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Whatcha doin'?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 9:46 pm
by beowuuf
I dunno, just a whim, i wandered what everyone is recreationally and creatively doing with themselves (also maybe a nice 'hi, who are you' since there seems to be a flow of new people lurking and posting)

Whatcha readin'?
Was reading Fast Food Nation, about McDonalds and how it highlights the effect of 'new' business practises on the reading 'Philosophy and the Simpsons', not a simpsons books but philosophers writing essays to put across various philospohical arguments using..the simpsons! crazy, its crazy : )

Whatcha' watching?
Anything my grubby little downloading paws can get a hold of...pretty much american stuff like west wing, star-gate, etc. Nothing mind-expanding, and nothign on tv! : )
Also, firefly on dvd...why was that show cancelled again?

Film-wise, equally nothing mind-expanding - films i couldn't be botherd to see in the cinema! Becomign a commentary whore on dvd though! gimme those director comments!
I should check out battle royale at some point...since i have it on my HD...

Whatcha creating?
Actively, still banging away at my fantasy novel(s), or at least thinking about little unconnected scenes and then NOT WRITING THEM DOWN! Need to do that more : )
Not so much actively, a few short stories and other ideas that are lying about in pieces on my HD/notepads or mostly in my brain...including an unprofessional lethargy helping in a project...

Whatcha doin' DM-wise?
I've been fairly passive DM-wise until recently, playing ConfluxII kinda got me actively back into playing with a few things...a small dungeon based on a temple idea for normal DM, and a small dungeon based on Knightmare (the show, not the DM-like comp game) for RTC.

Anything else?
I'm sure there was, but I've forgotten now, so nm
The most physical thing I've done recently is walk to work and get my far..away... Is throwing thigns in a bin a physical recreational activity? : )

Ok, that's me...what about you lot?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 10:17 pm
by sucinum
i don't read too much since i got dsl-flat, before i was reading most of the discworld-boks by pratchett.
i'm waiting for mash 4077 to be repeated once again in germany. i also tried to collect all of monty python's flying circus, but didn't succeed so far. i also like sitcoms like home improvement, becker or frasier, which i watch at good old tv.
i'm not too creative atm, but i help a friend at a browsergame ( ), which i like very much.
reading this forum. period.
other stuff:
i moderate a forum at
i rule the browsergame
i got my second internet girlfried in a row.
i'm too much online. by far.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 10:32 pm
by L!ghthouse
Well, I guess I'm pretty new around here, so I think that it might be interesting to post a bit about myself and see what things (other than dm) that I have in common with others.

I am currently on the 10th book of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. I love the series up till now. I can't get myself to read this one very quickly because a friend spoiled the ending for me. (just going to have to wait until the 11th book to get really into reading it again I guess)

I like alot of sci-fi. The one that I always have to stay and watch (if I see it on) is Star Trek: TNG.

Nothing new really interests me. The last movie that did was Return of the King (Loved it!)

I started to create my own editor for RTC, then stopped when the christmas vacation hit. I haven't really gone too much more into it because GG and Andy have both created superb editors. Mine still rests in it's Alpha stages. Oh well...

Playing through CSB again. I might try Conflux II after I beat it.

Anything Else?:
I am an American from California. And though I have lived in Hungary for a few years, I have recently moved back to California.
I am also a Computer Technician for one of the local school districts here in California.

Interesting post... I would also be interested in hearing from others on this site...

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 4:22 pm
by andyboy_uk

Nothing at the moment, got the rainmaker by John Grisham sitting on the shelf at the moment.

Probably going to the cinema later, havent decided what to watch there. TV wise, I dont really watch a lot of it but I will (sadly) watch eastenders if its on while Im having dinner... oh the shame

An editor for RTC :)

As above, and will be doing a dungeon when the editor is finished

Anything else?
Not really, life is pretty stable at the moment with work, etc. Just rearranging my room with a new desk, tv and dvd player :)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:10 pm
by copperman
Reading: Russka By Edward Rutherford. It's one of those historical novels and I heartily recomend trying out his 1st book Sarum which covers the area around Salisbury (where StoneHenge is) from the end of the last Ice Age 'til the 1985 Salibury Cathederal appeal. Magical.

Watching: Sky1 for Simpsons, Star Gate Star Trek TNG and Enterprise.

Film: Last thing I saw was Matrix Revolution in IMAX (we have an IMAX herein Bradford)

Creating: I write a little, poetry mainly. If you are interested, check my humble little site or my even more humble and little used weblog

Dungeon: Playing Conflux II a little, it's rather tough yet very good. Also working out how RTC editing works by making a little dungeon.

Other stuff: Oh yes being a Daddy too. :) ALso trying to make a site and forum for bedroom game designers too @ Team Ka5pian

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 11:34 pm
by PicturesInTheDark
You now have your coke Beo and are bored so we need to write you some lines, eh? :wink: K, here we go...

Whatcha readin'?
Perdido Street Station by China Mieville at the moment, some comics (Faeries and Lucifer 5 are waiting for me), Kinky Friedman (is he gonna get into politics after all now?) and Terry Pratchett I like a lot, too. And waiting for Dark Tower V finally being available as a paperback... am in dire need for that one ;o)

Whatcha' watching?
Hmm. A lot of very small independent stuff at the Viennale (viennese film festival) like "Depuis qu'Otar est parti", "Coffee and cigarettes" but also "Dogville", "Matrix revolutions" (very disappointing) and Lotr III (even more disappointing, but then that was to be expected), looking forward to "Good omens" should it really be released this year. But being afraid it won't stand up to the book.

Whatcha creating?
Working on a comic as the basis of a RPG with my girlfriend, although that will take a while. Concepts are ambitious but time-consuming. A lot of Newcastle to buy until that will see the light of day. I was also thinking about writing again and more regularly, but thinking does not get me anywhere, of course. Doing some regular quiz evenings with friends creating our own questions for a main random subject with sub-categories. We had a very nice history one with sub-parts ranging from the times of Hammurabi up to now. Got pretty humble during the process ...

Whatcha doin' DM-wise?
A lot of game-testing lately. Played Imprisoned again V1.3, Tower of Chaos, and game-tested Conflux II - was a lot of fun conferring with the scottish and french side of life during the process ;o) Still inclined to put work into the CSBuild documentation taken up last year - not too motivated at the moment. Some RTC and CSBwin engine tests with small test dungeons.

Anything else?
Playing chess, sometimes working in a spanish Tapa restaurant, had a great evening as a DJ for a Celtic Night last week, like to go out for good food and red wine if my account permits and occasionally I am also known to go to work. Surprising when I read through this again, actually.

Regards, PitD

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 9:54 pm
by PaulH
Reading? Er, nothing. Maybe mountain biking magazines

Watching? Darts and Simpsons. LOTR

Creating? See below

DM wise? Now that I have made the 'conversion' to CSBuild, and have mastered using CSBEdit, I am converting and updating Tower(s) of Chaos, taking on board suggestions by testmaster supreme PitD. We have 11 new monsters so far, lots of new weapons, items and armour... its looking quite nice!

Other: Playing darts and pool, drinking fine Belgian lager and trying to figure out new cures for hangovers

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 11:05 pm
by PicturesInTheDark
There's an "Axe" hangover shower gel (or is it called "Lynx" over there - I never remember...) - ever tried that one? Not that I particularly noticed it working but it has this bright green colour that's making my head ache when I look at it ;o)

Regards, PitD

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 11:30 pm
by beowuuf
Lynx over here
I try to avoid hangovers by drinking woosie drinks if I can...schnapps, now there's an alcohol that never bites you back : )

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 11:46 pm
by PaulH
Schnapps can be lethal... depends how much you drink! I find playing DM after a few pints of Stella actually makes me play better. Curious.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 11:17 am
by PicturesInTheDark
I'll stick to Newcastle if you don't mind. Although Stella is a fine brew, no doubt about it. Beo, what is your favourite? Maybe we should start another vote ;o)

Regards, PitD

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 5:38 pm
by PaulH
Well I never knew they exported Newcastle (nuclear) Brown to the continent, I thought it was solely a British thing! I stopped drinking it a while back as it was having strange effects on my digestive system...

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 5:40 pm
by Gambit37
Whatcha readin'?
Fiction: Chasm City by Alistair Reynolds. Superior science fiction set in an incredibly detailed universe, this is the sort-of sequel to the fantastic debut novel, Revelation Space. Highly recommended if you like Clarke, Bova, Asimov or Dick.
Non Fiction: Stupid White Men by Michael Moore.

Whatcha' watching?
TV Wise, very little -- not much on there these days, though I get sadly get suckered into the Christmas/New Year Eastenders'... Between endless repeats of "The hundred best..." and old sitcoms, British TV really is at its very worst for decades.
Films: Just saw Matrix 3 on IMAX in London at the weekend -- big and loud but not much else to recommend it. ROTK was enjoyable but slightly disappointing, and Love Actually was (as one would expect) highly soppy but good fun. Looking forward to Lost in Translation -- if it's as good as Virgin Suicides I'll be a happy man.

Whatcha creating?
A new professional website to succeed last years rather amateur looking effort. High resolution textures for the original Tomb Raider game ( A new DM website which has been on hold for nearly two years will be started up again within the next few months. A few other misc bits and pieces...

Whatcha doin' DM-wise?
Soon to start playing Conflux 2, and also bug-testing Andyboy's new editor which is looking very good.

Anything else?
Trying hard to make ends meet -- looking for work and regularly kicking council butt 'cos they keep messing up my benefits...

That'll do for now.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 6:27 pm
by beowuuf
PitD: Cherry coke...who needs alcohol when you have that : )

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 7:50 pm
by Ameena
Reading - Erm...nothing atm, just finished reading "The 10th Kingdom" for the second time...might read LotR again soon though.
Watching - Er, haven't really watched any telly since before Christmas, when it was Simpsons, Takeshi's Castle, erm...oh, Enterprise, which has just come back after vanishing over Christmas :D. As for films, well, I might watch Pirates (of the Caribbean...) again soon, I got that on DVD for Christmas, along with Sinbad (Dreamworks)...and I'm also planning to watch Lion King DVD as I haven't got round to watching the film itself since I got it (one of my obsessions btw, no-one say anything bad about it around me :P).
Creating - Erm...started a story at college in free time...when I was at school I just sat and wrote stories for something to do, since me and my friends used to spend all our free time in the Sixth Form on the computers, and I ran out of things to do on the Net that weren't filtered (grr). But anyway, the current story is like less than a page long lol...
DM-wise - Still trying to get that FRIGGING DUNGEON to work :P. HOPEFULLY it will be sorted soon, stoopid thing :P.
Anything else - Erm...not really...just spend my college time in lessons (obviously) or in the library if I'm free, then when I get home I go on the computer if it's free and go on the Net and play EQ :D.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 12:49 am
by Des
Reading: I got Roger's Profanisaurus for Christmas and I'm reading it in small chunks on the toilet. For those of you deprived souls unaware of this masterpiece it is a collection of rude phrases and euphemisms from the pages of Viz magazine. I've found it brightens the dull winter mornings as I can snigger about the definitions I just learnt whilst driving to work. I guess the challenge now is to casually slip in one of the less obvious phrases at a meeting. :wink:

Watching: Another Chrimbo present was the Futurama Season 4 DVD. A lot better than The Simpsons IMHO, and for a change something released in Europe before the USA. ROTK at the flicks was excellent except for the soppy, drawn out ending.

Listening: Current fave albums are Absolution by Muse, In Absentia by Porcupine Tree, and De-loused in the Comatorium by The Mars Volta (despite the bizarre lyrics - see

Creative: I've done up my web site a bit (not very exciting). I'd like to have a stab at creating a dungeon but the time involved is a bit daunting. How long does it take, roughly? I might also try to create my own avatar - I don't have Cowsmanaut's artistic talent but that never stopped Rolf Harris.

DM: Playing the most excellent Conflux II (slowly).

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 1:51 am
by Gambit37
Just thought of another category to add:

Watcha Playing?
Off and on I'm playing the original Max Payne, No One Lives Forever 2, and just finished BloodRayne (though cheated all the way through -- just wanted to see what it was like!). Recently got hold of Morrowind and Dungeon Siege which I'm looking forward to playing if I ever get the time...

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 8:34 am
by beowuuf
Whatcha' playing?
My gitter, or at least trying to get back into it again...i'm so bad for learnign half songs or not learnign songs and just pratting aroudn on it

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:04 am
by PicturesInTheDark
Mainly DM and its variations actually. Chess, some relaxation card games or similar stuff to shift my mind after being too long in a dungeon. My computer does not like games from after 2000 too much *shrug*

Regards, PitD

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 8:05 pm
by Ameena
Playing - EQ!!! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 11:47 pm
by Charlatan75
Hello! :)

"Whatcha readin'?"
Recently, I read "Maskerade", "Feet of Clay" and "Hogfather", by Terry Pratchett (each of them for the second time ^^). Then I read "The Summer Tree" by Guy Gavriel Kay, and I'm now in the middle of "The Wandering Fire" (the sequel of "The Summer Tree").

"Whatcha creating?"
Nothing at the moment! ^^
But I recently drew some graphics for Zyx's dungeon "Conflux II". And I must say it was a great experience. Hmmm... and it was also very hard for my nerves! ^^ I was always wondering "Will Zyx like that?", "Will the players like that?".

"Whatcha doin' DM-wise?"
Hum... when I will find some time, I will translate my notes about file 0558, for the people who want to change some graphics (Wall, door, floor ornates, monsters, items...) with different sizes and positions from the originals (for CSBWin).

"Whatcha' playing?"
Conflux II :) I still need to get a "Fiery Cerberus", and I would also like to find a way to reach some small areas I saw through the walls in levels 13-14-15 to complete my maps! ^^
Hmmm... and I'm also waiting for Towers of Chaos, by Paulh. ^^

- Charlatan75 -

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 12:38 am
by beowuuf
I was always wondering ... "Will the players like that?"
Yes, at least one was impressed! : )

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 1:00 pm
by PicturesInTheDark
Graphics were of very good quality and changed some of my views about certain monsters quite a bit when seeing them the first time. Very good job!

Regards, PitD

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 12:09 am
by Des
The new graphics I've seen so far in Conflux II have been great. One minor whinge is that at at the eastern edge of level 2 (accessed via the SE corner) I wandered down some stairs, and stopped to admire the fiery creatures there to greet me. 0.1 nanoseconds later three of my party were toast :lol:

I think the help text on DIY graphics for dungeon creators will be very popular.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 1:09 am
by Jardice
Heh Been gone too long for my taste.

This forum :P ..Web comics and when I have time some books that are lying around.

nothing..alot of stuff on tv doen't intesnt me anymore.

Film:nothing at this time.

Various stuff like comics, cheap games and maps, etc.(when I'm not bitten by the lazy fly LOL).

reading this forum....(yeah some fan huh?)

Other stuff:
Working...Playing the DC and N64(it's not as bad as the kids say it was..glad I didn't listen). messing with the WC3 map editor.

Hmm I may be gettng some time again..Better check on the other forums I go to and Play some more dm maps.