from that , it would not surprise me if there was a way of switching paths,
in between, through pits or with help of skelleton keys
seems possible !

It would certainly not surprise me, if there was one or the other
sneaky bit..

If separation would not be the case , you only had to do one part of any path,
reach the ddd and then go on to get the keys..

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 4:43 pm
by Trantor
I don't know of many ways to switch paths. In fact, the only one that comes to my mind is The Cistern, the huge confusing room with respawning water elementals on level 7 of DAIN. You can fall into there from a number of pits I think, but I don't know of anything else.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:07 pm
by Kebes
@ zoooom

hehehe, with zooooom I was refering to DM zoooom, which resembles the beginning of ROS, where I am now stuck in. It was a rhetorical question...

no offence, and thanks for your suggestions anyway!

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 7:08 pm
by Lunever
And you can fall through a hidden pit from one of the Dain starting rooms to the screamer chamber of Neta. There may be a couple of other possibilities, but actually there aren't much of them.

I rather think that you just got lucky and got teleported to the upper start of Dain, which bypasses much of Dain. Aside from that you can even bypass largely the dreaded couatl room if you enter it via "The Bridge" and use the split-second you got to run over a certain pit after pressing a certain button in order to directly get into the room with the ruby key. From there you can quickly progress to the DDD.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:02 pm
by zoom
yes, it is bad sometimes to have a nickname called zoooom in a
dungeon master forum ;)
I skipped most of csb zoooom part , to be honest!

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:43 am
by Ameena
Eight thousand posts? Bloody hell...
Anyway, about Dragons - I just call 'em Dragons, lol. And I think of 'em all as male.
And I never knew that about the leather boots in "Surrender Your Possessions"! :eek:

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:46 am
by Trantor
Ah yes, I forgot about the pit that takes you to the screamer chamber. I suppose there aren't lots of other ways to cross paths.

The first walkthrough for CSB that I read called the room where you are at "The Roundabout", though I never heard that name again after that. There are several items and some nasty traps hidden there, but if you just want to proceed, the way is rather simple. Look for a demon who sometimes shoots a fireball at you while you swirl around at lightning speed. Try getting to him.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:06 am
by Lunever
Yes, but there might be a problem - in RTC V0.39 in the DM dungeons I reported the bug that the Zooooom teleporters have incredibly increased in teleporting frequency, probably has something to do with the floor triggers. If the Zooooom in CSB is similarly accelerated it might be nigh to impossible to solve completely.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 1:11 am
by Trantor
That is possible Lunever, but if I remember correctly, Kebes is playing CSBWin.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:01 am
by beowuuf
Lol, *sniff* no one read my old posts *sniff* 8000 posts and no one cares when i found out about the leather boots and broke one of the myths of CSB mechanics having some cool new features *sniff*

Well, actually, it did lead to finding the 'end game' pad for DM so it wasn't a total waste

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:24 am
by Adamo
yeah, congratulations Beo !!
I`m gonna beat you in a week by posting LOLs and spamming forum with radio announcements like below ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:25 am
by Adamo
LOL ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:26 am
by mikko
Or maybe there are so many posts that no one can remember the earlier ones.. :wink:

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:04 pm
by beowuuf
Adamo, i think you woudl certainly get banned long before you reached my postcount if you started spamming that much!

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:03 pm
by Adamo
few days ago I started playing CSB again (first time it was on my Amiga - RIP, ages ago). And I must say I`m really amazed! This is one of the best dungeons I played, even with it`s antique graphic and layout. With only about 1500 actuators they made such a great dungeon! I`ve got thousands and my custom is not even 10 % good as CSB. It`s also damn hard. Maybe because I started with reincarnated characters. But the maze is so complicated it made me sooo desperate that I had to look at CSB dungeon.dat file. :oops: :oops: :oops: it took me a lot of efforts to get know what-is-what and how-does-it-works in the editor. I still don`t know how to reach the 4th corbum! Anyway, the dungeon is unbelievable great.

hey, I heard that someone here made a "double hard CSB custom"? i`ve gott to try it.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:10 pm
by Adamo
oh, there`s one thing that made me mad: usually the skeleton locks don`t "eat" skeleton keys. Except a skeleton lock that leads to the demons hatchery on the last level. I opened it, loose the key and THEN realized that I omitted one skeleton lock somewhere in the dungeon! But that`s the thing i call "resources terror" and it`s great in some way :twisted:

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:46 pm
by Paul Stevens
With only about 1500 actuators
Your estimate is much too high.

There was a physical barrier.....about 1023.
The limit was imposed by a 10-bit field and some
of the possible values were used for special
purposes. Same limit on potions, monsters,
texts, weapons, etc...etc...

But your characterization of the game is accurate.
It was remarkable, given the various limits of
the 1/2 MByte Atari.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:32 pm
by Lunever
Adamo: I wouldn't recommend opening the demons' chamber anyway, because the opened skeleton passage allows the demons to escape the Wrath of God (you did discover the Wrath of God, right?).

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:01 am
by Adamo
Lunever: what`s "Wrath of God"? When I opened the demon`s chamber there were waiting a lot of demons and lord chaos himself. Once you kill all the demons, there are another ones generated :twisted:
I like it because it`s crazy :D

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:27 am
by Ameena
the "Wrath of God" is some big fireball mechanism thing that shoots biggy fireballs across the demon room to blow them all up. Last tiem I played CSB I didn't use it...found a secret passage round the back, killed Lord Chaos with a Ful Bomb (wtf?), and legged it in to finish the game :D.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:36 am
by Adamo
ok, I know what you mean, thanx :) no, i didn`t use that mechanism, because it demands a lot of coins and keys, wchich i don`t have.