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Magic Book

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2003 6:10 pm
by LegionOfDeicide
I have just had a character die that was holding the rune book and now I find the rest of the character cannot cast any spells. This maybe true if you are reading from the book, but when the characters have cast the heal potion 100 times, you may think the would have learnt it by now and dont need to re-read the book. Big pain in the ass if you lose the book. Dont get me wrong, I really love the idea that you have to get the runes first before casting the spells, but once you have them, I think it is a pain to have to keep hold of the book. Could you imagine Gandolf in the Lord of the Rings having to refer to a book each time he wanted to cast a spell that he already knew?

Re: Magic Book

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2003 8:07 pm
by Gambit37
Check some of the old threads for an explanation about this. When the spell book was implemented, all the regulars here had a really long discussion about how it should work. I agree with your point of view, but George had to draw the line somewhere and the current functionality of the spell book is a compromise between all the differing views.

It's a very interesting discussion, somewhere in the early days of the Suggestions board...

Re: Magic Book

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 10:11 am
by George Gilbert
If it's any help, to minimise the effect of a character with the spell book being killed, I've written the code such that the spell book is always the topmost object on the pile of their stuff left behind on the floor. This makes it quite easy for the remaining characters to grab the book and keep going.

As for Gandalf, although he didn't have to refer to a book, he did have to have his staff. If it was taken away he could no longer cast spells - so if it helps, think of the book as the source of magic rather than just a reference work ;-)

Re: Magic Book

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 10:34 am
by LegionOfDeicide
Thanks for the replies. New to RTC so I have not many of the old threads. I guess my characters will just have to be quick of mind if any of them die.

Re: Magic Book

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 10:37 am
by Lunever
I disagree with you George: While the staffs of the 5 wizards are items of power, the breaking of Sarumans staff is only an outer sign, a symbol, for the result of the mental battle between Gandalf and Saruman.
For those who have read the Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion with attention know, that the 5 wizards (Saruman the White, Gandalf the Grey, Radagast the Brown and the two lost blue Wizards) as well as Sauron and the remaining Balrog (Valrauk) are NOT simply wizards or demons, but are spirits from the host of the one god Eru Ilúvatar. All of them existed before the very world, and their flesh is but a garnment to them. Gandalfs true name in the Valaquenta is Olórin, which is also quoted without knowing it's meaning by Faramir when he speaks with Frodo. The only one in LoR who comes to an understanding of Gandalfs nature is Aragorn: "Do I not say truly, Gandalf, that you could go whithersoever you wished quicker than I? And this I also say: you are our captain and our banner. The Dark Lord has Nine. But we have One, mightier than they: the White Rider..."

<p>Komm zur bunten Seite der Macht! </p>

Re: Magic Book

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 8:24 pm
by beowuuf
I could never get into the simarillion, i wish i had now.

I wrote an entry as a (hidden) part of Cowsmanaut's site for some psedo-magical explaination on why the spell book works as it does:

"In areas of high magic, those with the gift of mana can feel the fluctuations of the world, such is the power in these places. The rising and falling of armies, the flight of the bird and the flowing of the tides almost crystalise in the air to those who can see it. However, these areas are most susceptable to the fluctuations, and those wishing to command the infuences here will need to possess a Living Spellbook. This spellbook can catch the essence of any influence who's rune is inscribed onto its pages. A mage can then glance at these pages before casting a spell to synchronise his mind with the world around him. Be warned, in such areas this spellbook is the mage's anchor, without it he is likely to lose the ability to invoke those influences once so familiar."

I liked the idea that would explain why sometimes you don't need it, soemtimes you don't, and why a party would 'lose' their abilities if they lost the book

rune book ?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 9:34 pm
by chiefy
this whole magic book thing is unclear to me, could somebody please explain it briefly ?

I have placed the book into my "dungeon" and the champions resurrected, can cast any spells they "know already" without coming across the book

if they don't find the book, then they just go along "without it" !

if they do find it they see 2 pages of symbols, how does it work please ?

Re: rune book ?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 10:14 pm
by beowuuf
The spell book must be in possession of a party member (any slot) for all party members to have access to the runes in the dungeon menu

A spell book ususlly starts off blank, meaning it has no runes, and so characters have no runes
Spell scrolls, and objects, can have runes associated. To transfer the runes to the spellook, and therefore allow characters to cast spells, you have to put the spell book into a character's action hand and display the 2-page window you've seen. Faded runes aren't known yet, black runes are known and castable. To transfer, just hold the scroll/object in the mouse hand, and click it on the blank page. One nice sound effect and the rune is transfered.

Its an interestign system, as it allows you to limit spells or growth in a dungeon. Without fire people can't just fireball, can't ignore the value of torches, etc
You can even limit spell power and so wizard growth - have journeymen carry = runes, [] for apprentices and

Re: rune book ?

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 9:14 am
by George Gilbert
Chiefly, I think the answer you're looking for is that the runes are only restricted to those found if, at the start of your RTC text file, you have the line RESTRICT_RUNES=(TRUE)

I imagine that for yours it currently says FALSE (which means runes are always available, regardless of whether or not you have the book, and it's contents)?