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"Hello" and Conflux III Questions *Spoilers*

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:48 pm
by Verokh
Hi all,

first of all I'm new here on this board and I'm really surprised, that there are still discussions going on about such an old but fantastic game. Hello there DM Freaks :)

Second I'd like to thank the people, who are responsible for Conflux, because I'm actually enjoying it so much and I was literally shocked about how much you guys polished up good old Dungeon Master and turned it inside out, it's amazing! Simply a complete new experience, that is still entertaining me in the times of bump mapping and texture shaders ;)

After playing Conflux III a while now, I'd like to ask some questions, which bothered me during playing.

1. Some of my weapons are broken. First I thought the enemies I'm currently fighting (Vexirx mainly) have some special resistance against melee attacks, so I nuked them with poison missiles only to find out later on, after attacking Chewers and hitting them for 3-10, that there is something wrong lol. Is there a way to repair them or are they gone for good?

2. Are there enough keys for every door? There are so many locks and I'm afraid to put my keys in every lock I stumble across, only to find out I could have needed a certain key later on.

3. I can't open the "Door of Answers". I searched the whole place up and down and tried a lot of things, but haven't found a way yet. Do I find the solution later on or did I miss something?

4. I found a scroll in a fountain, which is some kind of map, which shows a way to walk through a certain area. The scroll is rotting in my storage now and I didn't find any place where I probably needed it.

5. There is a door and letters on the wall reading "M I P S" or something, written vertically downwards in the area that's smelling like vinegar etc., but I haven't found how to open this door. What's this all about?

6. In the monastery there is a pit and and an alcove with a scroll inside. The scroll is empty and the letters on the wall on the right side tell me something about purging. When I step on that floor, a forcefield blocks my way back and my only option is the pit, which ends in the sewers. How to do the right stuff in this place?`

These are my questions and I'd be happy, if anyone could help me out :). Now back into the dungeon!

Thanks in advance!


Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 6:39 pm
by Trantor
Welcome to the forums! Yes, Conflux is a masterpiece, and since I am no expert, I won't be able to answer all of your questions, but here goes:

1. Yes, you can repair them. Search below the sewers.

2. I am not sure. I do know for certain that there are several doors that don't need to be opened (lots of them are just shortcuts), but I doubt there are enough keys for every door. That doesn't really matter, though, as there should be plenty to explore even if you can't open certain doors or access certain areas. You can reach several different endings without seeing all (or even half) of the dungeon.

3. The door can be opened I think; look around carefully. It's not that extremely important though.

4. I vaguely remember such a scroll, but don't remember where it is needed. Much, much later in the game I suppose.

5. Sorry, no idea.

6. I was wondering about that myself for a while. ;)

Sorry for the incomplete answers, Zyx will surely be able to help you more. Keep playing and having fun, it's always wonderful to see somebody new who is still obsessed with this cute little game. :)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 6:50 pm
by beowuuf
4. On that level actually

5. Think of four words that might be to do with actuons (like the original DM pit and door puzzle in level three)

6. purge and PRAY

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 7:22 pm
by rain`
2. Keys for every door? Yes and no. For critical doors: Yes. For optional doors: No. There are alot of emerald keys, and I dont think you need to use *any* of them to get anywhere you couldn't get w/o them (anotherwords they are all shortcuts afaik). Also note that some keys you receive early in the game (and can be used early in the game) also appear late in the game, so if you "hold on to them" you can bypass a short segment =].

4. Another optional area, if you draw maps or find maps you may be able to try and place it over an area that looks like it fits, then follow the path. That is my suggestion (or wait, thats what I did!). I love these types of 'features' in conflux III because theres so many of them and they are so OPTIONAL!

6. I spent at least 2 hours trying to figure that out... never did, but i'm sure theres a solution though...

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 11:39 pm
by beowuuf
6. Then the mechanic is broken, the mechanism is very simple and exactly as it worked in CSB. Or zyx enhanced it for this version.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 3:47 am
by Zyx
6. just checked, the mechanism isn't broken...
"my only option is the pit": this, or pray...

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 5:01 pm
by rain`
Yep, still dont understand. Somehow I'll manage to prove my new theorem though:

For each dungeon created by zyx and for all players there exists one puzzle that absolutely stumps at least one player, no matter how many 'hints' are given to the player he/she will never solve it until a detailed description and possibly DSA code is given to the player for a study of the mechanics.

Hmmm, where to start...

Re: "Hello" and Conflux III Questions *Spoilers*

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 6:08 pm
by Zyx
Verokh wrote:5. There is a door and letters on the wall reading "M I P S" or something, written vertically downwards in the area that's smelling like vinegar etc., but I haven't found how to open this door. What's this all about?
Did you try the hints from the oracle?

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 6:16 pm
by Zyx
Spoiler for 6):

entering the pray and purge zone will make you pure enough to enter later the "you are not pure enough" door
To exit the zone without going through the pit, just "pray" (wait) long enough.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 6:44 pm
by Verokh

thank you all for the hints! Today I'll try to figure these things out and I hope everything runs smooth now. Yesterday I couldn't because my PC crashed all the time to a complete reboot after using switches or putting keys in locks it was so strange. I wasn't able to play 5 minutes in a row, but I think my computer got a bad day, nothing more. :)
Zyx wrote:Did you try the hints from the oracle?
Oops, I completely forgot about the oracle since I started to play this. I've read about it before but didn't mind it until you mentioned it now.
Beowuuf wrote:5. Think of four words that might be to do with actuons (like the original DM pit and door puzzle in level three)
Pheeew, that was some time ago. I think I'll play through DM after I finished Conflux just for nostaliga and remembrance.

Are there any other good custom dungeons around like Conflux? I mean the 'Must-have-and-worth-playing" ones :)

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 6:50 pm
by beowuuf
The puzzle was 'cast your influence cast your might' if that helps : )

Imprisoned Again and especially Tower of Chaos are very highly thought of games for CSBwin.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:47 am
by Verokh
I was able to solve all the things I've asked before, with the help of your hints and the oracle. The oracle is really helpful sometimes.

I have one more question: There was a room with many riddles and I was able to solve all of them except one. 'I followed a steady pace until you took me out of my cage.' What is this? I had a look at all items I've found so far but I can't imagine anything, that would fit here. The riddles in english give me a hard time already :?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 3:51 am
by Ameena
Hmm, well I've not played Conflux but to me the answer that leaps out for me is a heart. Whether or not there's one lying about that you can use I don't know.
Oh and I'm glad you like the hints in the Oracle ;).

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 2:45 pm
by Verokh
Ameena wrote:Hmm, well I've not played Conflux but to me the answer that leaps out for me is a heart. Whether or not there's one lying about that you can use I don't know.
Oh and I'm glad you like the hints in the Oracle ;).
You are responsible for the oracle texts? They fit very nicely and don't reveal too much :)

The style of the riddles and evil traps in this game is brilliant. It reminds me of the nasty feeling in CSB when you fell down a pit and searched helplessly for a way up again. With the only exception of not having that modern Alt+F4 'Quickload' method of today.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 5:28 pm
by rain`
Zyx wrote:Spoiler for 6):
omg. Wow. All i have to say is... Just one thing... I mean seriously.

I thought WAYYYYYYYYYYY to hard about this one... You know how hard it is to get to that spot with the actual item that can PRAY? Yeah, I never made it either. Wheres my knife, I'm taking a finger for this atrocity!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 5:44 pm
by Ameena
"You are responsible for the oracle texts? They fit very nicely and don't reveal too much"
Hehe yes I am, and thanks :).

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 6:43 pm
by beowuuf
Rain: haven't you played alot of CSB then? I thought you had - so it's exactly like the 'pray' solution there. My only thing was i got impatient when I first playtested and it was the time you had to pray for!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:17 pm
by Zyx
2) some basic explanations about keys:
gold usually yields optional loots and forgotten shortcuts
iron opens common doors; you'll find many locks and many keys of this kind.
emerald is only for shortcuts
topaz is mostly for treasuries
the other keys are specific to one door, in general.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 11:37 pm
by Verokh
I found a scroll with the 'Ressurrection Spell' which reads 'Zo Vi Ew'. How is Zo and Vi possible to spell in a row? You can either select Zo OR Vi but not both. Or do I misunderstand something?

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 11:52 pm
by beowuuf
It was a red herring clue and now a clue - you need to look at the meaning of the runes

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 10:16 pm
by Verokh
Ok after looking at the meaning of the runes it makes some sense!

I've ran into another problem, regarding the 'Altar of Love', 'Altar of Nightmares' and 'Altar of Roses':

- Altar of Love [Never mind, reloaded, tried something different and laughed ;)]
After visiting that area and defeating the demon, there is this guy in white robes, the two floorplates and the 'Yes' button on the wall. Is this something about marriage or what? If that's the case, I can't figure it out after switching and trying for almost an hour and the oracle can't give me any hint on this area. The problem is, after you left via the beam you can't reenter this area, so I'm afraid missing something.

- Altar of Nightmares
Well, I heavily assume, that this is only an easter egg, visiting a good old friend. At least I've ran through the whole area without finding anything except the beam to get out and the fire pit, in which I can't put anything. The scroll near the altar reads something about Snapdragon Seeds. I've tried to throw the Snapdragons around and at the lord himself, putting them into the fire pit without any effect. This leaves me thinking about the whole thing as an easter egg for fun.

- Altar of Roses
I simply killed all the green, slimy beings inside, bumped into every wall and looked for switches, but can't figure this thing out. Is this just for training purposes?

The other altars were nice, especially Altar of the Assault, which was amazing. The 'Cruel Pit' was also an evil evil puzzle, that kept me busy for some time, but finally figured it out. Can't wait to run into similar stuff!

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:05 pm
by beowuuf
- altar of love - two positons, one for you...i think you ruined your chance from what you've described

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 12:03 am
by Verokh
Since I don't want to add any spoilers to the normal Conflux thread, I'll go on posting here, when it comes to spoilers.

There are a few things I can't figure out at the dwarven forge level.

- First of all there is this 'One, Two, Three, Four' combination, which I've done several times now and I hear a sound in the distance, but I don't find the spot where it might have opened no matter how hard I search. I've opened all the optional doors on that level and even discovered the fake pit, but can't find the place where the wall might have gone. I know this place like my own pocket meanwhile, that much time spent running around there.

- Second, there is this area with the 'Beware Fireworks' sign, there is a metal door I can't open and can't do much else in this area. Anything special about this?

- And last the 'Dwarven Forge'. How am I able to get inside? I also searched this place up and down, openend the door with the 'Flamables' and closed the pit with the magical nonweight. There is one metal door, which I'm not able to open and behind it is a wall with runes. There are four hidden floorplates close to each other, but they don't work when I step on them.

Any advice in the right direction would be appreciated, as the oracle doesn't provide enough information, if at all. :)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 12:53 am
by beowuuf
one, two , three four - it guards the dwarf treasure, so you can imaine they would be sneaky. I have a funny feelign you haven't explored every nook if you are a careful player. Also, one, two three four really does need to have been done in order

beware fireworks - unless it was upgraded in the general release, there was nothing here

- dwarf forge - you haven't looked up and down, or else you would be inside by now : ) Mapping would halp you perhaps get a feel for how you could get inside.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 1:27 am
by Zyx
beowuuf wrote:Also, one, two three four really does need to have been done in order
it does need it since a few versions. :twisted:

Also, the fireworks are different from the test versions, Beo.

Verokh, the door of beware fireworks and 1,2,3,4 are linked.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:28 am
by Verokh
The fireworks door and 1,2,3,4 - I checked there after I heard the opening sound, but the door was still closed and the wall behind it was still there too. Do I have to be fast enough to get there? After I walk into the nook opposite of this door, the wall behind it seems to go away. I'll have another look at this, when I get home.

The dwarven forge - Usually I'm a pit fetish and I jump into every pit I find, but I might have missed the one to get inside the forge. Guess I'll make another pit jumping session. Thanks for the hint!

Oh and another thing: There are some blast spores, that don't work and they are coloured differently in the inventory. Are they somekind of powerless?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:50 am
by beowuuf
Yes, you have to energise these spores

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 1:33 pm
by Zyx
For the fireworks doors, I think you have to find another way in.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 4:07 pm
by Verokh
Didn't you mention earlier they are linked somehow with 1,2,3,4?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:57 am
by Zyx
yes. Find another way in for this door once you pressed 1,2,3,4 plates in order. Look near dangerous places.