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Amiga Dead? Cont..

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 7:41 pm
by cowsmanaut
Yeah a number of products jumped ship and continued to become fully developed on PC's. In the 3D realm where I spend most of my working hours there is Cinema4D which started on Amiga for the first 3-4 versions I think before the death of Commodore. Then jumped ship and also Lightwave which jumped from Amiga to mac to PC over time.

There are also things like DeliTrackker which is the only thing that seems to play DSS (hardware for Amiga. Direct Sound Studio) made Mods which is what I was using on my Amiga.. There are others but that's off the top of my head. Along with blitz Basic which you mentioned already..

Anyway, Demise is the same as die.. dead.. finito.. mort.. the end.. :) So while Amiga did not die.. it's mother company Commodore did.

this was mainly due to them not knowing what advertisment was.. twice.. morons. You would think.. oh the last owner didn't advertise and he went bankrupt.. not too many people even know what an Amiga is.. hmmm.. well maybe I should advertise. Nope.. advorteyez? what the heck is that.. we don't need no Eyes of an Advort! geddoutta here! :P

end gripe..

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 9:54 am
by Gambit37
I agree -- it was lack of marketing that really screwed up Commodore and the Amiga. It seems especially incredulous since they bought the original rights to the Amiga *knowing* how special it was, then did very little with it once they owned it. Very silly indeed -- and then again with the CDTV and the CD32. What a bunch of idiots.

In your software that jumped to PC, don't forget the fantastic MED! Started out on the Amiga as MED, became OctaMed, ported to PC as OctaMED, now known as MED Sound Studio. I must fire that up again soon... used to love tinkering with music, especially as a non-musician!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 10:49 am
by cowsmanaut
Yeah, forgot about Octamed.. it was pretty good. Thing is a lot of the Amiga products when switching over went from freeware or shareware to pay me... pay me now. I think Delitracker was looking for 30 bucks for something that was free on the Amiga.