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RTC Default Dungeons with updated HQ sounds

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 10:52 pm
by Gambit37
I've updated the default dungeons that come with RTC with higher quality sounds.

The sounds George has used are very low bit rate and heavily compressed, and don't really sound right at all. The sounds in these new versions were sampled directly from a PC running Dungeon Master rather than through extraction. I find this sounds clearer and brighter for some bizarre reason. I have also added a tiny amount of reverb to the sounds.

You can grab the files here, they are about 1Mb each: ... sounds.RTC ... sounds.RTC ... sounds.RTC

Alternatively, if you don't want to download the precompiled dungeons, but want to add the sounds to your own dungeons, download this zip file: ...

Create a folder called SOUNDS off your RTC folder, and extract the zip into there. Then copy the text from SOUNDDATA.TXT into the dungeon file of your choice, somewhere near the top. You can now compile this dungeon in RTC. Check the EDITING.TXT file in your RTC folder for more information.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 12:50 pm
by PicturesInTheDark
Very nice work, thanks a lot, Gambit. Let's hope my slow computer at home can cope with it, from here it sounds like a good improvement!

Regards, PitD