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Creating Moveable Tables?

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 12:06 pm
by Seriously Unserious
I tried copying the method used in the DM2 module to create moveable tables in a custom map but I can't seem to get the action menu to show up when the tables are clicked.

I cloned a nomal table to make a moveable table, crated the set of munu items and the push, pull, etc actions and set up the set uf releay and wall actions as done in DM 2 but it isn't working. What am I missing?

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 1:29 am
by Seriously Unserious
is there any other info needed to help me with this problem?

I've tried everything I can think of and really am at the end of my rope here. Please help me or tell me what other info you need to be able help me.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 2:08 am
by linflas
i would compare with a text editor the lines that define your object and its methods with the DMII.txt similar lines.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:59 am
by Seriously Unserious

I'm doing that comparison right now and found out that the ones in my dungeon's "menu" items have a name assiciated with them, while the DM2 menus do not, not sure if this would make it not work but I'll edit them and see what happens...

Still not working.

I'm trying copying the items out of DM2 and into my own dungeon and setting up the relays and actions again, let's see if that works.


Thanks linflas, your suggestion actually did get me pointed in the right direction.

It turned out the main problem was that my relays weren't set up right (i forgot to select the "Forward" option in the Alter Target Location area, lol). Also. some of the actions were in the wrong order, causing the Pull actions to not work when I did get the menu working, but I was able to fix that as well.

I'll try making moveable barrels or something to see if I've got this figured out now.
