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Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 5:20 am
by cowsmanaut
for the vamp book

what more can I say.. :/

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 12:19 pm
by Gambit37
Very cool, like this one a lot! I have a few things to point out though... as usual! :-)

1) The numbers on the doors should all be different surely?

2) The door handle on the lowest door has wonky perspective -- or the door itself is wrong

3) I think the sahdows on the door handles are a bit too long, and perhaps slightly too fat? Top middle is OK, but top left don't look right!

4) Tha mjor problem is with the mortuary slab; it just doesn't seem to be coming out at the right angle. The leading edge should be shallower, so that the end is higher. Make sense?

But other than that, I really like this picture; love the contrast of the metal against the smooth skin; and the yellow eyes. Can't we get to see a bit more breast? ;-)

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 1:06 pm
by cowsmanaut
1. I'm lazy, you don't get to see some of them so it should be 01,02, 03 etc. However you can see that they are indeed the same on a couple of them.. oh well. I really didn't have the time to do each one with a diferent number.. this was already late as it was. However, yes that does bug me a bit and yes I knew about it.

2&3. I used some 3D to figure these things out initially, so I had some refrence since it is a bit of an odd angle and as such all perspective and size should be accurate to a mathmatical degree. I'm not really sure what to say beyond that. The light is comming from the far right and as such should cause them to be long as they are.

4. The slab is 100% my own doing and so may be subject to some incorrect perspective but it looked right and still looks right to me. Also you appear (so far anyway) to be the only one who's noticed that of the 5 people who've seen it. (er rather that I know and talk to that have seen it)Sagain though, you might be right.

there are other things that bother me about it however, no one has mentioned them yet though..oddly enough.

As for the hand on the breast.. well it was bare and then I was asked to cover it up a bit. There were a few other things I had wanted to put in there and things I had wanted to fix.. however, I simply had no more time.

Thanks for the comments.. even though I ended up "shooting them down" I do apreciate them.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 3:16 pm
by Gambit37

I messed around with your image, hope you don't mind, and extrapolated the vanishing points. You have too many! I think the right ones are those circled in black, problematic areas are circled in red. I've only done this quickly, so my lines will be a bit out, but even with this quick effort, you can see where the problem areas are. These are shown with a red semi-transparent highlight. I think the problem is the top of the door under the slab; this was wrong, and I think you probably based the line of the slab on this, which was bound to create a distortion.

I've also drawn in where I think the mortuary slab should be based on the vanishing points. I did see this straightaway as soon as I saw the pic and doing the extrapolation seems to prove it, so perhaps we have a different way of seeing things?

Bottom line is, the pic still works very well and is quite striking even with the distorted perspective; and that's fine as it stands -- that's what art's about after all! But it's not *technically* correct...

If you want the PSD, it's here:

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 10:49 pm
by cowsmanaut
the big one on the bottom middle door is actually something I did by accident.. the door it self was drawn corectly but I had put in a highlight on the surface with overlay.. so the edge of this (metalic texture) caused an alteration of the edge making it look like it's in a diferent spot.. which obviously screws with the perspective. The top two red dots are because you found the wrong vanishing point for them. Your lines are not 100% accurate on the handles. As I said the doors were done with 3D first before being painted. things were then painted with highlights and shadow etc and as a result some of the lines are not exactly as they were. however close enough to appear mostly correct.

The signs (the black things) and the texturing is what buggers up most of that. they are not exatly aligned correctly. the result of being called away from them at several intervals. :( Not that I mind being called away as that's my job. However I had trouble keeping a clean line of thought and I didn't have the time to fix them.
But please please trust me.. the doors and handles are correct.. the slab is not, and the sings are not. if you take them away you wouldn't notice any problems. oh and that buggered highlight on the bottom middle door.

oh and I sent you the doors so you could see what it was based on.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 1:22 am
by Gambit37
Heh, thanks for the doors -- I didn't not believe you! :-) It was the slab that looked wrong and what I was most concerned with, and you've agreed that it's wrong, so we're all singing the same tune!

Anyway, as I said, it's still a great pic, so please don't think I was trying to find fault for the sake of it. I guess I had too much time on my hands! ;-)

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 5:08 am
by cowsmanaut
no worries, I knew what you were saying.. I'm just defending my artistic impresion. ;)

yeah that's it.. :)


Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 1:16 pm
by beowuuf
Like the picture : ) I feel left out about nit-picking, so wondered why the slab has a definite shadow from the overhead opening, when the rest of the body has a difused one...

Anyway, the picture inspired me to do this:

I thought about it yesterday, but only got around to writing it now. I don't like it, but *rubs hands evilly* i have an ulterior motive...i want to know if what I don't like about it other people don't : ) (Honing my editing skills, since more often than not I have the ideas and almost write the thing in my head, then by the time i get round to writing it it becomes blah, etc).

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 9:44 pm
by cowsmanaut
wow.. not bad. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 9:55 pm
by beowuuf
lol, that's not nit-picking!

I'd also be interested to see if anyone would like to carry on the story...

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 10:43 pm
by cowsmanaut
why don't you? I mean I could kick in and help out as I've done with you in the past. :) Maybe a teen novel? With paintings in to outline each of the chapters. say 200 pages? 12 chapters or so..


Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 10:55 pm
by beowuuf
I was interested more in a small round robin thing to see other people's writing styles and ideas : )

My fantasy book, when i get round to it every so often, is my dedicated writing interest right now - though i had a nice opening for that kid's book idea...

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 2:58 am
by cowsmanaut
well then email me and lets get it done! :)