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DM2 in Dosbox

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2002 8:43 pm
by Daniel (Sweden)
Hello Folks!

Back on the Dosbox forum some people say that thay have gotten DM2 to work, which I have tried millions of times without success. I know that the dosbox do not support secured mode (which DM2 uses). So my question is if there are some altered versions out there of the game that does not use this mode, or some kind of crack. I had problems with eob1 in the beginning cause of different crackversion. It took me time to find the right crack version for dosbox.
Does anyone know if there are some "speciall" versions of the game or soemthing like that to make it work. I have tried to ask on the dosbox forum, but its quite slow over there and the answers doesnt get me anywhere in any kind of questions.
I do have the original DM2 and that does not work with dosbox, sorry to say. I guess no one knows anything about this, cause it would probably be out in the opened then. But it bugs me that some people say they have gotten it to work (it might be lies offcourse, but my eob1 experience says otherwise).

Thanks in advance!

/Daniel (Sweden)

Re: DM2 in Dosbox

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2002 11:06 pm
by Randolf Boots Jr
No the game only works in dos. :(

Re: DM2 in Dosbox

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 12:17 am
by Daniel (Sweden)
Sorry to hear! I Guess the guy were pulling my leg when he said it worked...sob...sob...Lets hope for the 0.60 version of Dosbox, there should be many big changes I heard.

/Daniel (Sweden)