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Posted: Tue May 21, 2002 5:28 pm
by cowsmanaut
Oh my goodness.. I think that the little green bugger has seriously been messing with us. If you've seen the movie, you know what I mean.. and if you haven't.. GET YOUR ASS TO THE THEATER!

I was seriously debating going to see this one in the theater after the flop of the phantom menace.. then comments come flying at my from all angles. "wow, it's amazing" "George Lucas has redeemed himself" "I'm gonna go see it again"

So, I was bored and feeling a little bummed and thought.. hey the theaters just down the street.. it can't make me feel any worse if it sucks.. and if it's good well then I'll be happy.

It certainly exceeded my expectations. Sure there were a few items that bugged me.. but over all. I think I'll forgive George some of his transgressions against the fans. Jar Jar binks for example.. however, in this movie he's made him say far less than usual, isn't as animated as he was before (can anyone say roger rabbit) and over all you hardly see him.

anyway.. I'm done for now.. I'm just still jazzed about yoda and a lightsaber.. damn.. can't get it outa my head..