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Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 9:55 pm
by Merlin
Is there anyway to get 4 Excsymyr blades in the game? (Without CHEATING!) Iam using 4 Vorax axes and love them but ive heard that the Excsymyr blade is the best cause of its double hit (even though Berzerk is more powerful than melee) But running around with only one Excsymyr blade seemes abit useless .....


PS: Does anyone know why the FTL guys dont make DM games anymore? Didn`t they make enough money from DM2?

Re: Excsymyr

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 11:00 pm
by Sphenx
There are 6 Vorax while there are only 2 Excsymyrs.
One can be bought in the first weapon shop. The second is found on the last level of Skullkeep, before entering the Zo Link Crystal room.

By the way, what do you really mean by "cheating"? is making new dungeons cheating? in that case we can have 4 Excsymyr if we want.

Re: Excsymyr

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 1:13 am
by Merlin
Yes i just found the 2nd Excsymyr blade at the place you just described.

What i did mean by cheating was i dont want to run some kind of editor to get myself 4 Excsymyr blades when there is only 2 in the basic game. I have not yet finished DM2 so i dont want to spoil the game before iam done with the boss at the end. I started playing DM2 at 95 when it was released but stoped playing it for some reason i do not remember ...
Back to the cheating thing... Cheating is to edit your characters and improve the stats (like 170 to strenght and so on) to make it easier to beat the monsters who stand in your way on the journey to the final battle. A cheat for me is to modify the game and improve your fighters or other equipment. Its not so fun to read on the internet people saying DM2 is so easy but under surface they were using edited characters with full stats :/

There is a good cheat ive been using ever since i was playing DM on Atari ST without modifying the game so i call it the innocent cheat :()

As most experienced DM players know the stats differs when gaining new lvls, for example:

Fighter: 1 or 2 to Strenght
Ninja: 0 or 1 to Strenght
Priest: 0 or 1 to Wisdom
Wizard: 1 or 2 to Wisdom

If your characters raise 0 or only 1 restart the game and try again, by doing this you will get good strong characters with nice Strenght and Wisdom ....

My best chars on the old DM are all lvl 4 master fighters and HISSSSSA has 96 to strenght (By the way, HISSSSA is the best DM character ever)

So make your powerful characters by cheating the "GooD" way, without modifying the game :)))

Re: Excsymyr

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 2:37 am
by Jardice
That would be more of a cheap trick(then again maybe not) than cheating since there is no form of modification and its mosty based on getting the numbers that you want.

Hmm I guess some people have cheated to beat DM2 considering that they didn't play the first DM(if that happend since at that time it was difficult to cheat anyways) or have used the modification promgrams later on when DM was no longer on the market(and wasn't being sold for ridiculous prices).

Come to think of it I should get back to playing Dm2 again.

Re: Excsymyr

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 5:32 am
by Christopher
Yes you should get back to playing it, DM2 is great. The person who wrote the walkthrough cheated... big time. The Excsymyr is not the best weapon, at least as far as strength goes. Vorax is better by far. I can make Mon level Guard Minions and cause some big damage to them with a Vorax, however, the Excsymyr usually only causes single digit damage to them. Still, The Excsymyr is an exceptional weapon. Not only does it add ten mana (I know everyone knows this already), but its double melee attack gains you levels faster. Maybe even fastest; I haven't found out for sure yet. Can we really make new dungeons for DM2? Where can I download the program that does this?

Re: Excsymyr

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 8:24 am
by beowuuf
lol, re 'good cheating'
yah, some people practise...what was thew coolest term...genetic modification...i think that was it
i personally think that's cheating too! if you want to - rather than have to do that why and spend time over it why not just hack the game and show enough control to give yourself plausable strength, etc for that level? : )

i don't see why people would need to cheat on DM 2 though, it's fairly easy -levels come thick and fast, as was pointed out people new to DM might have problems for some of the spells that make it easy (like VI) but evevn then you can run away and push away monsters and have double attacks ...

Re: Excsymyr

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 9:29 am
by Sphenx
Well, I consider too that saving/restarting to get the best stat is a bit cheating (ok you don't get your hands in some hex to have the best stat, but I you were able to do so, you probably have done so).

I think DM2 seems difficult rather in the start, in the forests parts, after, champions are enough strong and monsters don't become dramatically strong for them.

By the way, I never use any Vorax (I don't really know why). With Excsymyr, I can quickly kill minions, but I should test if Vorax is better.

I don't think there is any DM2 editor to download... now. But there are good hopes to have one some day.

Re: Excsymyr

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 1:33 am
by Merlin
I did make some tests with the Excsymyr blade and i must say its far worse than the Vorax axes. I often kill those evil minions with one Berzerk hit and never more than 3 hits before kill. But i can imagine that 4 Excsymyr sword would be great for training your fighters but in combat Vorax chop heads lightly spoken. I finished DM2 tongiht for the first time and i killed the last boss without casting any minions or spells, just choped him down with my 4 vorax axes ... 2 of my champions died cause of his ugly minions but what the heck he died :) I must say it has been a fun experience playing through DM2 and it wasnt really that hard actually. My biggest problem was running around looking for a second vacuum fuse till i figured out i only needed to move the first and only one i the game, to get the machine working.

I dont think this game was such a bad follow up after DM and Chaos Strikes Back so i really dont understand why they didnt continue the series. I had alot of fun with DM2 and i would call i a wonderful and great game, faaaaaaaaar better than the new advanced 3D games like Quake, Unreal etc. I agree with Jardice LONG LIVE DUNGEON MASTER ...

Sphenx: You asked me a question if i think making new dungeons is cheating. Well both yes and no i would say, as i said before its not fun spoiling the game before you have finished it. At first prove yourself worthy by finish the game from start to end, after that its not so fun finishing it over and over again is it? But we all love the game and wanna play more so why dont make some new dungeons then? With 4 excsymyr, 4 fire leg plates etc ... it could be fun ....

Re: Excsymyr

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 9:34 am
by Jardice
Thinking about Dm2 Maybe its beacuse since dm was made in the 80' alot of poeple who didn't play the first one yet had some gripes about how DM2 played(like running into walls and getting hurt,needing food and other things that i've forgotten) and since at that time the final fantasy type rpg thing was tha craze it could have hurt the sales or DM2(that and the fact that it was a pain in the butt to get it working in the W95 resident computers).

That's just one theory it could be something else beside tha fact that it was cartoonic and short(but this could be the main reason out the others posted on this board).who knows.. :-/

Re: Excsymyr

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2002 8:31 am
by Caleb
ya the computer version is cartoonish but the sega cd makes it look more realistic you should try it.It makes the game a hell of a lot scarier. EVERY GUY looks better and the shop guys are horses.


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 12:41 am
by Mister J
I use the sega cd version myself and I have to say, the scariness factor is VERY tricked up! I almost wet my pants when I first went into the Tree Gorgon swamp. I walked in and I was looking around, duly noting the dead trees, and I like to count squares to see how far it is to get to things. I used the "dead trees" as little landmarks to plot my path, but I noticed that when I tried to get there... odd... I could have sworn that tree wasn't there before... oh well. There's so many, I got confused ~_^ I try again with same results. Then things start to get CREEPY, I start looking around in circles at the trees, and I'm like... wtF is going on here??? Then I turn right and one is right in my face and it goes RAGH! Smack! I freaked so bad... plus I was playing it late at night in the dark...