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Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 12:00 pm
by yiggdrasil
hi all!
first sorry for my english, I m not used to write it 8o
So I rediscover my old ATARI on my computer... that s great!!!:D and I ve finished Dungeon Master. I got Chaos Strikes Back and i want to play with my DM characters... i know i can do it when I had my ATARI, but how to proceed on my PC ?? does any1 know how?

thx for answer ;) <i>Edited by: <A HREF= ... nclark>Ian Clark</A>  <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="" BORDER=0> at: 6/10/03 6:54 pm

Re: help

Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 6:00 am
by beowuuf
If you are playing an emulated version, then it should be as you remember it

If you are playing 'Chaos strikes back' for windows, then you cannot - this function hasn't been ported across to PC. What you can do is use the editor DMute and alter your charactr stats to be the same as your old characters.

Hope that helps - go to for lots of helpful tools and advice

Re: Help

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 5:00 pm
by Guest
I've just completed DM using the CSBforWin conversion and had no problem importing my party.

Simply copy one of the csbgame.bat files from your 'Original DM' directory into your 'Original CSB' directory, start CSB, and choose Utility.

The 'Start New Adventure' button then converts your DM bat file into a usable CSB save, so when you next play CSB, resume will give you your DM party naked and surrounded by worms.

Re: Help

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 2:00 am
by Guest
Oops, I should have said .dat rather than .bat - e.g. CSBgame4.dat.

Also note that bonus points from mana and strength raising items are carried forward (level raising items don't work), so best bet is to make sure your characters are holding the Staff of Manar, Mace of Order etc. before saving in DM.

My DM characters are all good spell casters, useless ninjas and reasonable fighters because I did very little "training" and didn't take any really strong fighters (so I had to make a lot of strength potions just to wear good armour and carry decent weapons). The result of this is that the worm room at the start was a doddle - big fireballs from all four characters saw them off in no time.

More on CSB ....

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 7:04 am
by Horse

Ive just completed DM for windows too.

I cant get any further than the prison on CSB though. I get as far as saving the game, and when i restart, it just starts me off in the prison again.

Also, re: .dat files to CSB, i tried it too see if i could start off with my old DM party, and when i loaded the game up via CSB it loaded my save position in DM....not only THAT but it changed the armour of DARC i was wearing to Dragon Armour, changed the Diamond Edge to a Dragon Fang, changed the Armour of Lyte of Ra Armour and changed all the party's Gold coins to Sa coins. Interesting stuff i thought.
Still, im stuck unable to start CSB and i KNOW there are worms out there need a damn good ninjaing!

Help appreciated. Its probably something dumb ive done. LOL

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 7:17 am
by Paul Stevens
This is getting a bit repetitious. :D

Well, here we are.

I'm the fellow who wrote CSBwin. So I am somewhat
familiar with it.

In the prison, you select your characters. Then you save
your game. For example, save it as CSBGAME.DAT.

Now you must place these characters into the CSB dungeon.
Run CSBwin the same way you did when you entered the
prison. But.....instead of clicking on 'DUNGEON', click on
'UTILITY'. Then select the game in which your characters
were previously saved. In our example, 'CSBGAME'.

Then click on 'MAKE NEW ADVENTURE' twice. Heh! I did not
create this. This is how the Atari game worked.

Then select where you want your new game to reside. For example,
click on 'CSBGAME2'.

Then click on 'QUIT'.

Run CSBwin again. (This is like rebooting the Atari.)
Click on 'DUNGEON'. You will be at the prison door again.
Click on 'RESUME'. Then select the name of the
game that you saved. 'CSBGAME2' in our example.

Now you are starting the adventure
with your selected party in the CSB dungeon. You will be
in a dark room with your enemies gathered around you.
The first time you do this you will be convinced that something is
wrong. A game cannot start this way. But it does.
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