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Help! My party is starving ti death!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:08 pm
by DragonsLover
This game is really hard!!! What a maze with a lot of teleporters, fake pits, fake walls... How do you know where to go if everything is weird around? I must GUESS that I should go this way PERFECTLY and that if I go away, I will die? There's so much fake walls too! I'm supposed to find EVERY fake walls in the levels? This is crazy!

And now, my party is starving to death, is wounded, sometimes poisoned and some of my characters are heavy. I used all the food and water I got and I don't have any flasks.

Also, should I wear the death knights armor?

I'm often trapped by monsters (a lot by Death knights), how do you want to save your party if you're surrounded?

Is someone can HELP ME??? This dungeon makes me feel crazy! :x

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:17 pm
by Ameena
I gather from this rant of terror that you are playing CSB? ;). Oh we are in the CSB forum...that would make sense...
Yes CSB is very evil...even when you know the layout etc. You wil get lost a lot. You will get beaten up by monsters a lot. And as you are probably finding, you will die a lot. There IS a structure to this dungeon, but it's nothing like the linearity of DM. If you want, I or someone else can give you a hint as to what your general aim is atm. But we don't want to spoil anything for you.
Death Knight armour, like knight armour in DM, is cursed...I think this means it lowers the hidden luck statistic of your characters or something. It's bad anyway.
If your characters are overweight, try losing anything you don't think you will need, or creating a storage pile at a central location like the Junction of the Ways. If you find yourself trapped somewhere I suggest just loading up a past save and either going a different way or taking the same path but doing it differently. You will want to save a lot, I think, but don't do so in an area where you think you might die ;). I appreciate that this is practically the whole dungeon but...well some areas are less fatal than others ;).
And if you can get to the bottom level of the dungeon you will find a nice food supply - it's only a few food items and you must umm...achieve something in order to get them...but if you are starving it is a good idea :). You need to do it anyway, regardless of whether or not you need the food.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:44 pm
by beowuuf
Stop pointing people to limited food supplied that breath fire ameena! There are limitless food and water supplies if you knwo where tyo look - fro mthe basement you can, if you hunt around, find the way back to the junction of ways. So really keep goign down if you are lost, then hit the JoW - store all your stuff there and you shouldn't be too bad. KU path and ROS path give you lots of nice food too, in a way Ameena hinted at

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:45 pm
by Ameena
I didn't mention fire though, you are giving more of a spoiler than me ;).
Also the start room is an inexhaustible supply of food if you can get back there, since you can keep respawning Worms by stepping on the spot in front of the door.
If you have no flasks, you might want to check out that area again anyway...

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:46 pm
by Trantor
First of all, yes, CSB is extremely confusing and deadly. Don't worry, it is supposed to be like this, and you are supposed to get lost. A huge part of the challenge of the game lies in finding the structure behind the game. And if you think the game is crazy now, just wait until you reach the topmost level...

It sounds like you are on the KU (fighter) way. It is not good that you don't have a flask yet - you should have one and could have even two, as there are two flasks before you get to the Junction of the Ways. I am not sure where the next one is. Starving shouldn't be that much of a problem, there are several large food supplies in the game. Ameena mentioned the one that is probably closest to you.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 10:56 pm
by DragonsLover
Well... I think I'll restart the game. I'm not so far away, I'm near the "No Fireballs" section. I found a water fountain in the room with little evil monnks, luckely. So, I shouldn't wear armors of death knigths? Crap, all my characters are wearing this. :evil:

If I'm getting lost, I'll come back here and you could tell me a hint.

I'll restart.

Oh... I'm playing CSBWin by the way.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:12 pm
by Trantor
Yeah, that's the KU path. It might not be the best path to start, as it is very exhausting for the party. It also holds the greatest rewards IMO, though. Restarting is probably a good idea; try to get a flask before you go to the Junction of Ways. Also, feel free to ask for any help, we will gladly give it. :)

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:42 am
by Ameena
I always start with Ku - it's my favourite of the four and being the path fo the Fighter, you can get some nice weps/armour there. I would say don't stress yourself too much about kitting everyone out in a full set of clothing or funky-looking armour if they can't carry it. I never continue if my people get into the yellow - I leave stuff behind if they can't carry it, 'cause it's such a pain to be moving slowly.
A few little hint things - there is at least one flask very near to the starting room. You have an inexhaustible supply of food there in the shape of Worm Rounds, so you might want to keep and carry some around with you till you find a more nutritious food source. Water shouldn't be too hard, there are fountains here and there. Like I said, as far as the Junction fo the Ways is concerned, I always do Ku first. Dain is eeeeevil.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:43 am
by linflas
Ameena wrote:Dain is eeeeevil.
oh yes ! definitely.
my preference goes to neta at first : screamers, oitus, mummies, worms and a few vexirks. easier progression imho.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 10:20 am
by Sera
i always start in ROS, then KU, then NETA, and last of all, DAIN, always found that method easy for me

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 11:32 am
by Trantor
My usual way is KU, ROS, NETA, DAIN. DAIN is definitely the most evil of the four paths. KU is stressing, but gives you tons of exp and great items. NETA is certainly the easiest path, but because of a certain door I prefer going ROS before NETA (thought this may not be important).

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:59 pm
by beowuuf
Sometimes Ku first, usually neta, then Ros and finally dain

Definitely NETA is the easiest, gives you food, etc

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:47 pm
by PaulH
I do it different every time. That is the beauty of this game!

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:43 am
by DragonsLover
Ok, I restarted and it's much better now! I've 5 or 6 chests full of food, 3 waterbottles and 4 empty flasks. Yep, I discovered the empty flask near the start and I killed some of these worms to keep my party alive.

Now, something strange happens in CSBWin: the game crashed! I'm in the fake walls labyrinth and there's some dragons here. The strange thing is that I shooted a fireball to a dragon inside a fake wall and tried, after the explosion, to go front on the same square: ERROR!

Also, I found some doors around that I can't open, like the one where there's a lot of rockpiles and the one with hellhounds. I still need to search around.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 4:07 am
by Ameena
I dunno about the error thing but don't worry about unopenable doors - most or all of those are accessible from the other side, though some are one-way. Well at least you're doing better now eh :). Once you've found such a place as the Dragon Maze (the place you mentioned above), I very much doubt food will be a problem for you ;).

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 6:24 am
by DragonsLover
I guess I found another bug that makes the game impossible:

In the skeleton room where I must send a skeleton on the other side of the door by a button, it is supposed for the skeleton to be destroyed and the door to be opened. I tried again (because I died) and the skeleton was trapped. No way to continue!

Anyway, now I'm stuck. I go on every side (NETA, ROS, KU and DAIN) and I always come back to the demon snake, rockpiles and black flames place.

However, I don't know how to access these places:

In the ROS section, I don't know how to access through the door with the mention: "Death Row"

In the DAIN section, I don't know how to access through the door in the Rives room. I opened the first door using a Gold key, then I don't know how to open the other doors.

Also, I don't know hot to open the gates of the "Dragon Den" place. I can just open/close the entrance door using pick locks.

I forgot how to access to the Couatl room. I forgot to save because I got a damn fireball in my face in the fireball room! :x Yeah, you can laugh!

Which way to go? I'm lost!

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:36 am
by beowuuf
The first questions with a CSBwin error is 'what version are you using'

The death row is an exit for if you gte trapped in a prison
River room with fireballs? THere's a key in an alcove and a sneaky keyhole close
Draon den - well, if CSBwin dragons were a bit more powerful in their breathing, you would see exactly how to open the doors!
Coatly room? Which one?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:55 am
by A fascinated guest
A lot of doors in CSB can be opened by pure brutality.
I got totally crazy about all the doors without any lock when i played that game for the first time. Then i simply started to use my weapons or powerful magic on them - and it worked.
Good Luck on your further trials in CSB.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 5:27 pm
by Ameena
At a guess I suppose he is referring to the "Bridge" area. Blech I hate Dain, it's such an arse :P.
CSB is doors and keys and monsters everywhere, don't worry about it ;). But keys are kind of an essential part of it, both before and after the DDD.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:16 pm
by Sera
ill answer the death row for you, theres a funny place in the DDD that you get teleported around in, if you use a lockpick on the gold lock in that area, itll drop you down to death row, basically you stay there for a while and then a stone golem comes into the prison and starts attacking you, defeat the golem to get the key and get out of death row


Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:55 pm
by DragonsLover
The DDD? :?
The first questions with a CSBwin error is 'what version are you using'
I'm using CSBWin version 9.8. Is that the last one?
Rives room with fireballs? There's a key in an alcove and a sneaky keyhole close
I don't know how to access this room. I remembered that it was possible by using the DAIN way correctly. But I entered and entered again into the DAIN corridor and I always come back to the Oitus place.
Dragon den - well, if CSBwin dragons were a bit more powerful in their breathing, you would see exactly how to open the doors!
Ok, I understand! ;)

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:01 pm
by Trantor
About the door with the teleporting Skeleton - it depends on which path you are. On a certain path, the Skeleton is killed, and the door opens. On another path, you have to kill the Skeleton yourself after it is teleported. There are several little items in that room that might help you with that. ;)

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:50 pm
by Sera
DDD = Diabolical Demon Director

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:57 pm
by beowuuf
v9.8 is by no means the last one - go to the website linked on the CSNwin forum and download CSBwin98v110 or whatever it is called

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:33 am
by DragonsLover
Well... I downloaded the game from TDM & CSB Encyclopaedia. So, I think it's the latest one. If not, give me the link.

It's ok now, I passed the Dragon Den part. I'm now at the Highest stage, the CHAOS stage!!! :twisted: This level is a real labyrinth... I'll need to search a lot there!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:41 am
by Paul Stevens
9.8 is probably a good version to use.
The latest versions have fixed a couple problems but
have probably introduced even more. 9.8 has a lot
of playing time for the original DM and CSB dungeons.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:42 am
by PaulH
I cannot see why this this would play any different for this particular problem. Most new releases are very minor changes or addition to code for DSAs

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:50 am
by Paul Stevens
It is conceivable that the crash he experienced is the
same problem that we found in the Morphus movie
(See Worst Party thread). In that case, the new
release would fix it. But is is unlikely to happen again
anyway. I would not update unless crashes get more
common (like at least two!!!).

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:53 am
by PaulH
Its MOPHUS... is it?!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:53 am
by Ameena
Oooh yes I bet it is - the scary grin is freaking out the computers and causing them all to shut down rather than be plagued by his eternal freaky grin!!