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The Beginning of DDD

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 11:55 am
by Big-J-Q
When at the beginning of the DDD level, there is a room full of fire elementals. Is it important to venture into that room? Because I always manage kill two, three tops Elementals before I die and they keep respawning.

Re: The Beginning of DDD

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 2:43 pm
by Paul Stevens
You do not need to enter that room. But it is
not really that hard if you do it relatively quickly.
One problem is that the regenerated flames are
queued up. So that when you get rid of one the
next one in line pops up. If you have passed by
many times then you have to get rid of a lot of
flames in a single cell.

Re: The Beginning of DDD

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 11:04 am
by Lunever
It's not so difficult: Not all of them flames are regenerating. Have 2 Vorpal blades in Hand with your front characters, be protected by YaIr and FulBroNeta when entering the DDD anyway, kill the demons first, prepare several MonDesEws and start killing flames from distance were possible. But once you start to proceeding, don't backtrack, so you don't have to kill the same flame several times. Kill it, then step unto it. Root the field of fire of all non regenerating flames, it will be easier to get through later then. It is rewarding to get through at least once, to get at the sapphire key.

Re: The Beginning of DDD

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 10:17 am
by beowuuf
I find as long as your aren't overloaded that you can step forward the instant something is killed and beat the respawn. You have to be thumping the keyboard each time you attack, but that will allow you to progress - won't stop the generation after you leave though : )

Re: The Beginning of DDD

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 2:34 pm
by Paul Stevens
Hey....listen! Things ain't that bad!
Those generators have disables of between 4000
and 7000. So you have plenty of time. What you
are probably seeing is the apparent immediate
generation due to several having been queued up.
Have you watched the movie that 'cleans' the
dungeon and gets rid of all the monsters? You will
see that it is really rather simple.