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Skeleton key lost

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 5:15 pm
by Erlon
I ve just lost my only one skeleton key not so far from the chaos lord I think.
I m not sure in fact. As everybody, I noticed that the skeleton key works several times. Impossible to refind it ... maybe a giggler... I curse him !
Maybe the last skeleton keyhole I tried took my key ... I cant remember

Is the skeleton key very important ? I did not open all the wall with it.
Is there several skeleton keys in the dungeon ?

Thank you all

Erlon le Bon Master Fighter

Re: Skeleton key lost

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 11:04 am
by beowuuf
There are several keys,one less than the number you need
They just open shortcuts to get back up throguh the dungeon - you don't need them, but are very handy

Re: Skeleton key lost

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 12:56 pm
by Gambit37
You're getting confused Beowuuf -- that's in DM.

In CSB there's only ONE skeleton key -- a giggler has it. You can open all skeleton locks in the dungeon using that one key, but the last lock -- the one near Lord Chaos -- captures the key so it can't be used anymore.

Erlon, you've probably done just that. Next time, make sure you open all the other locks before opening that one.

Re: Skeleton key lost

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 8:12 pm
by hisssa

i'm looking for dungeon master and CSB games. I can download these games from here but i do not know how to save my games. that's a shame.
can you help my please????

excuse me for my english and thank you

Re: Skeleton key lost

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 5:56 pm
by Lunever
Erlon: In both, DM1 and CSB Skeleton key(s) are to open shortcuts so you can return to distant parts of the dungeon quickly later on.

In DM1 there is 1 skeleton lock at every level from level 07 to 12 (Hall of Champions = lvl 00). They all consume 1 skeleton key each and when doing so open up a wall, which gives you access to a series of stairways connecting all levels from 07 to 12. There is 1 less key than there are locks, I recommend to skip the lock at lvl 11.

Similar, there are a few shortcuts spread throughout the CSB dungeon, which you can open by using the 1 skeleton key you can take from one of those randomly transported gigglers, this key won't be consumed. Due to the assymetry of the CSB dungeon the skeleton shortcuts are not interconnected like in DM1. The last shortcut on the top level (lvl 0) will consume the skeleton key, so if you intend to open that, go back and open all other shortcuts first, BUT: I don't recommend to open up that very shortcut at all, because it counteracts the "Wrath of God". The WoG is a big fireball machine you can direct inro Chaos abode to kill his respawning demons. If you open up the shortcut, they have a means to escape

Hisssa: Try RTC, download it from