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Does RTC run on Windows XP? (nt)

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 8:36 pm
by 11001001

Re: Does RTC run on Windows XP? (nt)

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 10:26 am
by George Gilbert
No idea. I can't think of a good reason why it shouldn't though - apart from the graphics routines which are all just DirectX (V3.0) calls it's written in pure ANSI C (not even C++). It should run on pretty much everything...

Re: Does RTC run on Windows XP? (nt)

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 12:51 am
by theadder
I have windows XP, and it runs fine but quite slow on my PC which ran it fast under ME.

However, do bear in mind that windows XP is a new all-seeing, all-dancing version of windows which is based on Windows NT but aimed at both home and professional users. Therefor, it uses NT drivers etc so obviously things are severely different behind the scenes. And XP is quite blatent about the fact that it won't run all old software - and by "old" I include stuff that many people would call new, such as last years version of Norton Antivirus. Therefor it seems that Microsoft are going for a more stable secure OS rather than a 100% compattable one, so be warned. Also, because of new internal workings, it possibly won't be long before software starts coming out that will ONLY work on XT so this is something for developers to bear in mind...
So if there is a reason why it runs slowly on XP then this is something for george to look at in a future update perhaps.
But it might just be my machine.

And I like the new interface :)

no reason to "upgrade"

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 4:29 am
by cowsmanaut
There is no really good reason to upgrade to XP. Honestly speaking. Win2k was the last reasonable upgrade for the NT core.

I've had to do a good deal of looking into what XP can offer since at work we run NT based systems on a large network. The jump to 2K was more or less a no brainer when it came out with service pack 2 wich got rid of the major problems. It's at least as stable as NT now and the big plus is the Direct X upgrades. It's also got a few nice tools for keeping your system clean and stable not to mention support for fat32 drives if you are coming from win98.

XP however, the very pretty graphics and eyecandy they threw in there has 'cause a large number of people to complain about speed. People who still use Dos freak out because there isn't a complete version of Dos and it's only emulated. Which means any Dos apps will likley not work. Something people also find with winMe.

The truth is XP has pretty much nothing new in it that anyone actually NEEDS. It just looks prettier and disables a lot of what you use to be able to do.. sounds more like downgrading to me.

Though those who took in all the hype with glee and ran off to get their upgrads will likley not agree with me after all who wants to admit they just spent between 300-400 bucks on something essentially useless. Atleast if you already had win2k that is.. as an upgrade from win95.. I'm sure you will be quite happy with it.. if you can spare the mass of hardrive space that is..

Re: Does RTC run on Windows XP? (nt)

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 12:31 pm
by beowuuf
I;'ve been told the same thing, Win2000 great (from someone who hates other windows in general for being unstable and pos's), Win XP *cough*.

Especially as they've admited the loss of the secruirty aspect! <p>
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year one and all

- Michael (Beowuuf)</p>