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New item for DSB

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:20 am
by Joramun
The longspear :

EDIT : sorry, I had to remove the bmps (no more university account, because I got my diploma ! )

It's a ninja weapon with jab (new ninja version), stab and throw methods, than can also be used to attack from the back row of your party.

The low def graphics are intended, and the pink is the transparency color.
If you think something can be improved.
I am only worried by the fact it is slightly too long and will look odd on the ground or in an alcove.

EDIT: the longspear will make an appearance in a custom dungeon one day or another !

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:59 am
by linflas
maybe you can add in your DSB object a special characteristic : "very long"
and DSB engine will not permit to put it into alcoves.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:19 pm
by Tom Hatfield
Or, since it's a ninja weapon, you could make it a "folding spear" and change the on-ground and backpack sprites. A spear alone doesn't seem very ninja-specific to me, but a folding spear . . . that screams ninja.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:14 am
by zoom
Hey Joramund
good to see you have such creative energy! ;)

Do you think the flying forward graphics are correct?
it looks a bit too much 'side' like..or is it me
Have you tested this in game already?
the upmost longspear picture(side view) looks extremely cool I think.
the icon could depict more blade and less wood, but is ok.:)

I support the introduction of eastern style weapons.
have you played wizardry 6 or 7?
check out the item list , there are some , like wakizashi

folding spear> tom, did you mean a three section staff?

I would like to see a naginata, next to spear.
why not make some variants of spears?

btw>Joramund, I would like to help you with graphics(or more) on your project
School starts for me soon , but I am willing to spend some free time
don-t know how good they will become but nevertheless

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:52 pm
by Adamo
great stuff Zooom!!! It can be easily adapted to DM-like games!!! Thanx for that!!! :D :D :D

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:44 pm
by Joramun
The forward view is still bad, even though I already corrected the perspective twice...
I'm not very good at drawing.
Basically I take DM bitmaps and I redraw over them, or combine different bitmaps.
The side view is a redraw+combination of staff and sword :oops:

Zooom : I'm open to any help given !

The fact is that I've problems to combine what makes a playable dungeon :
- raw map
- riddles and traps
- stuff & storyline

Before, I would first map, and then try to put some traps and riddles,
but the result was never satisfying because I swiftly ran out of ideas,
as my maps were already big, and empty,
even though i still had great ideas for the big picture (the story).

So this time I'm doing it bottom-up :
I make stuff (dsb code, and then graphics) and when I'm satisfied with the content,
I will use all those new items to make a coherent background and content for my dungeon.

(EDIT : removed some enthusiastic but unrealistic propositions)

My current problem to make custom graphics, is that my install of "gtk + the gimp" is buggy,
and it has a (very high) chance of crashing when I close a window,
which is kind of impractical when doing heavy copy and paste between pics.