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Poetry anthology...(Not Dm related, but is creative...)

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:26 pm
by bitza
I thought you might be interested to know I have written an anthology of poems. They aren't particularly dungeon-master related (not at all if I am brutally honest!). But, as a forum member, I thought you might be interested to read one or two of them. I know poetry isn't everyone's cup of tea, but if anyone is curious, I have a website promoting this ( I hope this is ok. It is published through and can be purchased through them.

Just to whet your appetites, here are two samples. Let me know what you think!!!

Poem 1:


Can you hear it? Can't you see?
There's something in the air.
There's a new scent on the wind,
You can feel it everywhere.

It's coming. It's coming.
There's nothing you can do.
It's coming. It's coming.
It's coming after you.

The sun burns brightly in the skyscrapers
But there'll be a storm tonight.
The time has come for the return
Of the master of moonlight!

He's coming. He's coming.
He's coming here to stay.
He's coming. He's coming.
It's time for you to pay.

Fire-coronas coruscating fast
Across the clouds gathering up high.
Blue, green, red and gold
Arching out to Earth and Sky.

He's coming, He's coming.
To run like deer and kill with knives.
He's coming, he's coming
For revenge. Flee for your lives.

The skies blacken and the thunder rolls,
Heralding the Moon Master's return
To reclaim the land that was stolen
When man did kill and burn.

He comes he comes
In your house, under your floors...
He's here! He's here!
Lock your windows and doors!

poem 2:

Time and No Time

A time to learn, a time to forget
A time to live or die
No time to sit and think on regrets,
No time to laugh or to cry.

A time to think, a time to react,
A time to understand,
No time to worry, fret or fear,
But to just reach out for her hand.

A time to speak, no time to lose,
A moment to savour or curse.
A time to be bold, no time to be shy
A chance to be better of worse

A time to dance, a time to enjoy
And treasure each mouthful of life.
A time of sweetness, no time to doubt
Or worry about daily strife.

A time has gone, no time remains
No time to regret or be blue.
No time, sometime, I don't care,
Just so long as that time's with you.

So, thoughts/feedback? hope it's ok to post this...

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:28 pm
by Ameena
Lol no problem about posting it - this is the Creative Endeavours forum, ie the forum for anything creative whether DM-related or not. I've posted a whole bunch of riddles and poems and stuff in the past, not necessarily DM-related.
Anyway, cool poems. I'm sure no-one will mind if you posted more ;).

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:44 pm
by bitza
Thanx Ameena. I'm sure I'll post some more in the future. First, I should probably attempt to finish my Dm-based story (only 10,000 more words to go.. :wink: ) Or maybe a dm-based Epic poem... *thinks on that...*
Watch this space... :)

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:46 pm
by Ameena
I been thinking recently that I might write some more poems about stuff. Problem with me is first soming up with a decent subject, then being arsed to do it (in between playing NWN and stuff ;)).

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:38 am
by Daecon
How about "Hint Oracle" Haikus?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:04 am
by Ameena
Hehe, I've already done a bunch of those (well not Haikus as such since none of them are three lines long) Conflux III ;).