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Best Four Champions...

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 2:40 am
by The Bradster
What are peoples thoughts on the best four champions? I allways used Daroou, and Stamm and a couple of magic users or priests. I figured the strength thing (and HP) was really important. Now, 14 years later, am I any the wiser. I still believe HP and strength is an important part of choosing a character. What about the other attributes? Vitality, Anti Magic etc?

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 9:19 am
by Andy
My best four have been Daroou, Hawk, Wu Tse and Alex. Hawk is probably my top dog because he can build up very large health and stamina and also quickly becomes a very capable wizard and priest.

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 1:17 pm
by Demoniac
I've _never_ started a game without picking Daroou anyway. So he seems to be a good choice. I usually pick the other two dudes that are next to Daroou too, the dragon and the dark guy in the cloak, but that's probably just because I thought they looked cool back when I played it the first time when I was like 11 years old. They still work, however.

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 1:18 pm
by Demoniac
I've _never_ started a game without picking Daroou anyway. So he seems to be a good choice. I usually pick the other two dudes that are next to Daroou too, the dragon and the dark guy in the cloak, but that's probably just because I thought they looked cool back when I played it the first time when I was like 11 years old. They still work, however. If anyone out there has way too much time on their hands they could add up all the attributes of all characters (ignoring their items, since you get what you need pretty fast, and their skills since everyone prefers to reincarnate them anyway).

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 1:20 pm
by Demoniac
Oops. Perhaps hitting 'Stop', adding some more text and submitting again wasn't such a good idea after all. ;)

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2001 8:22 pm
by Lusiphur
Well, I agree with everyone here : Daroo is the best choice. He has a lot of health points, he can do some magic (you have to train him before he can cast his first fireball, but that's quick, at least at the begining). My favorite definitely.

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 12:40 pm
by Sundeep Nandra
I also pick Daroou every single time I play (except for my one-player game with Elija). My strongest party also includes Halk (that interesting-looking barbarian) and Boris....and it includes Wuuf who, whilst he has high magic, ends up with the least stamina all the time. The most deceiving character is probably Tiggy...very low hit points both at the start and later on and although he has the highest starting magic, it isn't significantly higher than Boris or Wuuf at the end. I've never taken Gando to the end...his stats are probably more promising than Wuuf's at the beginning. In fact, sitting here thinking...why did I always take Wuuf and never Gando? Hmmm...

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 1:29 am
by Merkaba
I never picked Daroou cos I didnt like his picture! I tend to choose an all-human party.

At the moment I have Alex, Halk, Boris, and Elija (Ninja/wizard, Fighter, Wizard and Priest)

They're all fairly good at their job thought Boris loses stamina a little when resting for some reason.

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 12:03 pm
by Sundeep Nandra
Oh yeah...the stamina seems once somebody has a high level of mana or is regaining mana quite fast, they regain it whilst losing stamina (and it can go down quite a long way) but once the mana is full, the stamina goes back up. It's the same in Chaos Strikes Back.

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2001 12:54 am
by Demoniac
I guess I should pick Halk, Alex, Syra and Nabi the next time I play. They deserve it, for being in the manual and stuff...

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2001 10:05 pm
by Sundeep Nandra
haha..I played with them....from what I remember Nabi was really crap. That was years ago though....

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2001 5:34 pm
by Will
I always pick Hisssa. He's great. My next pick would be Wuuf because he starts with an empty flask, which is quite pracitcal in the beginning. Then usually Boris and Stamm. That's my favourite party.

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2001 11:53 am
by PLL
What about the "kids dungeon" ??? i dont know anything about it!
please tell me!

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2001 8:08 am
by Big-J-Q
Whats about the "kids dungeon" ? i never heard anything about it.
can you tell me something about it ???


Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Mon May 07, 2001 1:30 am
by Hampdog
I like the all animal party: Hissa and Daroo up front with Wuuf and Gothmog casting spells.
Hissa is probably the best character in the game, how can you turn down a guy who carry more than anybody else and does the most damage. Wuuf is also great, lots of mana and a fairly decent fighter. Gothmog is underrated, he is good all around and gets big anti-magic bonuses (which can't be earned) and he's got a great picture and name. Daroo was cool at first when he had lots of hitpoints, now he is just kind of mediocre.
This party has served me well, I took them thru DM without many problems and they're doing fairly well in CSB. Plus, they look damn cool.

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Mon May 07, 2001 7:08 am
by Bruce
I think the best four are linflas, daroou, boris and wuuf. You can make all of em strong wizards/priests and strong fighters/ninjas on the 4th level ( I think) at the screamer room. It's right next to the "This is my prisoner, make him suffer" part before you get the horn of fear. Anyway, there is a metal grated door and behind it is nothing but screamers. They keep coming back, so stay here until everyone is a master in all their skills.

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Mon May 14, 2001 12:44 am
by cowsmanaut
for those of you interested who don't already know I have started a bio page with large full body images of the DM champions. It's just for fun and I've created fictional back stories for the characters. I've also had help on a few and if other wish to post ideas for their favorite Heroes please feel free!

So far I have Gothmog, Syra, Stamm, Wuuf, and Hissssa.. I'm trying to get out one per day but sometimes I get distracted.

Any ideas can be sent to pt DM in the title somewhere so I know what it's for.. No spam!


Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Fri May 18, 2001 7:55 am
by William
Linflas, Alex, Chani and Boris. Always reincarnated. I have noticed that some people do not build up all four characters in all four areas... but this seemed to be the best way to maximize hit points, mana points, etc. Thus I liked four guys with good strength, wisdom, and mana.

What a great game!

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2001 4:20 am
by Adrian
Well, it's been about 10 years or more since I last fired up a game, but I do remember my 'mainstay' party usually ended up being Daroou, Hissssa, Wuuf and I think Boris. I usually chose Hissssa when I wanted to run through the game solo. And Bruce, ahh I spent countless hours in that room bringing my guys up to Master or Arch-master in every level before heading down to the lower levels....Much of my teen youth was spent not only on this game, but mostly in that damn screamer room. :-)

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2001 8:33 am
by Jared Johnson
At first, I always got the players with the most mana. 'Cause I thought spell casting was it!
But after countless hours, I really think the game is about speed. I never let anyone get even in the yellow in load (unless I've got speedboots), to keep the party light on its feet.
So my favorite strong, semi-round characters are: Daroou, Hisssa, Azizi, and Leif. They keep me in the spells and sprinting through the dungeon.

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2001 11:04 am
by Fredrik Olsson
I have played quite a few parties but I think that most of the time I tend to take this one:

Hisssa: Always thaougth of the lizard as a she and when I was a kid I renamed her to Hizzza to make her cooler(?).

Sonja: She is just all around cool looking, must be Red Sonja movie influensing me.

Chani: Mostly for the Moonstone to give to Sonja. But she is a good magik user.

Gothmog: Often renamed to Ozzo, for the picture. And I have got a feeling that he level up more then others, can this be correct or just my imagination?

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2001 3:59 pm
by Sundeep Nandra
I'd have thought that the Gothmog thing is just your imagination

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2001 12:11 am
by Andy Jaros
I don't know why I didn't think to check the net for DM sites before! This is great seeing that there is still an interest in DM. I wanted to add to this particular topic because I did a lot of building parties when we were testing. I always set up the party-party with myself (Alex) and three girls, usually Sonja, Syra, and Chani. You know, those late night dungeon debugging sessions can make you a little crazy. Anyway, Sonja and I were up front doing the fighter ninja thing. Syra was run with an emphasis on priest and Chani on wizard skills. However, the nice thing about DM is that you can train any charater in any capacity, so always train everyone to do everything. It is easy to level up in your trailing abilities because you're getting more experience then you would if you were pushing that ability two (or three) dungeon level earlier. Getting these levels will increase the stats that are usually lacking in a character, like health in the magic-users. Anyway, this site is fantastic... I'll probably keep looking and commenting.

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2001 5:53 am
by Steve
You wouldn't believe how many countless hours I spent statistically analysing all the stats of every character, investigating the pros cons of reincarnation...
I wrote every stat and char in a log book and weighed up everything before settling for a party. How insane this was when I look back on it and can't even conceive of doing this again as the thought of it makes my hairs fall out.
To deduce every single spellso I couldn't miss on, I did a chart on every combination of runes and tested every one! madness.

Anyway I think I settled on Hawk, Stamn (cause of the cool axe), Wuuf and Gothmog. Rarely at my young age would I conceive of picking a party based on look, coolness, theme...nothing, JUST STATS!

Zed? Zed who!!?? that average joe! you gotta be kidding.

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2001 2:10 pm
by Ven Ra
Ever since downloading DMute I cant stop myself editing my characters stats. It's ruined the playability of the game but I CANT HELP MYSELF! I have no self control...
Before this though, I always chose Halk, Alex, Syra & Nabi but only because they were in the story. Then I chose my characters based on the items they carried, but now it doesn't matter, because I just edit them, their items and their portraits.
Maybe I should join Cheat-Addicts Anon.?

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2001 10:03 am
by fougny
For me the best 4 are :
daroou (of course) , halk, for the fighter
for the mago : wuulf (i think he is the best) and shani. she is not the best but a woman is always good in a team and she as a moonstone wich can give some mana to halk -> so he can grow is magician and priest capability at the beginning of the game!!


Sorry for my english, i'm french!

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 1:04 am
by Mophus the Healer
My four favorites we're as follows:

Iainuki: He's a Samuria and I love Samurais so he was to be the ninja of my group. I whipped him out and practiced spells as I headed for the next one.

Halk: He's a Journeyman Fighter for peta's sake! He has no mana but I don't care because he's my fighter and pretty good at it to. He punched a mummy into oblivian.

Mophus: Because I look cool, heal others, am a Journeyman Priest, and have some food for my charecters that helps for later on.

Gothmog: Looks good plus a Journeyman Wizard. Casts a mean speel or two. I love his MonLoKathRa spell.

My brother had (I don't know why though):


I always thought of Tiggy as a girl. Looks like it doesn't it?

BTW, why are Wuuf, Boris, Tiggy, and Gando so short?

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 12:21 pm
by DMaster
Tiggy is a girl.

My favorite was to just take Hisssa and see how fast I could finish the game. He was a challenge since he had no mana. I would reincarnate him and name him "Gonzo". The goal was to have the *least* skills developed by the end of the game, so there was a lot of running away/past the monsters instead of fighting, although a certain amount of fighting was inevitable. I don't recall now, but I'm pretty sure I finished the game in under 3 (or was it 4?) hours with just Hisssa and no skill above Craftsman at the end.

I tried the same with Tiggy, but I just couldn't push her as hard without killing her and would end up having to take time out to train just so she could survive.

(Had to find something to amuse myself during the long hours of testing.)

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:32 am
by Saumun
I almost always start with Hisssa and Halk as my front two.

My others vary. Usually Gothmog and A.N.other...... maybe Wuuf, Tiggy or Boris.
I find Daroou all mouth and no trousers, so to speak.

Re: Best Four Champions...

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:22 pm
by Ian Clark
My favourite party has got to be Linflas, Leif, Mophus and Chani