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closed door behind the moving portal room in skullkeep

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 12:50 pm
by chaos
What is inside the room, which I can't open, because of four pits, that surround the plate???

Re: closed door behind the moving portal room in skullkeep

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 6:58 pm
by Christopher
If you can wait for the next site update, take a look at my walkthrough additions as I have answered the question. Hmm, I bet you don't want to wait for that do you? Easy solution is to send a Scout Minion over the plate and throw an object at it. Any object will do except not a bomb.

Re: closed door behind the moving portal room in skullkeep

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2002 1:22 am
by James Lloyd
Great, and i wasted my time trying to throw it and hope it landed on the plate. perfect solution christopher.

Re: closed door behind the moving portal room in skullkeep

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 11:19 pm
by Simon
lol I can't believe I did the entire game first time without knowing you could move scout minions, and I didn't even know about porter minions (Although I still managed to cunningly get the sword (Tempest?) located next to the pits at the start of the dungeon).

Not sure how I did that bit! lol. Probably throwing a chest (or something equally heavy).

Re: closed door behind the moving portal room in skullkeep

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 11:37 pm
by beowuuf
Yup, i resorted to carefully balanced chests too! it's so easy once you get minions....

Re: closed door behind the moving portal room in skullkeep

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 7:20 pm
by Christopher
Don't forget the second Tempest in that area also.