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DMII dungeon.dat and graphics.dat editors

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 7:33 pm
by ChristopheF
I have uploaded two new programs by kentaro-k.21 to edit the dungeon.dat and the graphics.dat files of Dungeon Master II.
The tools are available here:

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:55 am
by kentaro-k.21
new DMDC2 will be avail soon.
i have received suggestions from Snej. new version realizes them in new features. [WIP] is not avail in the version, still work in progress.

Rev.2 TEST@20060903
* imp: space key drag feature like photoshop
* imp: help for each actuator. [Snej]
* fix: backward trace’s arrow is now rendered.
* imp: some coord representation (Y,X) changed to (X,Y) [Snej]
* imp: backward trap trace enabled on map tile click. [Snej]
* imp: sample collector of specific actuator from entire dungeon. [Snej]
* imp:[WIP]optional to snap editing map to top-left position. [Snej]

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:50 am
by kentaro-k.21
latest version has updated at

thank you!