
This is an archive of posts from the Unofficial Dungeon Master website, run by Daniel Durgan. It was the first DM web site and disappeared from the web in 2000. This archive is for reference only.
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Post by +Zach »

Its me again, I got past my first problem and now I can play with the emulator, but on the steps to running DM, this one " Press F12 and with the arrow keys select the file AUTO097.ST and press Enter", confuses me. I can't find this "AUTO097" anywhere, so if someone could please take the time to e-mail it to me or tell me where I could find it I would be most greatful, I know someone will help, I've seen your other messages, you all sure seem nice :) my e-mail is: shock_wave15@hotmail.com
Well, thanks again, Zach

Post by +Daniel »

Hi Zach! I had the same problem. You can find it on the bottom of this page. Go to the Un-official Dungeon Master Website. There you can download DM to ST_amiga_or PC, you can also find CSB to St and amiga (not pc). If there is trouble you can also go to www.atarist.com where you can find both DM and CSB to atari. Good Luck! Daniel (sweden)