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ForceDos.exe (DM2)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 5:43 pm
by FallenSeraphin
I found a little app in the Windows\System32 dir called ForceDos, and this has been very usefull in very old dos games that previously didnt run in WinXP environment. All worked except Dm2, wich is very annoying, it gives out a pretty weird error on this command line :

"forcedos c:\games\dm2\setup.exe /d"
stub exec failed:
no such file or directory

"forcedos c:\games\dm2\dm2.bat /d"
this one tries to run a dll called advapi32.dll but it cant find the apropriate program.

I have been succefully running all the dos games that didnt work on WinXP with this app (my pc is too slow for DosBox), but Dm2 is completly impervious to all my atempts... any sugestions ?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:11 pm
by Toni Y
Try running it from the command prompt (instead of start->run if you're using that now) while being in the same directory where the executables are. It seems that the program has trouble finding all the components.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:06 am
by FallenSeraphin
Hum... Not working, perhaps the dos4gw.exe has some kind of corruption...