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can game be played with larger screen

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 5:22 am
by mike armendarez
I 'm playing in a tiny window and was wondering if the game can be played full screen or in a bigger window.Any info would be appreciated.


Re: can game be played with larger screen

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 8:59 am
by muzzy
will be (is) in 0.8, just wait a bit till it's released

Re: can game be played with larger screen

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 9:54 am
by mike armendarez

Re: can game be played with larger screen

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2001 7:09 pm
by Paul Stevens
Go get from

The Misc Menu has a "Double Size" option.

P.S. You promise to report bugs? Please? That is the
only way they are going to be eliminated.

why no start??

Posted: Mon May 14, 2001 8:43 am
by Jack
Have downloaded v9 from your site.
1. None of the starting characters seem to have items at all.
2. I have saved the resurrected characters and restarted the game but I cannot seem to get out of the prison to start playing ...
Please help

Re: why no start??

Posted: Tue May 15, 2001 6:10 pm
by Paul Stevens
I thought I answered this yesterday. But I don't see my answer
here so I will try again.

You collect you characters in the prison.
Save the game as CSBGAME.DAT
Restart the game and select UTILITY
Make New Adventure and overwrite existing game
Restart the game and select DUNGEON and Resume and CSBGAME.DAT

You will be in a room with three worms. Patience will
win the day.

Re: why no start??

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2001 12:43 pm
by rob
I have found a easy way to get your game on full screen. Begin by getting into "configurations." Next double click csb{game} Under config. click csb{gamediskver.3.1}after highlighting it click load(but not OK.) Continue by going to display, under set
tings click both full-screen & full screen RTG.


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2001 10:34 pm
by Daniel Nordström

I just changed the screen-resolution to the lowest possible!!! (Worked for me!!)

/Daniel, Sweden