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Damnation of the Gods - New Dungeon Master Clone

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 6:32 am
by bhagabhi
Well, I thought I should put some info on my Dungeon Master clone here. Well... its sorta a Dungeon Master clone, but with lots of extra features.. :) (Hope you have room for one more... :wink: )

Not anyway near to be finished, but I develop some things a little by little.

Well, enough smalltalk, it is availible at

Please post questions / suggestions / complaints either mailed to me or post them in the forum (Link on homepage)


Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:40 am
by cowsmanaut
Not to be a pest.. However, as mentioned on Ralf Hinrichsen's page the credit should be shared by a number of artists as mentioned at the top of his page. It's very easy for a persons credit to be lost on artwork and then eventually people assume it freeware and then use it without permission.. yadda yadda yadda.. untill someone tries to use it for money and it becomes a problem. It's nit picky I know.. but I'm one of those artists and while I don't mind you using them as I didn't mind him using them in his package. It's still something I spent time and effort on and is in my portfollio.. I wouldn't want someone else claiming it and then I run into issues appling for work with it. Trust me.. it's happened.

Any Way.. Alandale Berfield, Jorg Nieberg (wishbone), and me Adam Garland (cowsmanaut).

I'm sure Alandale doesn't mind you using them.. and Wishbone is here and can grant you his permission too if he wants.

Anyway.. back on to the topic.. Looks great.. good to see annother clone popping out of the wood work! feel free to post updates here as often as you like. As with any of these.. if it get's a wide enough following it get's it's own section unless you want to keep activity on your own forum.

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 9:02 am
by bhagabhi
ah... I am sorry if credit isn't mentioned as it should, I will get it updated as soon as I can. And please mail me if I am using something I shouldn't, I don't want to use stuff I'm not allowed to. Would be very glad if all people that have contributed to this great graphics would give their blessings...

Anyways, since this is one of the first posts from me on these forums, I will say hello to all, and thanks to everybody for keeping the Dungeon Master world alive and kicking!

On another point: What is happening to the DMCodex? Still longing to be able to see the finished site.... Looks to be great stuff put in a visually stunning package! :-)

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:12 pm
by cowsmanaut
Yeah.. most of us are waiting.. rather impatiently.. ;)

A little birdy told me once that "it will be done when it's done" and then proceded to peck me a few times in the head *ouch*.. :)


Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:16 pm
by beowuuf
and that was before the incident with the fish!

yes, the codex is eagerly awaited, though no pressure, no pressure... *shhhhhhhh*

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 5:49 pm
by Tom Hatfield
You might also give some credit to Westwood Studios. I'm assuming you got the eye and mouth from Lands of Lore.

Looks great! Runs smooth, with lots of polish. I'm eager to see where this one goes. I have only two suggestions at this point: tooltips should pop up faster (preferably instantly), and we should be able to add/remove items to/from containers without having to equip them.

Keep up the great work!

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:17 am
by bhagabhi
perhaps I should answer here too... (There are obviously two threads regarding my clone). I havn't been able to do any coding on my project for quite some time, but now I finally have made the decision to make the source availible. We will see where this goes in the future, but all you people are allowed to download it and do whatever you want with it. (Though you should mention where you got the source if you release anything using it.)

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:05 am
by bhagabhi
Finally! Got DotG - Damnation of the Gods updated! More than a year since the last post here.

Anyways - on to the good stuff:
I have made sourceforge permanent host of the webpage. Official DotG page is now: There shouldnt be any more changes on that part. Note that the webpage isnt 100% updated though... It will come, just wait.

BUT, a new version is uploaded. And since the last post I made here is old, there probably is very much that has been updated. You can get the download from the download page on the site (that links to the sourceforge download page). direct link ... _id=131070

One of the reasons I havnt been able to post here is that I havnt been able to. Page has been constantly unavailible for me for unknown reasons.

So, check out this version, much of the code is rewritten and memory usage has been vastly decreased, bugs has been fixed and on and on. Note that the game isnt finished yet though - But I am a tiny bit closer at least. :-)

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:15 am
by Tom Hatfield
It's about the same as I remember. Whatever changes you made to the code-base aren't visible in the game itself. It still looks good and runs smooth, but I don't know what else to tell you.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:21 pm
by bhagabhi
Well, i don´t know what version you downloaded back then, but here are some of the changes:

- memory usage greatly decreased.

- items fully configurable through the scripts

- major cleanups of the source

- removed the usage of allegro dat-system for graphics - will make it easier to customize graphics for own usage.

So keep your eyes on this space (and on the sourceforge pages) - there will be more updates soon hopefully. I am tweaking the sourceforge stuff at the moment, but will get back to work on the actual project soon.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 6:24 pm
by germanny
Hi bhagabhi,
have just downloaded the latest ver. from souceforge, runs just very fine!
Keep up your fine work. (BTW: great graphics ;) )

I have first downloaded the older ver. from your homepage at,
and it won´t run because it search for 'allegro42.dll', but there is only allegro41.dll. You should update that.

hi too, and could you change the links to my page to ''?
The old page at t-online was killed by my provider :(

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 7:25 pm
by Guest

I know about the version on vxu is not running - but unfortunately I cannot update that page from where I am right now. As soon as I can I will update the vxu adress with a redirect to the sourceforge one. - But I need to be on an vxu computer to do that - so it can take some time.

Anyway, thanks for your interest in DotG!

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 8:00 pm
by bhagabhi
well, Im surpised - managed to update the vxu adress - now it directs to the sourceforge pages.
