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Yet another Conflux II thread...

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:19 pm
by Trantor
Hi, after finishing Towers of Chaos (excellent!) and Imprisoned Again (very good), I am currently playing Conflux II, and I have a ton of questions about it. I decided to open a new thread because I don't want to spoil anything for me by browsing the older threads, I hope this is ok with the mods. I am extremely impressed - with all these new graphics, weapons and spells, Conflux II almost doesn't feel like DM anymore, but more like a completely new game. Fantastic job! Anyway, here are some of my questions (I have so many that I am sure I will forget lots of them):

1) Is it correct that I have to play a bit of the dungeon in order to get to some of the "later" characters, because the key items for the locked are only found in the dungeon? I got the first three fighters - Leif, Hissssa and Daroou - but couldn't open the next door, so I took Zed as my fourth character. I wasn't too happy with that party, but I was also too lazy to start from scratch. Meanwhile, I've gotten used to them, though.

2) I met Lich Vecna - is it possible to kill him? One of my characters tells me it is not, and after a long, fruitless battle I am willing to believe him...

3) Another "unkillable" monster is the scorpion in the Tower of Manpang (spelling?). But when I try to go a different way, a pit is blocking my way, and I can't find any way to close it... Help, please?

4) I am currently trying to prove my innocence to the Council. I have to admit I have no idea how I should figure out which items I should take and which I shouldn't - I just tried until I succeeded. How is this determined? Now, I have to drop down a hole into a small room with lots of knights, and I can't seem to survive this. Any clues?

Ha! See? I told you I would forget most of my questions, and here I sit wondering what else it was I wanted to ask... Anyway, I will post again if I remember, and I will try to survive those knights again...

Oh yeah, about the quest competition: I found a flask (took me ages), met Lich Vecna (accidentally stepped into an illusionary wall), killed the mothers of the egg chamber (the first quest I completed), and I think that's about it. Oh well, still have a lot of work to do.

Thanks to Zyx for making such a great dungeon!

EDIT: Ok, I just killed those knights. :)

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:47 pm
by Zyx
1) Yes, you cannot access the highest ranks of the guilds without venturing first in the dungeon (with at least a free slot in your party).
Since your party is already full, note carefully where you'll find each guild "grade" in the dungeon (ie: maces for fighters guild) : next time you restart you could try to get a guild leader in your party by gathering the corresponding grades.
Anyway it's a good thing you started with 2 guides (Leif and Zed). They may help you a lot.

2) You can kill her... but will you consider it being victorious?...

3) You cannot kill it but yet you have to bypass it. Try other tactics...

4) The 3 items riddle: it's a logical riddle with uncomplete data. The wisest choice is to limit the risks by choosing only one item, the most probable. Then put back the wrong items into the alcove, pull the lever, and walk...
The fact that you encountered lots of knights is due to random guessing at the holes riddle.

When you send me a savegame to the confluxII account, I'll determine your score for the quest competition!

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 3:34 pm
by Trantor
Thanks a lot for the answer Zyx! I have, of course, loads of other questions... Currently, I am in Moria and have trouble getting out of it again. I found one or two doors where I could use certain gems as keys, but there are now doors that have something to do with a "green cross", a "blue jewel", and something "brown". I have gems of corresponding colors, but they don't work, and all other items I can think of don't work either. I suppose these doors are just shortcuts so you can go back and forth more easily and not necessary to escape, but I'd still like a hint how to open them. ^^

I also found two doors with a scroll and a magic eye next to them, asking for an item that can affect swords and chain mail but not clubs. I thought of something like water (so that metal rusts) or poison, but that didn't work...

After what seemed like hours of running around, I found the Balrog, but I can't seem to kill him. Is this even possible at all, or should I spend my gray-haired bearded wizard down a pit with it? ;)

Concerning the "Precious" quest: I found something that might qualify (though I found another item just like it somewhere before), and I found a plate that lets me hear Gollum mourning when I stop on it. Does this mean the quest is done, or is it just a hint I still have to figure out?

Oh, and there's a lot more I keep wondering about... Like the pit that is invisible if you directly look at it, what Lucky Coins are for, and how (or even if) I can build golems... or how I should "tidy up" the floor of ashes... Well, still a lot of things to do I guess.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:11 pm
by Zyx
1) Color rooms: yes, they're just shortcuts. However, your gems should work, unless you already opened the doors.... so it looks like a mnior bug... could you send me your savegame? (

2) You're not far from the answer, but you don't own the object yet. Keep exploring, look for a crossroad of 4 stairs.

3) Exactly! (well the wizard is optionnal)

4) Yes the quest is done! (I made it more obvious in the upcoming version)

5) the pit is not for your eyes, but your feet. Lucky coins are just what they suggest. They may be a useful money sometimes too. Creating golems is not implemented in this version (except for powergolems). Maybe I will allow it in the next one... As for ashes, you're not even allowed to keep carrying them...

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:45 pm
by Trantor
I just sent you my savegame. Don't mind what I wrote in the mail, I just sent the Balrog down the pit (though I have to admit I am not quite sure how the pit - sorry, the Bridge of Khazad-Dum - works). I'll see if I can go on now. ^^ Thanks a lot for the help.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:38 pm
by Zyx
I had no problem to open the colored rooms. Maybe you weren't using the gems correctly?
Also, note that some doors cannot be opened: they have no switch, no lock, no clue, nothing.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:01 pm
by Trantor
Interesting. I take the gem into the hand and click on the little picture in the wall when I receive a text message. I am pretty sure I did this with the ones that worked. I use the CSBWin version that came with the download, it is 9.6v5. Could that be the reason why it doesn't work, or am I doing something wrong?

I found the crossroad of four stairs, but I don't think I found a significant item that might help me... I'll take a look again, though. Thanks for the help.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:21 pm
by Zyx
you receive a text message because Zed is deciphering the rune.
But the gem goes elsewhere...

The object you're looking for lies among other treasures... oh, did I already mention there was a guardian?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:27 pm
by Ian Clark
take the gem into the hand and click on the little picture in the wall when I receive a text message.
Maybe there is something else that a gem could be placed on near the door...

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:34 pm
by Trantor
Boy, do I feel stupid... :roll: :oops: :roll: Thanks Ian. ^^°

EDIT: Ok, I officially give up. After running around Moria for hours, I will hereby admit that I have no idea how to get out and that I have no idea what item could open these doors. The only "guardian" was someone who was shot shortly before the Battle of Five Armies, and since I killed him already a few days ago, I don't really remember if he had any unusual items with him; I tried every item I have found on those magic eyes, though, and none worked. Congratulations Zyx, you brought down another brave DM player and almost made him cry... Ok, not quite, but you know what I mean. ;)

EDIT 2: LOL, I just pointlessly tried something out of boredom and frustration and found a fiery cerberus by accident. ^^ Maybe I shouldn't stop playing yet... ;)

EDIT 3: Ok, once again, I have to eat my words - I found a way out of Moria. But it somehow feels strange, because I don't think this is the way I should get out of there... I took a one-way to a place I can't see from above, if you know what I mean... I was amazed I came out somewhere else. Is there another way out of Moria?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:18 am
by beowuuf
That sounds like the way out to me. There is another, or rather a connection back to the rest of the dungeon to open elsewhere too

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:44 pm
by Zyx
Well, I hope you realize now how foolish it was to enter the Moria without a dwarf! :wink:
You defeated the right guardian, but maybe you despit some lesser objects to keep with you? As for the eye, it just needed the proof you killed him.

You're not the first to report the Moria maze being too hard. I'll try to soften it a little. There will be maps to begin with...

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:07 pm
by Trantor
Ok, next time I will bring Stamm with me and rename him as Gimli. :P

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:47 pm
by Trantor
Ok, more playing leads to more questions (who would have guessed). I hope you don't hate me already. ^^

1) I came back to the council and try to prove my innocence for the second time, but I can't do it. I tried every combination possible, but I always end up in hell. I even went back to Moria where I left the first sword I got, hoping it would be required to carry it as a trigger, but that didn't work, too. Was it just a bad idea to do something in between, or am I once again too stupid for this? ;)

2) I also found out a way to open the RA doors. In the White Chambers of the council, I met several people in white robes. Are they killable, or do I have to kill somebody else for "destroying the council"?

3) When I exit Moria, I find myself on a rather long stairway. At the bottom of it, I can see a large reptile, but can't reach it. Is there a way of doing this?

4) I am still stuck at the unkillable scorpion, I just can't find a way past it. :( I can cause fear in him, but of course cannot reach the stairway. The door with the flying eye behind it remains closed, as does the pit if I take the other way around.

Thanks a lot again for all the support and help Zyx.

EDIT: 5) Just found another one, the contest of bravery. After beating this contest 4 times, I believe this is just a trap - or, if you want to express it more positively, a chance to gain experience as a fighter. ;) Is there anything else to it?

Sorry for all these questions, but I am one of those guys who need to know everything about it if they are fascinated by something. ;)

EDIT 2: Nevermind about the reptile, I just got there. I also have a Cerberus, yay! Finally making some progress! :D

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:05 pm
by Zyx
1) Hmmm, I don't know what's happening. You're doing things right. Could you send me your savegame before your second trial? I'll have a look.

2) The white councillors are immortal, but they are not part of the Great Council.

4) If you can cause fear in him, then think about why you cannot reach the stairs.

5) Beating the contest may not be winning it... see 4)...

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:12 pm
by Ian Clark
1) I came back to the council and try to prove my innocence for the second time, but I can't do it. I tried every combination possible, but I always end up in hell. I even went back to Moria where I left the first sword I got, hoping it would be required to carry it as a trigger, but that didn't work, too. Was it just a bad idea to do something in between, or am I once again too stupid for this?
The same happened to me. Somewhere inbetween the first and second times you will have picked up a nasty item...

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:49 pm
by Zyx
Oh yes, now I remember... were you wearing with pride the proof of your innocence?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:43 pm
by Trantor
Yay! I finally made it through! Well, at least I saw one ending (I killed the council). Trying to fulfill the other quests, I still have several more questions:

1) Concerning the Dragon Armor: Does every item have the word "dragon" in its name? I found an item that might qualify as one piece of the armor, but its name is somewhat different.

2) Is there a spell for opening doors, like the ZO spell in the original? Because that's the only thing I can imagine to get past a certain unkillable monster.

3) How do I open the doors that I find behind the powergem door? I think they are called Threbons doors (or something like that).

4) Is there a way to really open the IR door at the beginning of the game? My key doesn't really work...

5) How do I open the door so I can go to the future? I found the scroll that reads "you learned our wisdom", but putting that one in the alcove is not enough.

6) Any clue to what item it is that "the rich desires and the poor has"?

7) If I get imprisoned again (sorry for the pun ;)), how do I get out? Via a door open spell?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:07 pm
by Ameena
I dunno why I've been visiting this thread since I haven't played (much of) this dungeon...but glancing at the latest post I can at least answer one of your questions, Trantor, since I've heard it before - To question six, the answer is "nothing" :).

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:08 pm
by Zyx
1) The shield doesn't mention the word "dragon".

2) Yes.

3) There's a clue about it in the forges.

4) The lock is broken, it would take a genius from the guild of thieves to open it.

5) Do you remember what you earned when your learned their wisdom?

7) Which one of the many jails are you talking about? ;) And what do you mean by "again"? You should send me a savegame...

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:18 pm
by Trantor
I only came up with the term "imprisoned again" because of the same-titled custom dungeon. ;) I am talking about the prison cell that has carvings on the wall like "I was so close to an audience" or "pity I dont' know any magic".

Sadly, I don't remember what I found when I learned the wisdom... Maybe I should just start over again (the IR lock is another reason to do so).

Thanks a lot for all the support. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:39 pm
by Zyx
You need magic to get out of this jail. Very strong magic. Very very strong magic.

For the wisdom: it was a drink...

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:52 pm
by Trantor
Ok, I started all over again, this time with Iaido and Gando, the other two guides. After getting enough Corbums and Maces, I took Gothmog and Halk as the other two members.

I then switched back to my old game and finally found the Crown of Kings! So two of the main quests done! But of course, that doesn't mean I am out of questions... ;)

1) What does it mean when Iaido tells me that a wall is about to crumble? I can't tear the wall down.

2) Which item is it that I need in Moria to open these doors? I was there a second time, paid very close attention to all the items Smaug dropped, but still nothing worked.

3) Is there a clue as to which spell opens doors? I simply tried everything until I found the correct one, and I guess this is unsatisfying for both the player and the designer.

4) What does it actually mean if my Cerberus growls? I can't really make out anything special about the locations where it does that.

5) In the Joggler Giggler Room, there is a person blocking my way to two RA locks, but I can't remove said person. However, I also can't imagine that these locks are there just for decoration, so how do I get to operate them?

Concerning the quests, I still need to go to the future (I know where, but not quite how, but that should be doable), find the Dwarven Treasure (I have a suspicion where, but don't know how to get there), win the circus prize (absolutely no idea - shall I save the slaves?), obtain the whole Dragon Armor (two pieces missing and no idea where to find them), and free the prisoner of the traitor (I think I know where, but still have no idea how).

Well, time to enter the dungeon again...

EDIT: Ok, I just saved the slaves and found a scroll reading "Congratulations". I suppose this isn't prize 99, right?

EDIT 2: Ok, I just found the Circus prize 99 - that one is EVIL!

EDIT 3: Just went to the future as well. Is there anything else useful than a key? I found out I can also kill a party member permanently, but I don't think that's the plan. ;)

EDIT 4: I think I am about to break a record for most edited post... Anyway, I completed the main quest! Is the Dwarven Treasure actually "the mightiest weapon of all"? If yes, then I completed that one, too.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 5:42 pm
by beowuuf
3) There is a scroll, you just need to earn it which I think this is a satisfying thing to puzzle and look for, so probably best if people don't spoil the spell for now - either experiement or look harder people! : )

Lol, Gambit hold the record for most edited posts for the Christmas thread - both in editing his own story post in the summary, and in editing the actual proper thread itself probably!

And the dwarven treasure has a scroll saying 'this is our treasure' I believe...

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:18 pm
by Ian Clark
1) What does it mean when Iaido tells me that a wall is about to crumble? I can't tear the wall down.
No idea, as far as I know, it is just there for effect.
2) Which item is it that I need in Moria to open these doors? I was there a second time, paid very close attention to all the items Smaug dropped, but still nothing worked.
Not sure which doors you mean? Some need gems, others need keys.
3) Is there a clue as to which spell opens doors? I simply tried everything until I found the correct one, and I guess this is unsatisfying for both the player and the designer.
I had to do it too. Here's a clue: it is not as simple as Zo...
4) What does it actually mean if my Cerberus growls? I can't really make out anything special about the locations where it does that.
It always seems to do it near demons.
5) In the Joggler Giggler Room, there is a person blocking my way to two RA locks, but I can't remove said person. However, I also can't imagine that these locks are there just for decoration, so how do I get to operate them?
I always assumed they were just there for decoration...

The Dwarvern treasure is not "The Mightiest Weapon of All" but the said treasure is not a million miles away.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:37 pm
by Zyx
Weird, I answered the last questions some time ago but my post is nowhere to be seen!

1) You in the mines near the dwarven fortress, right? Well, you should be able to hack your way... I'd like to see your savegame otherwise.

2) Look on the floor of smaug's lair.

3) Yes, there is a scroll teaching this spell, after the teleporters puzzle near the Dedalus of Infinty. I will put another elsewhere.

5) No use in version j.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 6:13 pm
by Trantor
Thanks to everyone for your support. I FINALLY found the needed item for those doors in Moria, I just didn't check everything - I thought I knew what I saw, but I didn't. I am still interested what the other exit from Moria is. I suppose it has something to do with the letters at the beginning, but no clue so far.

On the positive side, I found the Dwarven Treasure and the scroll that tells me the equivalent of the ZO spell. Thanks Zyx, I completely forgot about the teleporter puzzle (I didn't manage it the first time I was there). I was also able to break the wall in the mines (stupid me), and I found the Dragon Plate. Now I only lack the boots - and I have no clue where to look for them. I also don't have enough emerald keys anymore to get to the big X (I went there from an older savegame, but then decided to use my keys to enter the Forest). I didn't find anything significant in that area, but I probably missed something again.

One more thing: If I go to the Tower of Manpang, I descend a long stairway. There are 3 or 4 levels on that stair that have closed RA doors, so I suppose I can enter the stairs from there, too. However, I have no idea how to get there... Any clues?

Amazing how many questions I asked so far - I hope I am not too much of a pest to all of you. Thanks again everyone, and a very big THANK YOU to Zyx and everyone else involved for creating such a great dungeon!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 6:42 pm
by Zyx
The boots: look near mirrormere. I hope you have the right key with you.

Getting to the big X: you can gently ask the emerald guardians to give you some keys. There are 18 emerald keys in the whole dungeon, i don't remember where they are all... There are 3 in the sewers... Keep solving puzzles, you will end up finding more.
The Big X is just not necessary to any ending anway.

Tower of Manpang: you mean the RA doors bording the path of pits? They are leading to other dimensions, with future, meaner versions of Conflux IX, so they're closed, and will stay that way, for your own sake.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 6:57 pm
by Glorfindel
I'm just at the beginning. What's a good job ! Awesome . But I have some questions about recruting , exemple :

- It is possible to avoid to take the first membre of each guild ?

- How to make a good party ?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:16 pm
by Zyx
You HAVE to take at least ONE guide (=first member of the guild). But then you can take any member from any guild as long as you've gathered enough upgrades.

For a start, I recommend one of these two strategies:
*Take the four guides to uncover many secrets (but your party will be weak)


*Take four members from the same guild, so you'll have some decent fighters/ninjas/priests/wizards, plus some equipment.

But the players have much more experience than me about making a good party. I hope some of them will share some advices, it could enlighten me as well (are all the starting characters interesting?)