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Forum Policies, PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2000 8:00 pm
by Ian Clark
This had to be done :lol: . Also, I am working on some new forums so I would like these to be considered.

Most importantly, these are discussion forums, people will disagree from time to time. You're here to discuss things and contribute your opinions. Respect each other. :wink:

You should monitor each other, if you think someone's post offends you or someone else, please email me at Also, bear in mind that my decision is final and if I have to ban you or delete your posts, I won't change my mind. This is a moderated board and you should be able to post in a relaxed environment and not feel threatened by other posters. Don't send flames (personal attacks or messages designed to annoy people) to the list. Disagreements will happen in any forum. If you disagree with someone's opinion, go ahead and state your own, but keep in mind that name-calling and personal attacks are not appropriate. Posting messages that are likely to start a flame war should not be posted either. Also, swearing isn't allowed as it could offend some people.

Off topic messages. They are ok now and then but must me marked with "Off topic" or "OT". These are forums for discussion of the topic described in the title (ie DMute) though I recognise the need for off topic posting every now and then, if you mark it, it means others can choose whether or not to read it.

Please do not send personal messages to the forum. If you have a message that is only intended for a particular person, please send it to that person via private email. If you don't have their email address, post a message asking them to get in touch.

Signatures and personal photos are fine, just no huge pictures, please. HTML isn't allowed but there are EZCodes which do near enough the same thing. Emoticons are fine too, a great way of expressing your feelings :lol: :mrgreen: .

Well, I think that covers just about everything. I know of no events like these in the past, except for a few minor mishaps. If anyone has any suggestions to improve the forums, please let me know and I will do my best :D .

This wasn't intended as an ear-bashing or anything. <p><font face=arial>Ian

Pulp - Styling the pattern for life!</font></p>