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dungeon master source code?

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2000 7:28 pm
by +mark
Does anyone know where i can find the original dungeon master source code?

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2000 7:28 pm
by cowsmanaut
Asking a question like that is like asking if anyone knows the location of the holy grail.
If someone does know about it and hasn't done anything with it yet they would have to be morons.
You may be able to get someones version of a DM type of game. Or perhaps someoen to let you know how parts of it work.. that sort of thing but orriginal code.. Many people would suck their own ass just to get a glimps of it.
good luck.. =)

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2000 7:29 pm
by omera
I think I've found something about DM code this day... let me wander around some more time and follow the trail........

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2000 7:29 pm
by omera
let that one drift with the tide.....
Sorry, it was a dead end.. :(