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Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:40 am
by Tom Hatfield
Ah, a tribute to Stonekeep.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:28 pm
by Trantor
I finally tried the demo of Forest of Doom and have to say I am very impressed! Fantastic graphics, great music, and very atmospheric. I'm looking forward to the release of this.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:12 pm
by GandolfA
hope it is good as it looks, very gj from screenshots :) Goodluck on it ^__^

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:36 pm
by DSE
This is simply beautiful ... I love it.

Is there an update on how this project is progressing (please) !

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:58 pm
by linflas
thanks for your feedback !
i could release an update but honestly i haven't progressed a lot since the first alpha demo : there are only 2 new monsters and some decoration stuff.
in terms of storyline/contruction, nothing has been done yet, except the few areas you've already visited.
i need to have a break on this, that's the reason why i'm gonna release Sukumvit 2 very soon.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:54 pm
by DSE
I noticed that you updated the title screen for Sukumvit 2. That graphic is really really cool. Are you an artist by trade ?

Will Sukumvit 2 have custom walls, etc by you like the demo I just played ?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:28 am
by linflas
nope, i use DM2 stone wallset and some EOB monsters. i replaced all DM items by DM2 ones and added a few stuff i made.
the title screen is only a patchwork of google images i made coherent together, just like what you've seen in FoD.
and this is only a hobby, i work as a sysadmin but i must admit i make everything you've seen -at my work office- everyday ! :P

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:15 am
by DSE
well, you can play it down ;o), I still think its amazing ...

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:54 pm
by Ian_Alexander
I'm impressed.

If I do eventually make my own dungeon I' like to do a lot of replacement graphics but I think I'd just use the old DM style so that it integrates with DM things well.

Good job on the extra effort!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:30 pm
by plenty
:shock: Great job... it looks (so far) better then most comertial cRPG far younger then CSB... U squized a lot from GG engine :d Can't wait full version :D

At the end there was massage: demo ends here, then the THE END sign (but no buttons, then error massage and:

RTC (V0.44) Diagnostic file - Tue Feb 27 14:22:15 2007

an access violation exception.

Stack Dump:
RTC.DoFrame(int 217);

Geez... im inspired now :d Ill try to make some icons and stuff... Mayby some will be usefull in this project... Darn good job linflas!

Some of the icons that survived unexpected discformatting:

I can do much better, those are damn old files-survivors :D

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:54 pm
by Zed5Duke
How goes progress on this dungeon? (its my favourite)

And i have question: how get graphic from other games, for example very interesting was "Legacy" on pocket PC

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:16 pm
by linflas
slow progress i must admit.
i make a few graphics when i have some spare time : at the moment there are 13 new monsters finished and if i want to follow the gamebook, they should be 30..
nothing has changed a lot since my London visit (for people who had seen the new stuff)

get graphics from other games ? i'm quite good at 'print screen' :)

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:33 am
by Gambit37
Spooky post -- I just loaded up the Alpha again the other day and was going to post a similar question about progress. It is indeed a very impressive piece of work and I didn't get to see your progress in London...

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:14 am
by linflas
well, sorry for that, it was shown in the Queens hotel room in Crystal Palace... :?

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:12 am
by Joramun
Is there anything else than the tower and two goblins ?

I explored a lot, and the map is simply beautiful, but I didn't find much to do, especially since the map looks so BIG.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:26 pm
by arturus
Well....I had a look at the updated WIP and all I can say is.....please finish's looking good :D

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 4:13 pm
by linflas
Joramun wrote:Is there anything else than the tower and two goblins ? I explored a lot, and the map is simply beautiful, but I didn't find much to do, especially since the map looks so BIG.
yes, in the RTC file there are many more stuff not seen when you play the game.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:22 pm
by Pirate Neilsouth
Any updates on this as it was looking interesting :D

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:11 pm
by linflas
a bit of new stuff has been added, i'm working on a cave wallset at the moment.
if someone has some spare time to make high res realistic version of DM2 "classic" medieval items (i mean no Tech armor, Excsymyr or things like that), that would be really helpful !

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:11 pm
by Gambit37
If I didn't have so many other things to do, I'd like to help with that. I never got anywhere with my own hi-res RTC dungeon as it was simply too big a task, but a smaller objective might be doable.

I wouldn't want to commit to anything at the moment in terms of a deadline, but if you're happy to just accept bits and pieces here and there when I get time, perhaps I can help?

Anything in particular you want to start with? Note that I'm not nearly as good an artist as you.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:48 am
by linflas
ahah thanks, but google images is a very good artist too ;)
anyway, if you can help by penciling some items, i need food, weapons and clothes ! for example, you can start with a brigandine or leather boots.
if you already have some high res stuff, maybe i can incorporate that into FoD ?

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:42 pm
by zoom
make high res realistic what do you mean by that? 32 bit?
maybe it helps if you tell the exact resolution and colour depth.
to get an idea.
It would interest me, apart from actually participating in your project.
(I would like to know whether I would be able to create a high res image or not) Any proposals in that regard? ;) thanks and good luck

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 5:54 pm
by linflas
thanks zoom ! happy to see people have some time to help me :)

"high res" means "no oldschool double pixels", and for the image format, only truecolor PNG with alpha transparency. i don't care about the final size of the RTC file because we all have good internet connections nowadays.

"realistic" means errr.. take a screenshot from FoD, add the new item/monster/whatever as a layer and see if it fits well.
if not, adapt the palette, use brush/eraser if needed, etc.

i focus my work on monsters and environments (wallsets, flooritems and wallitems) but i made nothing that concerns the rest of the graphics : weapons, objects, spells, clouds.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:14 pm
by Pirate Neilsouth
Nicely done fella , keep it up :D

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:40 pm
by Gambit37
Hmmm, I'm sorry, actually, I don't have time to help out on graphics for this at the moment.

I have a couple of questions too, about how you created your forest images:

1) There is a very cool path effect through the undergrowth where you can see it but parts are obscured by grass. Is this done with alternate wall sets or flooritems?

2) Is all the multilayered semi-transparent grass a flooritem?

3) Are the solid grey trees and bushes cloned pillars?

I've been experimenting with some of my own stuff and have realised that the work you have done here is very complex and very clever. You are a genius!

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:05 pm
by linflas
genius ? i'd rather say stubborn and lucky :)

1) this one was tough to make, but i absolutely wanted a 'walking path'. this is an additional wallset made with a "stones" layer over the original level wallset. i had to use cleverly the eraser tool on all the tiles borders to avoid a square tiling effect. what could be a cool suggestion for RTC is that floors and ceilings of additional wallsets actually do not replace the level wallset but are displayed as layers over it (with PNG alpha transparency if you use it of course !).

2) yes, 2 bitmaps : front0 and front1 (= side1). that was my first test when RTC allowed PNG support with alpha transparency.

3) all trees and bushes are cloned pillars, there are no walls in the land and the forest wallsets. that is the reason why i asked for an automatic icon bitmap based on the front1 bitmap in RTC suggestions. that is also the reason why i asked for a "wall/pillar bump damage" boolean for levels. Zyx was surprised that you could bump into bushes !
on the other side, the crow is a wallitem over a 'null' bitmap wall.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:10 pm
by Parallax
nevermind, got it now.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:47 pm
by Gambit37
linflas wrote: 1) this one was tough to make, but i absolutely wanted a 'walking path'. this is an additional wallset made with a "stones" layer over the original level wallset. i had to use cleverly the eraser tool on all the tiles borders to avoid a square tiling effect.
So did you have to create a set of template images to work out where RTCs masks are for Alt wallsets? If so, just wondering if you could share them to save me having to do the same work... ;-)
linflas wrote: what could be a cool suggestion for RTC is that floors and ceilings of additional wallsets actually do not replace the level wallset but are displayed as layers over it (with PNG alpha transparency if you use it of course !).
This is a nice idea and would allow for nice things like animated skies without making file sizes too big.
linflas wrote:that is also the reason why i asked for a "wall/pillar bump damage" boolean for levels. Zyx was surprised that you could bump into bushes !
Yes, I agree with this, having an option for pillars that prevents the "Ooof" effect and damage would be very useful. Is it still in the Suggestions forum?

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:27 pm
by beowuuf
Until it happens, note that putting the tile order of monster then pillar creates a pillar that does not damage/oof

It's how I created clickable champions originally - pillars for the champion to allow clicking of a wall object, but monster underneath to prevent oofs and to have somehtign to damage that would, if I'd continued, allowed the champion to become an attacking monster

I think clickable monsters have made this far, far more doable now! Still never got back to my rat you could pick up though!

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:00 pm
by linflas
Gambit37 wrote:So did you have to create a set of template images to work out where RTCs masks are for Alt wallsets? If so, just wondering if you could share them to save me having to do the same work...
Nope, sorry i have only the two following floor bitmaps.

Image Image

But this not very long to do imho. I used a low opacity layer like the default background in RTCIP to see the tiles borders, i pasted the alternate floor between this layer and the default floor. Then, i took a very smooth eraser brush and simply followed the (blue) lines.

@Beo : can you paste a code example of what you're thinking, please ?