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Many thanks

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2001 11:11 am
by Lubor Kolar
I would like to thank George for unbelievable piece of work and time he spend on RTC, because although it is not ideal (what else is?), I have much pleasure playing it. No other game gave me so good feeling of DM like RTC :-). I like enhancements like improved graphics, spellbook spellsystem etc. I hope we will get some new maps and puzzles. Then it will be one of 3 things I would like to take to the desert island :-)

Re: Many thanks

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2001 3:39 am
by Rick
Yes i like the idea about looking at new scrolls and writing them down in your spellbook. The only problem is that you start with an EMPTY spellbook - no fireballs until level 8 ?)