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Materializer Difficulty

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:45 pm
by Bored of Trade
Do materializers only materialize when they attack? The transition is so brief that I have to cast a party shield and party fire shield just to get close enough to attack without dying immediately after getting blown up by a fireball. Last time I gave RTC a shot was some like version 0.29 or something and I didn't have such a problem with these guys. DirectX version maybe or graphics card and drivers? Bug?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:43 am
by George Gilbert
This hasn't changed for ages (V0.10 or so!) so I'm not sure what's different for you.

For the record though, materializers (and zytazes, or whatever the plural is!) do only materialize when attacking and that's the only time when they can be hit with a desew - they can however be hit with the vorpal blade at all times.

If that isn't the correct behaviour, let me know.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:49 am
by beowuuf
I think it was the time free he was complaining about? Haven't checked this in new versions

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:39 pm
by Des
I just came upon this whilst testing my converted dungeon (under 0.37). I had a lot of trouble killing a couple of materializers with Des Ew spells. First time Tester the Testing unloaded 500 mana points worth of Mon Des Ews in their general direction with gay abandon, and only one of them died. Second time I tried to time the spells and this was much more successful though the "window" does seem to be very small, you have to time it just right to score damage.

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:36 pm
by Lunever
Yes, Materializers need Vorpal Blades to be efficiently battled.

materialiser tactics...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:25 pm
by Toasty
I know it's an old thread but I just thought I'd add:

If a materialiser is stood with a wall directly behind it you can blast it using des ew whether it's solid or not... The des ew bolt will go straight through (if it's immaterial), but then it'll explode on the wall behind, usually killing the materialiser in one go if the spell's power level is say 4+.

(this is on RTC v0.48 - not tried others)

I found killing more than one materialiser really tough without using this tactic, especially as they have crazily fast reactions in RTC.