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How I can use files from for RTC?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2001 8:12 pm
by +Zak
Please help me I can use these files, I have RTC but I can set up it for use with these nice new graphics.

Can anyone help me ?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2001 8:12 pm
by cowsmanaut
there is a post below already explaining how to do this. It has to be set up in init.txt to override and then set up the override.txt file for loctaing the directories and the names/sizes/centering information in the graphics.txt.

if you have any specific problems using them after reading the instructions then please feel free to ask a more specific question.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2001 8:13 pm
by beowuuf
I just noticed that your floor tiles don't have capitals where the RTC file has capitals (_grate not _Grate for example) - does this matter? I was having troubles but my comp died before I got too far into doing this.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2001 8:13 pm
by cowsmanaut
hmm.. I don't think they were case sensitive but the last time I tested these was on ver7 I think.. so it could be they are now. I noted that should any refrence in graphics.txt be in correct (ie wrongs size, wrong name, wrong location..) anything that would prevent it from loading it just locks up and you have to ctrl-alt-del to open task mannager and close RTC..

I think that there MAY be one or two images that are the wrong size.. not sure..

However by all means change the names to uppercase. I'm gonna go look at everything right now test them out create a new graphics.txt for download so it can be copied over the one you have so you can just go for it.. I have to leave in about 4 hours so I shoudl have it up and posted by then.


Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2001 8:13 pm
by cowsmanaut
well about 2hours later.. I've realised just how much graphics I lost in that drive crash there is at least 5 or so doors I just spent time redoing. There are a few monsters no longer there.. the animation frames and repairs I did on the fountains.. how depressing.... Can you say 'That blows'? So I guess the good news for you all will be there will be some more doors to look at.. I'm adding ornate door, wooden cemicircle, wooden rectangle, and door black. I'll probable do wooden bashed next.. since it too is so common.. I'll then workout the remainder of the doors soon so I can have at least one portion of the GFX set completed.

After that it will be back to the animation though so don't expect any other additions to the GFX set for a while. The GFX set is rather useless in the most part untill the walls can be used. The doors however seem to 'fit' more or less with the walls of DM so that's why I'm doing them.

Anyway, I'm doing the graphics.txt right now..

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2001 8:14 pm
by cowsmanaut
ok well I uploaded the new doors, the fixes to the fountains in, and the bitmaps.txt file with the correct sizes and names so that it will work with RTC ver.11...

Please note that this bitmaps.txt will only display the few things I felt like adding to it at this time. most things that need more adjustments or completion have not been added to it. if you make changes be sure to check the alignment on the screen (this takes such a looooong time) and be sure the width and hight are correct for each bitmap.. if anyone else wants to bother to add the remaining items by doing this work for me please feel free.. send me a tested and working bitmaps.txt and I'll put it up..

cheers all