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Hex Editing in DMute

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 7:09 pm
by sucinum
To be honest, that is a part of DMute i don't understand too much by myself. But i still could work around it by using this guide by beowuuf:
(if i could, almost anyone can ;))
Just wanted to sticky this, because without a manual, you can be lost (like i was).
Feel free to post comments or questions here :)

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 9:03 pm
by PicturesInTheDark
I'll probably be opening Pandora's box now ... anyway: I had a good look at Beowuuf's manual which contains excellent -however very uncoherent- advice on hex editing. To be understood correctly: there is an enormous amount of valuable information in there, collected over a long time, but I'm having a lot of problem with many remarks and deductions. For example, I could -despite various tries- not finish the "simple" example dungeon at the end successfully - and I think I tried for nearly a day if I remember correctly.

So...where does that leave us ? My question is: are the bits and pieces of knowledge that have been discovered since this manual was written to fill up some of the gaps available in written form, because I for my part have discarded hex editing since then for I just do not have the time to fiddle around so long over a "small" puzzle to find out how a tiny part of this works definitely.

Comments and suggestions very much appreciated. And again: a great effort, Beowuuf, not at all meant as criticism in you direction. Without this I'd not even have been able to give it a serious try!

Regards, PitD

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 3:06 am
by sucinum
i never tried that ;)
i didnt ever use torch-holders and stuff, only shooters and chesting. you don't really need to much hex-editing, but it is an interesting field.
when creating the prison and imprisoned again, i spent about 80% of the time in drawing sketches and stuff and the least time in fiddling with dmute ;)
so i don't really understand why people fear dmute itself, when planning to design a dungeon - it's still the least work on the dungeon...much harder to get an idea ;)

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 9:48 pm
by beowuuf
no, its ok, i think i said right out of the gate that it hasn't been tightened and is very waffling
Sorry the tutorial didn't work out though...that is a MAJOR issue and, if i ever get round to looking at the manual again i will be sure to correct it! exactly what you did and where it went wrong would be greatly appreciated! : )

umm, i don't think there are many gaps, in that any extra knowledge has been beyond the simple hex-editing with Dmute and goes to the engine itself - so you need to use CSBuild and DMBuild to enjoy the new information (such as how to genuinely create dungeons, edit texts, etc)

the only big gap, whcih i haven't been able to fill yet, is the expanded list of hex for triggers - 5/85 objects, as i caleld them
There are 255 possible permutations, and i've only listed 1/4 of them. Then a further trigger hex in DMute -> objects list for using DMbuild might be nice i would guess!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 11:25 pm
by Jardice
Hmm I keep forgetting to look at this tutorial...even if it isn't finished or is missing some things I'm sure it'll help out a little, if not alot.

I should take take a look at this soon....maybe I can create a uquie(sp?) dungeon.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 10:10 pm
by PicturesInTheDark
Um... sorry, Beo, I don't think I have that attempt any more. If you have patience I might try again in the wintertime and make notes. Right now I could not point out the exact problem.

With gaps I meant things you thankfully put in there that were assumptions or partly tested/not falsified. Many of them are true, some are maybe not... so I'd say it's a manual in alpha/beta state - very helpful but needing some cleaning up in the corners ;)

Great that you did share your knowledge!

Regards, PitD