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DungeonMaster_CSBwin : questions.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:09 am
by $eoub!!!
Hi everyone !
I've just downloaded and played the CSB version of DM, that is to say DM PC WITH sounds ! One of the best version IMO :)

But, as RTC has differences and (minor) bugs, I found several ones on it:
- First of all, when reincarnating champions, stats decrease just like in CSB ! Daroou, for instance, has, reincarnated, 50 hp, 3 mp and approximatively 46 in strength etc.
How to change this ? Zyx has changed it in Conflux II (excellent dungeon), how did he do ?
- Some sounds are missing ? Water Elemental make no noise when attacking...

And these are questions I didn't find answer on the forums :
- Where can I download CSBedit from Rain ? Everyone recommend it but there's no place to have it (even with Google...).
- I'm not sure of it but, long ago, CSB was openable with DMute. Why this is impossible now ?
- How to run a Movie ? (DM time records available at

Thx for answer, good night !

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:18 am
by Gambit37
Some answers for you:

Only the Amiga and PC versions have all the sounds, the Atari version was more limited. CSB Win is based on the Atari code, so you won't get all the sounds.

The reduction in stats is usual for CSB Win. To change it select 'Dm Rules' from the Misc menu.

CSB Edit is available in the quick links menu at the top of this page -- you couldn't have looked very hard! ;)

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:42 am
by $eoub!!!
Gambit wrote:
CSB Edit is available in the quick links menu at the top of this page -- you couldn't have looked very hard! ;)
OMG, have looked for everywhere but here :shock:
Thx for the DM rule !

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 8:37 am
by beowuuf
the format of CSBwin dungeons to accomodate all the goodness (expanded databases, bigger/more levels, DSAs, etc) means the format cannot be read by DMute, and since DM has never been available for CSB, and DMute is based on static dungeons, then DMute doesn't recognise the normal format in reverse endian format. But the initial CSB dungeon (mini.dat) is still readable
And you can, of course, read the dungeons in CSBEdit : )
The graphics rippers are also available on the tools forum of the encyclopaedia

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:37 pm
by Paul Stevens
Have you figgered out how to play the movies?

Generally, you run CSBwin.exe. You click on 'Dungeon'.
Then you use the 'Misc/Playback' menu option.

All the files should be in the same folder as CSBwin.exe.
dungeon.dat (or csbgamex.dat)

Let me know if you still have problems.