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Wall item trigger (CSBwin)

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 5:25 am
by beowuuf
Where is the option to trigger a wall item by anything but only if it is the last item on the list?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:08 pm
by Paul Stevens
Edit a Actuator/Pushbutton
Select "Operated by" "Wall Switch Special Object"
Select "Only if Last Actuator"

That option does not exist for "Operated By" "Anything".
If you know differently, please let me know and, if at
all possible, provide an example of where it has been
known to work.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:18 pm
by beowuuf
Just wanted to know if you got my dungeon with the example of this, and if it is on the cards or not

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:51 pm
by Paul Stevens
I don't rmember getting this from you. I got your scroll
in the alcove dungeon. I fixed that by renaming 'open scroll'.
But I find nothing in my mail about your 'Last Actuator' business.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:56 pm
by beowuuf
Ah, I'll re-send then ... and done...

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:49 pm
by Paul Stevens
Got it.
Mostly a switch operated by an empty hand.
This is an actuator type 12. CSBwin seems to treat it
as follows:

1 - If not last actuator in list. Do nothing.
2 - If hand is full. Do nothing.
3 - Queue a rotation.
4 - Constant pressure becomes SET.
5 - If audible. Queue sound.
6 - Using value construct a missile of that type and put in player's hand.
7 - Queue an action message.
8 - Perform any queued rotation.

Step 6 allows Rock, Boulder, Arrow, Slayer, Poison
Dart, Throwing Star, Dagger, or Torch. Else nothing.

Is this how you understand the effect you desire?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:01 pm
by beowuuf
1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8 yes, this is what I understood as the effect of it. I don't understand 4, and 6 completely baffles me - you mean there is an additional option of putting an object in the player's hand after successful activation? Odd - sounds like some cross-polination with the 'defined object' shooter - perhaps because this effect wasn't fully implemented and isolated in the engine?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:47 pm
by Paul Stevens
4 - Actuator can have Set. Clear, Toggle, or
Constant Pressure (Hold or whatever). But
messages are only Set, Clear, or Toggle. Constant
pressure must be converted to SOMETHING. It is
converted to a SET.

6 - Put object in player's hand. This is what it does.
I did not invent it. It looks fully implemented but I
never tried it.

What would you call this strange pushbutton?
-- 'Empty-hand-final-rotater-gives-object'?
-- 'EHFRGO'?
-- 'Type 12'?
-- 'Fizzle-Fazzle'?
-- 'Queer Thing'?
-- 'Pain in the butt for PS'?

My only hope of getting this incorporated into CSBuild
is to give it a push-button type of its own.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:39 pm
by beowuuf
AHA! for 4. When you say it like that, I understand, and is perfectly reasonable
Interesting, I never tried to put a non-zero value in the other part of the activation for the switch. Then again, since nothign happened for '0' (compass activation) there was no reason to try it!

I would call it Bob, but that's just me - type 12 pain in the butt for PS thingie sounds reasonable (the T12PBPS). But I suppose 'Give object' is the most literal and its actual function - it just has the interestign side effect of working better when you set it to 'no object' (I would hope this would be an option along with the activation objects - in reality set it to compass or soemthing harmless that wopn't work)!

Hmm, I'm tempted to open PC DM and put a value like boulder or arrow in jsut to see if it works there too. It's amazing, you learn somethign new with this engine every day!

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:12 am
by Paul Stevens
CSBuild version 2.18 deals pretty well with this
'Type 12' Pushbutton. It allows you to give the
player a Boulder, if you so choose. Use it with
an eye to finding its limitations (AKA bugs) . I just
tested a couple of the possible configurations.

Edit__________I posted a diagram of it in my
documentation collection.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:16 pm
by beowuuf
Ah, can I not just go straight to using it in my dungeon and whine loudly if it crashes the thing?

I have two seperate places to test it, but they are kind the same purpose...will let you know if it seems to work bug-free