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Question about IIGS kids dungeon

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2001 10:01 am
by Slick
Actually, I have several.

One, is there any way to win the kid's game? What is the objective? I know that the story with Lord Order and CHaos has nothing to do with this, and Lord Order doesn't appear behind the door with the see through wall spell like he does in the "adult" game.

Two, is there any way to get on the other side of the "shooting gallery"?
I think I've pretty thourghly checked for illusionalry walls (and found NONE) and buttons, yet it's obvious if you step into the pit that there is a key or some object on the far side where the mummies are produced. You see it right before falling down into the pit.

Third, what do you do with the eyes that say "Do not touch me"? In the "adult" game, the two places you see eyes you must use either the mirror of dawn or the magnifer to unlock a puzzle. I've tried every item I can find in the kids game, and gotten no results.

Re: Question about IIGS kids dungeon

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2001 11:13 pm
by Gambit37
The object of the Kid dungeon is to kill the dragon on the bottom level. It drops a scroll when dead telling you that you've completed the quest.

No. And are you sure about the key? I've not seen it. Are you sure it wasn't an object that you threw to the other side that is still there.

Nothing. They are just decoration as far as I know.

Re: Question about IIGS kids dungeon

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 9:57 am
by Slick
I've uploaded a GIF of the thing in question. To see it, just turn so you are facing the area where the mummies come out (turn right from the way you'd normamly SHOOT the mummies) and step into a pit.

YOU tell me if it's a key or what. As for the way I made the game, I'd just made a quick run to the maze with the kleptomaniacs before collecting the stuff in the shooting gallery. I hadn't thrown anything except a poison dart the whole game.

access it at
if that doesn't work, try
although it will subject you to my sometimes twisted sense of humor.

Re: Question about IIGS kids dungeon

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 1:08 pm
by Gambit37
Oh right - I see now. Very curious. I went back and had a quick play of the dungeon to see if I could get there, but there doesn't seem to be any way.... shame. Perhaps it's just a red herring. Have you tried bumping into every single wall in the dungeon? I haven't done that yet, but will try - perhaps there's an illusion wall somewhere that leads to it.

Re: Question about IIGS kids dungeon

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 6:50 am
by Christopher
How do you get to the kid's dungeon? I can't find where it's at on this site.

Re: Question about IIGS kids dungeon

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 10:24 am
by Gambit37
It's part of the Apple IIGS version. Check out the Games Setup Guide on the left to find the downloads. The insturctions on how to access it are also there.

Re: Question about IIGS kids dungeon

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 6:14 pm
by Christopher
I'm must be blind since I couldn't find it there. I want to run it from my Apple IIGS computer not an emulator. Is there some button you're supposed to push while it's loading? If so then durring which screen and what button?

Re: Question about IIGS kids dungeon

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 12:50 am
by beowuuf
For the tricks and tips bit on this site:
"In Dungeon Master for Apple II GS, there is a three levels bonus dungeon. You can access it by pressing the Apple IIGS "option" key (mapped to F4 under the emulator XGS/32) while clicking the Enter button on the main screen. This small dungeon contains some creatures and lots of items."