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Guest users / registererd users

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 1:58 pm
by Gambit37
I don't understand this. We've had loads of new users register in the last few months, but virtually none of you have made a post. There are currently 86 registered users who have not made a post. Am I missing something here? Why register if you don't post?

Also, I am considering changing the posting restrictions so that Guest users can-longer make posts. The situation has become very messy recently with hundreds of guest postings attributed to lord knows who. I suspect that some of the regiseterd users with 0 posts have actually made guest postings.

I do exercise my admin rights here on a regular basis. I delete unnecessaary quotes and spam posts for example. I also go into the database and assign guest posts to registerered users when it's clear who they belong to.

Maybe it's just me. Maybe no-one else cares. I just think we need to get a bit of order back here. Does anyone think the guest post restrictions are a good idea? Do you think it will put off new users if they have to register and login every time? Personally, I don't find it a problem -- if you select 'log me in automatically' on the login page, you never have to worry about logging in again.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:47 pm
by beowuuf
maybe people have cookies disabled

i pesonally wouldn't want to force people to register, but can you enable a hold on posting unless the name field is filled in?

also, does the posting have the option like ezboard did of logging in when you post? i forget...

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 3:29 pm
by ChristopheF
I agree on restricting posts only for registered users. That would avoid mistakes and remove some administrative effort.

When you have something to say, you can spend 2 minutes registering an account. Lots of forum on the internet already require registration for posting, I don't think it is a problem.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 5:22 pm
by Lunever
Well, that doesn't answer Beowuuf's question: Is it possible to make the forum automatically log you in/ask you to log in when there is no cookie with an option "no I am really a guest who wants to post something without having to register for that single post"? I think that would reduce administrative effort enough without having to use restrictive measures.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 6:01 pm
by beowuuf
Nah, you can't 'log in' for a post, didn't think so

Interestingly, can't use a name if its a registered name, so if people can't log in, they can't use their name as a guest registration either (lol, again like you could in exbnoard)

Personally, i'm very wary of registering for anything, too easy to get spammed, and especially if someone's just wanting a quetsion answered, might not want to go through that hassle

So there you go, two votes to one so far, cows call really!

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 6:13 pm
by Lunever
Although I would like to see adminitrative effort to decrease, I do not like the board enforcing strict registering, for the same reasons as Beowuuf.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 6:16 pm
by Paul Stevens
I am also hesitant to register on a site when I just want
to look around and perhaps ask a single question. Especially
a site that is new to me and I don't know what they might
do with my information. Sometimes I just go away.

But I understand both points-of-view and, like everything else
in this world, there is a price for either option. I vote to keep
it open until the price becomes too high.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 6:29 pm
by Gambit37
Although I'm a stickler for tidiness and would like to minimise the number of unattributed guest posts, I tend to agree that forcing people to register might put off casual users.

It's not a major problem really. I'm just anal.

Still curious about users who regiseterd and never posted anything though.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 6:33 pm
by beowuuf
If you aren't logged in then the post asks for a 'user name' , which of course if you type in a registered user is rejected - perhaps this is confusing?

Don't know, maybe people who don't log in think it's broken so just delete the name and go ahead and post rather than have to retype the post after logging in

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 8:06 pm
by ChristopheF
You don't have to give any personal information while registering. Wether you give your real name or email is up to you.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 9:59 pm
by cowsmanaut
What I htink needs to be done is to set up something to set their minds at ease. As Paul mentioned some people are leary about signing in to a new site (myself included) This is the reason I did not turn that function on in the first place when I initially set up the first forum.

However, as you say.. there is a lot of work to clean up after people who forgot to login or computer simulated A-holes that post spam (though I've not seen anything that looks like that. but it's only a matter of time right?) it would seem the way to get rid of that is to force users to login to post.

most forums I've frequented outside this community do this. So, what needs to be done here? Well we can put up something breifly explaining why this is so and why we won't sell their information to anyone and even that they do not need to supply more than an email which could be simply hotmail or what have you. And that the reason we need that is to Mail them about important updates to the site (ie the site is going to be moving soon.. but I'll talk more about that in annother post) or to resend them their password if they ever forget it.

So say they go to post as a guest.. this pops up instead and calmly explains the reasons and needs for this method.


Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 10:09 pm
by sucinum
we could make this forum for guests to say hallo etc and all others require to be logged in.
since it's almost no effort to register and login and the guest-posts are rather confusing, i would prefer that.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 10:53 pm
by Des
Personally, I like fora that let you post a guest. Newbies like to dip their toes in at first then register if they like the water. Rightly or wrongly, many people are wary of registering for lots of things due to the fear of spam. Why scare people off for the sake of a few unidentified posts?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 11:33 pm
by linflas
totally agree with that "dipping toes" theory :) i really don't believe there could be spamers coming here, i feel some good spirit in our DM passion, maybe because we are a bit older.. :roll:

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 12:04 am
by beowuuf
cowsmanaut wrote:(ie the site is going to be moving soon.. but I'll talk more about that in annother post)
Huh? *looks for other post*

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 12:30 am
by Relig
Here's my 2 bits on this subject:

I think that I agree with having a profile in order to create a post.

If you want to get something from this site, you need to give something first out of good faith. If it's not that important to ask, then don't, and skip creatinga profile and do a search on your question on the site.

Maybe a note (sicky?) about creating a profile regarding "we won't sell your personal information" etc. would be good too, just so you won't scare off potental new members. :wink:

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 9:26 am
by Sandman
Guest posting is not a bad idea (though there are many of them starting topics about the same thing thus making a real mess) but registered users with 0 posts should be deleted after warning. Maybe it's tough, but there's a lot of forums acting this way and they have no garbage. Just a theory :) .

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 1:13 pm
by Viborg Cyborg
Hello all. I just registered recently but so far just reading a lot of posts. I love DM and have been playing it for years now. I'm currently playing a game with all wimps, (Gando, Tiggy, Boris, and Wuff). I had to do stength potions just to break down the "none shall pass" door. =) These forums are cool, I'm sure I will have some questions and input, but want to read awhile first so I don't ask something already covered. Cheers.

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 5:29 am
by Jardice
Hmm...I've seen a mixed bag with this force registering idea.

True it's good points would be to mininized the number of useless guest post(which I have yet to see). However from most of the forums i've been to still had the same problems as stated in the above posts. Some people are still going to register just to post 1 topic then leave the board never to post again. Then there those who just post to see how the members would react plus they can still spam though that may not happen as long as we're able to keep those type of people away(the chance of this happening increases when there are at least an average 1000 members)

Maybe i've missed a good forum or something, I tend to stay away from alot of them due to personal reasons. I'm just giving my .02 cents based on my web experience. I vote to keep them open as well...but it's not my call.