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AndyBoy's RTC Editor: Displaying targets and receivers

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 6:07 pm
by Gambit37
Andy, how do you intend to display the targets and receivers for triggers and teleporters? Do you intend doing something like DMute with a line/circle, or something different?

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 6:15 pm
by andyboy_uk
Well that would work but only if the trigger is on the same level, Im thinking along the lines of a window with the properties of an object opening up and a "go to trigger target" button.

On the same level. when you highlight a map trigger, the target will have a little red box around it.

There will also be a Pick Target Button where you will be able to pick a square or another item from the existing dungeon.

Im open to suggestions always. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 7:42 pm
by cowsmanaut
I can already envision it. Select something like:

Triggerable Item: Dart holes

Trigger type: Remove item
Item:diamond sword
Trigger state: single use
Timer: No

Level: 3
Location: 018, 201
Facing: North

etc etc.. but you could have all the info in pull down menus. Trigger state (on/off, single use, numbered use, always on, etc). different trigger types, (wall switch, floor switch, remove item, place item, etc)


Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 11:45 am
by andyboy_uk
Thats the idea :)

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 12:26 pm
by PicturesInTheDark
If it's at another level, you could still display the text for it along the lines of cow's suggestion above - is that possible? Would make it easier not to switch between levels all the time... same with teleporters.

Regards, PitD

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 1:53 pm
by andyboy_uk
I was thinking, when you hover over a trigger a little tool text comes up with the most important info, if you right click it you can get the property screen up which has all teh information that you can change and there will be a "select target" and "jump to target" button that will take you to the destination.

What does everyone think, is that the best way to do it or is there another way.

It might be a little difficult (but not impossible) to split the edit area in two, then you could edit two sections of the map (the source and destnation) at the same time.

Tough one to call at this point though ?

Comments suggestions always welcome

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 2:48 pm
by Gambit37
I like DMute's simple point and click approach where you can just point to the square you want.

Say for example you're making a new trigger and you want it to trigger one out of ten other items on a tile. I'd like to have the ability to point to the tile in question and right-click a popup menu listing all the object IDs on that tile, with an associated description (Lock, Relay, etc.) and perhaps also a graphic. Selecting the relevant item builds the relationship.

When editing existing trigger/object pairs, I'd like to be able to right click the tile with the trigger, get a menu showing all triggers on the tile, select the relevant one, then edit it with whatever dialogue was used to create it initially. This dialogue would need the ability to point to other tiles/levels, again, much like DMute.

Just a brain dump for the moment... it's made me think of all kinds of other issues, such as the trigger editor dialogue box. This particular part of the program will need to be very well thought out, as its ease of use is fundamental to opening up the power of the RTC engine.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 2:56 pm
by andyboy_uk
Ahh, now I like that one Gambit. And as for the dialog used to edit items.

Well that can be dynamically built around the object type, because the objectVault contains a list of propery names that can be associated with that item (or it will :lol:) and the propertyVault contains the type of data the property contains, and any possible values for selection.

It will all make sense really soon :) when I do a little more work on it.

What I havent done yet, is go through all the properties that exist and work out all their possible values,

GG is there a chance you could provide this from extracting RTC code into a list?