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[Pen and Paper RPG] Interest check

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 11:36 pm
by Mon Ful Ir
You lot seem pretty retro and old school. :D

Anyone play the old school pen & paper RPGs? First Edition AD&D?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:11 am
by beowuuf
In the past I played briefly D&D, but was always more interested in the gamebook stuff - FF and even more so Lone Wolf

I even started a gamebook series at the start of secondary school. Could never get the rules quite right.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:47 am
by Ameena
I've never played that kind of thing 'cause I've never known anyone (in RL) who does. But me and my fr iend are moving to live with another friend near Newcastle next month, and she's into that kind of thing I think, but like me has never found anyone who'll play with her. Woohoo!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:37 pm
by Adamo
I guess that DM creators used to play pen & paper RPGs in early 80`s :)

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:03 pm
by Trantor
I play a lot of Pen&Paper RPG, mostly D&D 3rd Edition. Currently, I have two active groups playing weekly, one on Tuesdays and one on Sundays. I also played some Vampire and GURPS a while ago, and every few months, I still meet my old playing group from 10 years ago for an evening of "Das Schwarze Auge" (The Black Eye), a successful German RPG system.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:10 pm
by Mon Ful Ir
So no interest in downloads for 1e D&D then? :D

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:48 pm
by Suule
I have AD&D 2nd edition books as well as W:tA books (quite large selection of them actually). Not to mention Earthdawn and Neuroshima. And some wierd P&P RPGs from 80s/90s - Ironclaw and Aldebo.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:48 am
by zoom
Ad&d I played some, but was years ago. Like Trantor, I have played DSA, but that was ages ago.
Not long ago, I got the old D&D from Beowuuf(thanks again, man : ) which is the predecessor of Ad&D.
It is more old school and I quite like the character classes.
(btw, I would be interested in 'downloads' because I always like to see dungeon stuff)

Well, I played a bit of Shadowrun, which magic system I quite liked and yeah, guess what : that was long ago..between DSA and AD&D..
Alas, I do not have anyone to play with.. kind of difficult to get people to meet in one place and concentrating on playing; should ask again, but these are either into Mmoprgs (WoW, neverwinternights ) or Battlefield2 computer games. There should be a way, to get some people to play together, though.
I did, last year, test a bit of 3rd edition dnd, but the guys where not my age (a bit younger), so had different playing styles, master didn't know some basics, although he had all the really necessary 20 supplement books. To make it short, it was not my cup of tea and additionally was also too far away.

It is cool that Trantor can play so much, and I find it utterly disturbing to hear that Ameena doesn't find anyone for playing. Good luck in Newcastle!

How about you, Mon Ful Ir, do you actively play some ?

I am sporadically working on a rpg ; It's a difficult task.
basically it is inspired by dungeon master and the other rpgs.
I draw pictures on sheets of paper with scribblings of noted down ideas .. maybe computer would be a better platform for it - or just pictures(which reminds me, I should really post some again). :roll:

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:59 am
by Mon Ful Ir
zoooom wrote:How about you, Mon Ful Ir, do you actively play some ?
Play, run, and write material for - hence I posted in the Creative Endeavours forum, to see if it was worth linking the material on this site.

As they say on Braniac: "The answer - no."

I can do science, me. :D

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:33 am
by Zyx
Playing since I'm 7 and never stopped.
I'm currently mastering twice a week (customized ars magica rules on a custom world).

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:57 am
by cowsmanaut
why don't you guys organise a session on the chat then?

they it could get some related DND use :)

I tried that once before.. on the old BBS systems.. we would get 4 people on the lines at this one BBS and all play for our allocated 1 hour of online chat.

was interesting.. moo

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:38 pm
by Adamo
Like Trantor, I have played DSA, but that was ages ago.
I think that Zyx could be good Master of Game in the DSA system ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 3:57 pm
by beowuuf
*runs and hides at the thought of it*

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:28 am
by Sophia
My two cents, to chime in:

I used to run a rather customized D&D (I hated the magic system, so I gutted that), and in addition, I've played and run VtM, and played GURPS in various incarnations, and some Star Wars RPG that I hated. ;)

The net is actually a pretty good forum for RPGish stuff-- it goes more slowly, but not that much if you type fast, and there are a wide variety of player aids, so don't lament if you can't find someone local, just widen your search. :D

These days I'm more into world-building, writing, and that end of it; maybe it's just a lack of time or players to actually play a game, though. :)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:48 am
by Ameena
Ooh yay Mon Ful Ir - Brainiac uber cool program /cheer :D. DEATH TO CARAVANS!! (And microwaves) Ooh I LOVE the pwetty colours!
Anyway, yes, about RPGs...hey if we could do one in chat or on a forum or whatever, that would be cool I think :). Generally any chance to RP in a Fantasy world is good with me...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:24 am
by cowsmanaut
see I now wonder if we could even just do a thread.. hmmm.. and some kind of web based character sheet maker.. wooo.. and.. erm..

I occasionally get over exuberant on these things.. but never really have the time to participate :P

would be neat to watch you all go through it though :)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 7:06 pm
by Mon Ful Ir

Who'd be interested in a forum-based play by post game of some kind?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:00 pm
by Ameena
I think that might be what's been started with this story thing of Wuffy's ;). I mean, unintentionally. I'm gonna end up playing a character. And then I can squish anyone who tries to play her ;).

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:11 pm
by Sophia
I've tried that kind of thing. They can be fun, but they tend to go interminably slow if you do anything but freeform, where everyone sort of does their own thing (much like, as Ameena pointed out, what this story thing will probably become), because of the long delays between user interaction.

Anyway, Mon Ful Ir (if I say that out loud will I blow myself up? :P Probably not, I don't have the wizard levels!), I for one would still be curious to see your material, unless it's all very technical and D&D specific. It's most likely still neat from a general fantasy sense, though. :D

Sophia needs more practise with that wizard spell

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:44 pm
by beowuuf
Who did that? Not me...

Yeah, I would imagine flashchat being a better forum (haha) for that, since I'm sure a blow by blow thread posting would be really slow

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:33 pm
by Mon Ful Ir
Saying my name's perfectly safe providing you aren't facing a wall. :D

Pretty much any roleplaying scenario contains a certain amount of technical information; it's a limitation of the medium. But I do try not to drown in it...


Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:36 pm
by Sophia

Seriously, though, good stuff. :D