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Conflux III - Walkthrough / maps

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:37 pm
by snichele
Hi to all !

I wouldn't spend time saying how much I'm fond of DM and such. I enjoyed all clones, and it's definetly the only kind of game that hit me. And conflux confirmed it. I tried many modern games (oblivion and so) but none sparkled my brain like it.

And I must be clear about conflux : this masterpiece is unbelievable. UN-BE-LIVE-ABLE. Period.

This 'thing' have just swallowed a whole week of my life, from 8AM to 10PM ! My first week of holiday alone without my beloved family, gone to visit the family. It's abysmal. Holy god, I dream of it at night ! :)

But alas, the holiday's week is coming to an end. And what desesperates me is the fact that I'm just confortable in the iron temple level, at best. Spider's level is a little bit too harsh... and I don't want to put it in a corner and forget it because I wouldn't have the time to play at it intensively anymore. And I know that playing it 3 or 4 hours a week (at my speed) wouldn't be enough to make it enjoyable for too long. I need to progress, I want to progress to see al those things that are hidden in it.

So here comes my question : is there any walkthrough available ? Not a complete solution, no, just some guide for the players out there that can't spend 3 days trying to find an a.. or a c...... just to pass the damn guild riddle and unlock characters progression.

I saw that maps exists, but aren't accessible. I started to make my own maps, but it takes me too much time. I don't have the time anymore. Three hours per week of play must be three hours of fight, riddle discovery and exploration, not mapping (and believe me, mapping takes me a lot of time...).
Even if I'm rather confortable with the 4 levels now, I really need some.

So if no walkthrough exists (and I know the answer : "post you question here, we will gives you some hints" 8) ), so be it; but if a good soul would be kind enough to makes me the great honour of sending me the existing maps, I would be able for sure to enjoy this dungeon and gaves him all the respect it deserves for a long time, then.

Thanks in advance for your answers,

seb, a french addict.
(And sorry for the bad english. :roll: )

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:20 pm
by Zyx
Salut Omera ;)

There's no walkthrough (though there is a secret project... but... it's a secret).

I'll PM you the passwords for the maps.

Remember also that you can use the oracle the get some hints.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:52 pm
by rafal100
Could you send some passwords to me too?
I'm going to try again this dungeon another time after 1 year break.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:43 pm
by Zyx
By 'some' do you mean all of them or just the first ones?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:56 pm
by rafal100
I really don't know.

Deepest level my parties reached alive was Lair of Spiders (I'm not counting brief fall onto Council level). So by "some" I meant levels 1-7.

But getting all maps is of course very tempting. They are good looking, not so spoiler-revealing, contain subtle hints, REALLY help with confusion caused by rotating or teleporting tiles. They are almost so good as in-game Magic Map from CSB or DM2. But I don't need all maps right now, so resisting temptation I write "Plese send me some passwords" :)

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:42 am
by Zyx

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:07 pm
by Chaos-Shaman
Oh, I'd like to have those maps too Zyx. I thought there was a master map that I read in a thread somewhere, maybe it was a joke :lol:

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:54 pm
by Zyx
PM'ed, and don't even dare asking for the maps of the other levels! :evil:

map passwords

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:30 pm
by Zaggo
Congratulations on a great game! I've been playing a couple of weeks, and noticed the password protected maps. Could you PM me the passwords?
