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Retro Gamer 35

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:26 pm
by Strider

The Definitive Contra - Stuart Campbell is back with another definitive. This time it's Konami's classic Run N Gun franchise

Retroinspection - Vectrex
JoinRetro Gamer as it pays homage to one of the coolest consoles ever created - the awesome Vectrex

Company Profile - Zenobi Software
The Balrog talks to Retro Gamer about the rise and eventual fall of text adventure specialist Zenobi Software

The Making of Cauldron 1 & 2
The creators of the 8-bit Cauldron games reveal the magic behind the popular platformers

Gaming Illuminati Part 2
In the final part of his undercover journey, John Szczepaniak looks back at the games you may never play

The Making of Smash TV
How do you go about creating a follow-up to Robotron 2084, one of the greatest arcade blasters ever made? Eugene Jarvis has two words for you: Smash TV

The History of The King of Fighters
If you thought that 2D beat-em-ups began and ended with Street Fighter then prepare for a new challenger

The Making of Wipeout
In an exclusive new interview, Sony Liverpool talks to Retro Gamer about its influential futuristic racer

The Classic Game - Feud
Feud: A complete load of rubbish or misunderstood genius? Retro Gamer investigates...

Cannon Fodder
Mickey's Magical Quest
Hudson's Lost Mario Trilogy
Forgotten Worlds
Desert Island Disks
Before They Were Famous and much, much more

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 7:27 pm
by Suule
I remember Feud... that game rocked on Atari XE :D

<3 Cannon Fodder too!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:21 pm
by Gambit37
Ooh, Wipeout! Cool. And Cauldron! I see another purchase coming on....! :D

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:24 pm
by Sophia
Bah, Gambit. You're just providing empirical evidence that forum spamming works. ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:42 pm
by Gambit37
:D Of course, this isn't spam as it's relevant to what we discuss, though if it was a full-pager for a Viagra supplier, I might have to dele... hang on, maybe not.... ;)

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:52 pm
by Sophia
If you think viagra and sex pills aren't relevant to what we discuss, you obviously haven't been in FlashChat lately. :roll:

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:20 pm
by PadTheMad
Frankly, I've been quite scared the last few times I've been in flaschat, and that avatar of Suule's isn't helping. That grin looks so, forboding...

Anyway, I might pick this up too, prob for the Cannon Fodder bit alone! I love that game so much. Codemasters are remaking it for the PSP! Although they'll prob massacre it like every recent retro remake...

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:41 pm
by beowuuf
Ah, sweet sweet cannon fodder. The heroic music, the sadness of losing one of your men, the hill, the annoyance of losing your last good shooter and being massacred on the next missions with those wimpy ranged newbies...

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:54 pm
by Suule
This game is not endorsed by the Royal British Legion!

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:13 am
by PadTheMad
There's a funny quote from one of the lead designers (or someone like that) of Cannon Fodder about their dealings with the British Legion. If I remeber correctly, they had to pay a load of money to the Legion to keep them off their backs about the poppy usage, even though it wasn't a trademark as such.

The guy was really angry and said that he's not going to buy a poppy for the rest of his life, not out of spite, but because he's made such a big contribiution already.

I think I remembered that right - It was in a copy of Edge from ages ago and I can't find it...

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:26 am
by Sophia
PadTheMad wrote:that avatar of Suule's isn't helping
I think Suule's avatar proves Wuuf is female.

She obviously got pregnant by Mophus, and that's what came out.. :shock:

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:31 am
by Adamo
awww.. I wish that magazine was avaliable in Poland.. but then again, a lot of my friends works in UK, so I can ask them to buy it there. Hang on, was it 7 Ł or so?

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:42 am
by PadTheMad
Sophia wrote:She obviously got pregnant by Mophus, and that's what came out.. :shock:
I think there's a video of how that happened knocking around on the internet... :shock:

And that new image is a lot better than the photo that was posted before, I'll pop into Smiths and pick up a copy when it's released

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:16 pm
by Gambit37
Very cool issue again! Bought it the other day and have read most of the mag now.

Loved the second part of Gaming Illuinati-- I had no idea such an underground gaming world existed; a fascinating article.

The article on Cannon Fodder was cool, if a little short, but the really great articles this time were the ones on Cauldron, Zenobi Software, King of Fighters and Smash TV.

My only complaint with the magazine is the ink! Sweaty fingers make it all rub off on you -- this seems to have been a common complaint of computer magazines for years, I'm surprised it hasn't been fixed by now. There must be faster inks around by now, surely?